Olchar Lindsann


(from Arthur Dies, Chronicle I, Vol. 4, forthcoming on Luna Bisonte.)

with, in eht City of Legions: tensiontossd s’allow. Pop ,ulace at restive; sent ,ries at the ram’parts; Sæx garrison-h,arrowd; looming o’er, eht Towr foredoomage midst eht c, louds shaft-sheen lofty in the moon-gloam.
scamperat the arc of rues ténébreuses les, ombres des boulevards pressed cold-gainst walls of hewnstone: th’Aristocrats, colonist-cronies, hunchd-men, “Lords”-dubbèd by the Sæx eht mighty, pour a season trick’le, now th’avenues a ,long in twinnish fear.fear eht first: the Sæx-patrols thrice-wary e’en of brython-friend, nor versed to scan one brython t’other from, so apt to ggresiven counter. fear eht second: fellow-brythons vengeance craving kniflick way from craven copperhead be-guillotined. shallow breath & shadows.

squirmed to the Towr-compound all by zenith moon, ingressd in stealth by snivel-stooped Gratianus, royal mnemnomancer defect, or via the slave portal, windeth in labyrinthine deep delved into Tor, to the cavern pool for ,bidden thence in concordant interest. turncloak bythons gatherd forth in hundredfolds, traitor-matres et thane-scabs in scores. the issue blunt: to flee or turn upon the Sæx their allied masters, et mercie plea afore the pen-Dragons, thus aver’t in tact disaster should the sæx with all their coin et power fall – yet flayed upon the highways be should two hence-days two butchered brothers find; or else, to stand beside the Sæx, et bathe luxurious in petty rule once more within their victry – yet in their, loss – what vengeance?

querried Gratianus: Lords, our question thus dre-duces: first, trust we th’auguries imaged prophetic et miracle-seeming et written pon blockage of skies, to fail to pieces et dash down the pen-Dragons? and faith we -king Vortigern mightly to face on the morrow a combat today from his Towr-perch peered at afar? and trow we whatever new ringlord of Sæx grapples wratchful to proxy slain Hængist, honour shall he for our sæxassimulacration to feal-contract privilege? and trust we our -king to defend our prerogative? mutters and smouldering g’lances.
so th’aristocrats ratlike aingain, by moonlight in wane in shadow sticky, covert promenade of roach scuttle scab evacuation – steal in bands along the city walls, vermin-like, furtive seepage from the eight firm gates et authre ports obscure ,leap darkwise from the leaking ship. to each his petty Tor repairs, all their tottering reins to prop avec what powercunning’s left to each, to bolster fast their petty cares et petty -kingdoms breed.
yet w’all eht streets re, echo avec sæxan footfalls. Thin as symbols stretch their sentries high upon the City walls in stars enswathed, but streets below with Legions seethe. sedition breeds nocturnal. be ,ware emissions treasonous. much deprived-of, still eht Sæx like bugs on walls each brython files on record, knows all gorythmic; still the brythons wit full well the Sæx knows all. dreams very of the brythons are patrold thru their wakingfear; to night’s repression-reign of Sæx sleep sm, othered of police.
in the chillpit of morn, the stragglers of loyal drag dread to the Towr: a few twice-cowardish brythons awe-cowed by eht Sæx-swagg or jellied by threat or avariscillusioned, and a score of maimèd matres et thanes draind by mnemnomancers slain or de,fected to pen-Dragons, made city-ridden de,pendant on the Towr’s shodful thoughtchambers. grim these collaborationism ghouls, climbing the Pillar of shamesdeed control, to attend their doom avec Vortigern, their -king collusive.

they tended not he; away they were herdusherd, at chambers less lofty to while their waiting. Vortigern, seule of Albion, atop the Towr lone, as the morning cracks stares for the first in the sun, directly.

                                  Ne ’ erMind
                    ~/  /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    “ uld surrender speech in mind, mind i ”
                              – Katha Upanishad

                    “wers of the Mind without definit”
                              – Crowley, The Book of Thoth
                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/  /~

render t’earror
pon-re   ,minder of in al-gorhythmus
ender       s tag  the conscisthmus
rock          etsplosion semi otic rasps
im   s           peechmeant  : ô gnostic asp
we             apon slusion napkine ,ant sap, ask
a-            topic loam thermometer
un          dressèd episteme slackscatt ,er
mis     silo catacomb ,melt of airish golf concltusion
tender of tesno flies ,lest iyal hierarchies glacial Om
niverous inrush yond wreaked Yaldabaoth inflection
  da ’ ath en dis   ,solution du yeoman of cerebellico
    zygote spits       booknot slather ,rather peg o tints
      seafarer, g           roan of heather woven emanate
        dead pass             sengers cast-off leg probation
          d round               thetic thru–stoff id senatorial
           ô urn                    o f,ledge’ ling glacial flame
               as                        sa ssi     nation lie in state
                                           of g        race gainst night
                                                            slurrish dreade
                                                                cay of Mind
                                                                 the gap Om
                                                                   nibus in yr

                       Machine Time Gazing
 “pay day, and a strike directed against a government is a revolution”
                              – Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward
          “real aristocracy, armed with a perfected science and work”
                              – H.G. Wells, The Time Machine
“common-sense interpretation of data available to the so-called normal”
                              –Shea & Wilson, The Eye in the Pyramid

                                                  shadow leaks
                                                            for mal
                                                            de Hyde
                                                  in shadow, weak
                              g ,lint fl, inch atrophy of gleamèd
                    millenarian gr’ease monkey skies
                              brass in monopolis dustry, pheasant
stratum or illuminatus porphyry contusions
                              (umbilical cannibals
                                eschaton of algorithm)
dope ,-fiend scourge shadow credit morlock in beddiebeye weeping  
paranoiac match a ,malgamation droplets streaming
                              nets they f,licked contagions round
                    about slash hegemonic cavern, hand trucks
aching shadow thanic garland bloom cthonic grin idyllic,
                         ô   lactoid my lennium, ghoulic my fact’or
                                                  eloi eloi
                              lumber father e ,lected ô
                       labour shadow   for class less for ,saken auto
                                        mation or motion -fixed
                                                  cruci ,bled nails

Three Transhacktions, by Olchar E. Lindsann, Stuart Merrill, Judith Gautier, Du Fu, Li-Tai-Pè, & Li-Su-Chonh

The Pad Dance Runs It
[After Du Fu; translated frenchwise by Judith Gautier, then Englishward by Stuart Merrill, & thereafter half-re-french-grammified / half-mis-retranslated & trhacksducted by Olchar E. Lindsann]

The fools cruels own the totally eaten the freemason dance witch I carried.

A district grave moons I therefore barked there in a body who gilded itself grew out of somber.

I tenor mount whittled flutes, eat I blood at the loon; may I sodden eat loon, who her layer with one cumulus.

I span at show it, but it not spired dance me not thought. Was seeming it at me that every joints it of mother infant possessed burned a vacuum house.

I earned four deaths, is I learned atop sees it. Inset moment un-woman a past in un-bottle. I her grasped pour the loony reef licking her sylph dance the water.

Sea she driftwood unsent, I wood fate my meme a mason dance her ventricle.

The Ear’s Mouth Riven
[After Li-Tai-Pè; translated frenchwise by Judith Gautier, then Englishward by Stuart Merrill, & thereafter half-re-french-grammified / half-mis-retranslated & trhacksducted by Olchar E. Lindsann]

Leprous floats illumined in the slight of the lute, that alters into silverplates it with waters it; you thought they were pisces-mill swim at the mare.

I’m sweet a soul within my battering and slide it as long as certainty; some at times I skid to water it with or me; the knight of soul attitude top up my aorta of pique.

Posterior here a water puff in little lies with it flows that reassemble come cool pearls is; I rub them with my soft paddle.

Leave it to wrestle and murder with tentacles, and the floors, in climbing there petting blank headlights, seem like thought they spoke me at.

The water puff in little lies desire my console; on their seeing however, I’d already paid off my misery.

The Loon-Loom Errs in Sees It
[After Li-Su-Chong; translated frenchwise by Judith Gautier, then Englishward by Stuart Merrill, & thereafter half-re-french-grammified / half-mis-retranslated & trhacksducted by Olchar E. Lindsann]

Brimming the loon owns merely had levered the loo therefrom.
Sees it come un-wondrous plateau in slivers.
Sure a battle, a pew of armies bore his wrinkled bottle tumbler vine.
Is as ill guards again to pet it there new-age that sick mimes balance surly mounting luminous of loon it: –
Some twelve that they sound the married in the Imp parer roars sound wondering lofty, invested in bleach check,
She otherwise prior to tending those that flow are a cloudy saw.

                               per Spective
                                          “hen spirits turn themselves 
                         away they become invisible but the hells 
                         are not seen be”
                              – Swedenborg, Heaven and Hell
                                     “joyments of Genius, which to Angels 
                         look like torment and insanity, I coll”
                              – Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

                              specula utopium:
                              spiritversion turneth   versus
                              corneal empathy gauze,   re-
                    turns  to distal   in the moongloam: verses
                    in jambment of the pneuma gleam: o
                              sulphur smear   of breath fume glass
                              spear it help as monitor
                    sight of de,   molition psyche     ,Dis
                                        solution pit,  pan-
                                        opticon upon
                              it’slither catscan monitor
                              it featherstorm in swivels drill
          subjective retina  ô   collander of angels
flameblood cataract   honey beam stigmatatism
                              vaccid ring tone monitor
          vertiginous plasm callibrator, up
                                        ward tumblers, worm-
                              holes trembling divinely, limb
                              from ape torn limb purse, pective
                                        brain bath vegetative
                    ô memorable fumage choir, arck of
                              pleather archon monitor
                    texture of refractive optic sin:
                                                  brief-gleam   in the 

Olchar Lindsann is a co-founder of the Post-NeoAbsurdist network, has published around forty books of poetry, translations, critical theory, and avant-garde history, and has performed sound poetry across the US and UK. He is the editor of mOnocle-Lash Anti-Press and the journals in-Appropriated Press (contemporary avant-garde poetry, theory, and performance documentation) and Rêvenance: Hauntings from Underground Histories (translations and studies in 19th Century progressive counterculture). He recently published the third volume of the ongoing avant-epic poem Arthur Dies on Luna Bisonte Prods. He lives in Roanoke, Virginia where he teaches at a progressive alternative high school and co-organizes the AfterMAF Festival, and maintains several archives dedicated to various aspects of the contemporary and historical avant-garde.
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