Michael Ruby

from Sounds of Summer in the Country



Leonard Speevee

Leonard Speevee

Leonard Speevee
Hey you, over there, come here
The over under

Leonard Speevee—and how!
Over here
Yes yes

Send her Speevee

What are you doing!
Fish them

Send in Speevee
Oil the camp

Who you?
Where at?

Wake up the wake

Open up Speevee, see

See you later
Gotta get going

Did you—get home?
Gotta get going
Well you did
(Wake up chops)

Hey you, see that
Hamlet, cherie
See her
Right over there
Then, they went!
Treat me
(You know)
Here they are, up up
We stomped
See-ee, even
See old we


…See, there’s a roaring brook, we’re going to need to do something
see, holiday, we’re near
but if you’re asking me, with all due respect, I don’t know, don’t know
I saw a…healthy duck over there, you did, you did
will you, would you, who knows, there’s self
if you’re going, go ahead
my view, looking ahead, hill towns
see you, Tuesday, he says, and runs ahead
so do-Do, do-do-do
get the horse, ahead, incontestably
get there, without many times, ahead, behind

Listen, have you heard, they’re saying it’s time, so she started, and then she, you’re not saying this, but yeah, yeah yeah, we’re going right to the tailgate, we went, hey you, come over here, but you have to, if you’re a serious person, won’t you join, we’re here, well, if you want to, we’re going over later, still, the rooks are in the garden, and the holograph is here, if you want to know the truth, and you have a minute, there’s a guy you should meet, still, there’s a rough and tumble time ahead, you know what I’m saying, and lots of fun, right

I’m thinking, in the end, what’s this hut
Sue, going fast, here
and we’re going to spend a week
together, here, tomorrow…


…Eh-heh, first the door, then the dog, then the yak

Eh-heh, first the door, then the dog, then the yak, and then we’ll see

Eh, pretty putty, you zee?, and then he ran the gauntlet, yup, yes he did

Are you two, and you, without the price tag/the fancy lines, hot on the trail, speed up, you get a kick, you get a kick, what, we’ll find out later, bleep, you don’t know, well up, well it up, put the Peace Now movement

Look at this, will you, there’s a harlequin over there, I don’t see him, where is he, what the heck do you know, where is Lee, where is Lee, this one, right over here, know what I’m saying, did you go, oh sure, did you see, they thought, they worked, very well, yes, “Speedy Gonzalez,” speedy God, whatayagonnado

Eh-heh, yes’m Miss Jen, chee chaw, they’re over by the curb, with root beers, and they beat the record

Eh heh, you can’t cheat, not now, wait, it’s Speevee, he did it, I saw him, bingo, there you go, there you’re going, who knows, he does, we’ll see, the trip, hip, they were going on about it, wait, she, they said they knew, the trailer, the train, how do you know, how do you know, when they, I’m going to tell you this, I shouldn’t bother, after what you just said, fortitude, fortitude, Fort Hood, Sis, you know where this is going, they’re not going to tell you, they don’t know themselves, so I said, oh yeah, and then I finished…


…Do you know, now you know, who monitors the rickshaw, who runs the cat, and who, if you would follow me into this room

Heh, who are you, the spritz

And the Blare Spiegel, the tension

Eh, yes you do, see it

Eh, yes you do, stop, wait, click, he went, I saw him, you know, the getaway car (the wrong bridge), if you follow me over here, inside the bridge, fadeout, she ran down the embankment

Hey you, seed it, hey you, they walked right in, and Rand, it’s her, c and e to d d (that was nice, finally)

And you, where’s Steve

And she, tzee-eep, and she

Clarify, please, for me, clar—

Wingdings, bottle blue, I don’t know, there will be others, if you, but not a peep…

                                              SCENES FROM A PARLIAMENT OF FOWLES

ROBIN: It is my opinion, my considered opinion.
CATBIRD: And? And? And?
ROBIN: Go, on the double, they’ll never see.
SPARROW: Go, go.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Don’t even think about.
ROBIN: Go, you coward, the water’s warm.
UNKNOWN BIRD: You better not go. You better not go. You better not. You better not go home.
CATBIRD: And? And?


HAWK: Watch out! Watchyouronions!
BLUEJAY: Hey! Hey!
BLUEJAY: Nay! Nay!
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: You think? You think? You think?
HAWK: Watch out! Watchyouronions!
UNKNOWN BIRD: You better not go. You better not go. You better not. You better not go home.
BLUEJAY: Mine! Mine!
UNKNOWN BIRD: You better not go. You better not go. You better not. You better not go home.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: You think? You think? You think?
MOURNING DOVE: It fails, I know it does.
SPARROW: Go, go.
ROBIN: Go, on the double, they’ll never see.
ROBIN: It is my opinion, my considered opinion.
UNKNOWN BIRD: You better not go. You better not go. You better not. You better not go home.
CATBIRD: And? And? And?
BLUEJAY: Mine! Mine!
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Don’t even think about it.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Yep. Yep yep. Yep yep yep yep.
MOURNING DOVE: It fails, I know it does.
ROBIN: Go, on the double, they’ll never see.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Don’t even think about it.
CATBIRD: And? And? And?
BLUEJAY: Nay! Nay!
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: I won’t go. I won’t go.
SPARROW: Go home.
UNKNOWN BIRD: You better not go. You better not go. You better not. You better not go.
ROBIN: It is, believe me, extraordinarily unlikely.
CATBIRD: And? And? And?
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: I won’t go. I won’t go.
BLUEJAY: No, no!
ROBIN: It is my opinion, my considered opinion.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Don’t even think.
CROW: No, no, no, no. No, no.
BLUEJAY: Mine! Mine!
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Don’t even think about it.
MOURNING DOVE: It fails, I know it does.
ROBIN: Go, on the double, they’ll never see.
BLUEJAY: No, no!
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Yep. Yep yep. Yep yep yep yep.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Don’t even think.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: I won’t go. I won’t go.
SPARROW: Go home.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Yep. Yep yep. Yep yep yep yep.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: You think? You think? You think?
BLUEJAY: Nay! Nay!
UNKNOWN BIRD: You better not go. You better not go. You better not. You better not go.
BLUEJAY: Hey! Hey!
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Don’t even think.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Don’t even think.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: You think? You think? You think?
ROBIN: It is my opinion, my considered opinion.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: You think? You think? You think?
UNKNOWN BIRD: You better not go. You better not go. You better not. You better not go.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: You think? You think? You think?
ROBIN: It is, believe me, extraordinarily unlikely.
ROBIN: It is my opinion, my considered opinion.
MOURNING DOVE: It fails, I know it does.
BLUEJAY: Mine! Mine!
ROBIN: Go, on the double, they’ll never see.
SPARROW: Go, go.
SPARROW: Go home.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Yep. Yep yep. Yep yep yep yep.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: Don’t even think.
REDWINGED BLACKBIRD: You think? You think? You think?
CATBIRD: And? And? And?
CROW: No, no, no, no. No, no.
ROBIN: It is my opinion, my considered opinion.
BLUEJAY: Hey! Hey!
CROW: No, no, no, no. No, no.


MOURNING DOVE: It fails, I know it does.
MOURNING DOVE: It fails, I know it does.
MOURNING DOVE: It fails, I know it does.
TWO CANADA GEESE (in background): No, you. No, you.


                                                                                                         (for many voices)

O     see     you     can               can     seeKnute Knute Knute Knute Knute               see     youcanoe canoe canoe canoe               O     can     see               can     say               see               see               see               say    see              O    can    see              say    you    say              can    say              see              say    you    see              O    you              you              you    can    say              say    you    say    see              O    see    you    O    seeoverthemoon overthemoon overthemoon overthemoon              say    seetell me how you do it tell me how you do it          O    see    youI don’t know I don’t know I don’t know              youyou mean you mean              O     can     see          you     say              say    you    see              say    see              O    say    you    say                   can    you             can         can    you              can              can    you              you              you              you              you              you         can

see               say     O     say     youHagedore Hagedore Hagedore               O     youhis room his room his his room his his room               O     say               say     say               you               O     canAaron Aaron Aaron Ah-ha-ron               can     say               O     can     sayMohammed Baruch Mohammed Baruch Mohammed Baruch Mohammed Baruch Mohammed Baruch               can     say               say     can     you     see     you     say               see               say     can     you     seeescalator escalator escalator escalator                         say     Orupedeedo rupedeedo rupedeedo               see               O     O               O     O               O     O               see               O     Oyou you you               see               say     O               can     see               O     say               seeyou-oo-oo you-oo-oo-uh               O     say Ruth’s mother               seeEdie’s mother               say     O               see               see               say     can               O     say     O                see               can     youI dug I dug I dug               can     see               O     can               say     say               O     say     you     say               see               see               O     say     seeand then and then and then and then and then and then               say     O               see     you               O     you               O     see
see               O     you               you               you     O     you     can     see               O     see               see               see               say     can               say     see               can     you               you     see               you     seeare we ready are we ready are we ready               see     you     seewhat did the what did the               see     you               you     see               say     O               O     can     yourunning running running high running fast               O     see               O     see     you               you     see               O     say     you               O     see               O     you     see               see               say     sayand how and how and how and how               you     say     say               say     seewhen and now when and now when and now when and now               O     say

say see               O     you               O     say     saywhat to do what to do               O     Onot a sandwich not a sandwich not a sandwich               you               O     say     say               seeFederal Reserve Federal Reserve Federal Reserve               seeand now               O     O               say     O               see               see               O     seenow now now now               say     you     say     you               O     O               you               you               O     you     say     youand after that and after that and               O     you     say     you     say     you               O     say     you               you     see               can               O     can               O     say     can                see               O     say     canfirst first first first first first first first               seeper per per perhaps perhaps      O     see               O     see               you     seesale sale sale today sale today    
you     can               you     can     say     you     say               can     see     you     can               O     Oafter you after you and then after you and then after you               can     see               O     Osee see see see see see               can     say               see     you     can               O     you     say               O     see     you     say     say                see     youmany hopes many hopes many hopes many hopes                O     O               say     see               say     O               O     say     you     say     O               say     youwhat’s it about what’s it about what’s it               O     see               O     see     you     say               see     you     can     see              say     see              
say     say     can     youI’d say wouldn’t you say I’d say wouldn’t you say              you               you     see               can     you               can    see     you     see              you     can               you              you     say     can          O     see     youFerrar Ferrar Ferrar Ferrar               O     can               O     see     you     can               you    see               say     say               you               you     canwhen and why when and why               you               O     O               you     say     you               you     can               you     can     see               say     O               see               say     you     canOtto do-do Otto do-do Otto do-do     say     you     see     O               you     can     see               see               say     can     you               can     see              can     say     see               say     canhe ran he he he ran               see     you               you               you               you     see     you               you               O     can               see     seehe ran through it               you     can                      

Michael Ruby is the author of six full-length poetry collections, including At an Intersection (Alef Books, 2002), Window on the City (BlazeVOX [books], 2006), The Edge of the Underworld (BlazeVOX, 2010), Compulsive Words (BlazeVOX, 2010), American Songbook (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2013) and The Mouth of the Bay (BlazeVOX, 2019). His trilogy in prose and poetry, Memories, Dreams and Inner Voices (Station Hill Press, 2012), includes ebooks Fleeting Memories (Ugly Duckling, 2008) and Inner Voices Heard Before Sleep (Argotist Online, 2011). He is also the author of the ebooks Close Your Eyes (Argotist, 2018) and Titles & First Lines (Mudlark, 2018), and four chapbooks with the Dusie Kollektiv, including The Star-Spangled Banner. He co-edited Bernadette Mayer’s collected early books, Eating the Colors of a Lineup of Words (Station Hill, 2015), and Mayer’s and Lewis Warsh’s prose collaboration Piece of Cake (Station Hill, 2020). He lives in Brooklyn and works as an editor of U.S. news and political articles at The Wall Street Journal.
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