Clara B. Jones

Supreme Court*

Bots are the new Blacks and Clarence Thomas argued in favor of the majority that our founding document extends constitutional rights to robots because of superior processing speed. Bader-Ginsburg concurred telling Joy Reid that the country must end systemic botism by extending civil rights to all devices. A.C.L.U. stood for the defense. M11H3 was denied employment by the Catholic Church— Brett Kavanaugh recusing himself for religious reasons. Alicia Garza testified for the prosecution using an argument advanced by Al Sharpton in his New York Times op-ed penned after his daughter moved in with a synth. If bots were to gain protection under the law, civil unrest would permanently disrupt public trust since intelligent devices could never serve in the army and no Black would ever be seen in public with android models—even Elon Musk's Race-X® designed to end poverty using math models to solve social problems endemic to ghettos on the East Coast. A.C.L.U. guidelines defend the rights of minorities citing Vermont vs. C6R3 as precedent. Entities in New England no longer have a license to fire titanium robots sold on the market after May 1st. Attorney General Barr sent a brief to the court on behalf of the President who vowed to protect papal interests whatever the cost might be. Biden also sided with the Catholic Church promising to promote a textualist reading of our Constitution when elected and to hire advisers trained at Liberty U. He asked A.O.C. to endorse his campaign since activists in New York oppose mainstreaming bots destined to side with Trump's male base. Progress is cheap if privileged synths are sanctioned by law—forming a new social order—capturing America's noble imagination by glorifying machines and their allies.

*Inspired by Steven Levy, Wired Magazine, June 2020

Clara B. Jones is a Knowledge Worker practicing in Silver Spring, MD, USA. Among other works, she is author of the poetry collection, /masculine nature/ (Gauss PDF, 2020). Clara, also, conducts research on experimental literature, radical publishing, visual art, as well as, art & technology.
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