

Jeff Harrison


starvelings, we'll raise our voice
starlings, we say
we'll raise

shyness even dying

This beast

I was almost asleep when this beast woke me; a hart, not a lion, not a pard. My hounds, I hear them clamor. Though they clamor long, I sleep soon.

Jeff Harrison has publications from Writers Forum, Persistencia Press, and Furniture Press. He has e-books from BlazeVOX and Argotist Ebooks. His poetry has appeared in An Introduction to the Prose Poem (Firewheel Editions), Noon: An Anthology of Short Poems (Isobar Press), three Meritage Press hay(na)ku anthologies, Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Moria, and elsewhere.
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1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful work, Jeff.

    "shyness even dying"
