Elaine Woo

Post Therapy


Cross-Eyed: Everything's Chaos

Elaine Woo is a Canadian poet and artist. She is the author of the poetry collections, Put Your Hand in Mine, Signature Editions, April 2019 and Cycling with the Dragon, Nightwood Editions, 2014. Her art appears in h&, S/tick, Elephant Journal, Thorn Lit Mag and Otoliths.
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Blogger Seth Howard said...

Fabulous work Elaine. In high school I was enthusiastic about math, sciences, & art. Later on in life & decided to pursue languages & literature.

Still, on occasion I like doing pencil sketches in my art pad. Thinking back on my past now I see that it-is-problematic. Who was that young Seth, & was I ever truly able to live my life (without people kicking me in the head)? I always went my own way, always looked at some glint of sunlight far off in the distance. If asked of one thing I learned in high school I would say; "You may place a comma between two independent clauses linked by &, but, or or. They also may stand as two separate sentences. Either way the important thing is to be consistent." If asked of one thing I learned in college I would say; "Teachers drilled into me the idea that I wasn't-good-enough." Perhaps I should take up my sketch pad once again.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, for your encouragement, Seth. I'd like to encourage you try visual art, again. It seems more intuitive than writing.

Sorry, to hear of your painful past. Such a background compels many to create and even heal in the process. Hope to see some visual art from you soon on Otoliths!

Anything goes in art. There's even a popular stick figure comic online.

1:11 PM  

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