Joe Balaz
It’s very stimulating
sitting heah at da console
wit da cymbals, whistles, and knobs,
clanging, blowing, and turning—
Excuse me
while I fade into da wallpaper.
Right out of central casting
from wun big room
in da organ of cognition
da storyline is coalescing
into da brightness
of wun newborn star.
All da mysterious gas
and magic dust
is being drawn in
from both hemispheres
and ingenuity is blazing.
Trust me wen I say
dat you stay missing wun awful lot
by not really experiencing
wat you could be experiencing.
Maybe you should just relax
and let your mind wander.
You stay hung up
on wun specific gateway
through wun calculated
and limited regimen
but deah’s much to be said
foa exploratory tinking
cause everyting flows freely
through da chain link fences.
It’s like picking ideas
from wun grapevine
dat floats by and den disappears.
Deah’s no sense wondering
wat sparked da revelation.
It’s moa fascinating
to simply ponder da creative words
dat your eyes are reading right now.
Wun old friend
wen tell me in wun email
about da novel he wen write.
Da story wuz about wun guy
dat wuz searching
foa wun missing work
by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Maybe my old friend
going make Hemingway jealous
cause he really knows
how to turn wun phrase
to use in wun story.
He said
dat his work
wuz layered and recursive.
I had to look
in wun writing composition book
to see wat dat means.
My old friend wen also tell me
dat he planned to go to Leipzig
to see wun festival
foa Bach ovah deah.
Too bad da event wuz postponed
and pushed into anadah year.
It wuzn’t wun total bummah
foa him dough
cause he wen find out latah
dat wun guy he knew
from long time ago
wen invite him to come visit
and stay at da guy’s house.
So now my old friend
going still get to go
to da land of sauerkraut
foa hang out and explore
da classical music scene.
Da guy ovah deah
used to play
in wun orchestra in Göttingen,
so he would be
wun unreal host and guide.
Brah, if it wuz me,
and I got dat kine invitation,
I would have
wun sudden propensity wit Germany
and I would pack my bags
and be gonzu!
Kanak in wun tuxedo
showing up at wun concert hall
in Deutschland.
Maybe I should weah
wun gray wig like Johann
dat kinnah reminds me
of my late Aunty Maggie’s hair.
In da spirit of da visit
I tink I could also learn to play
da violin too.
You pluck dis ting or wat?
And wat
is dis long horse tail stick foa?
Eh, no make fun of me
wit my wishes and my dreams
cause I even know
most of Bach’s well known adagios
in da same way I know
wat all da life forms
on Uranus look like.
If your value your sneaky life
and all da value dat it holds
no touch dat last Daifuku Mochi.
I know had sixteen to begin wit
in two separate clear packages.
In each package
in nice Japanee regimented rows
had four white ones to da left
and four pink ones to da right.
I know how much your maddah ate.
I know how much I wen eat.
I know how much your sistah ate.
I know how much
I intend to finish eating.
I know how much you ate—
or do I really?
You may not have heard
dat old song dat Kui Lee wen sing
One Paddle, Two Paddle,
wit all da different kine music
you listen to today.
Go find dat old song
on your smartphone
pay attention to da lyrics
and keep
one of dose paddles in mind.
Da fingahs dat touch da last
remaining pink mochi
going be blue ones.
Da eyes dat wen go
searching foa it
going be black ones
aftah dey survey wun certain spot
and move stuff around
to find it.
I am aware
dat I am hiding
dis last precious one
in da back of da refrigerator.
I am not happy
about da laulau dat wen disappear
wen I wen use dis same tactic
to hide dat ono ting too.
And whoever wen use
da Phillips screwdriver
foa unscrew da screws
so you could bypass da lock
I had to put on dat cabinet
foa keep
my cans of beef stew safe
watch out!
You going pay wen heavy price too
and you not going have to worry
about any prison time
cause you will not live to get deah.
All I need to say now
is dat deah is new surveillance
technology in action.
So if you tink you smarter den me
which I one day hope you will be
when you come home from school
go read wun book
and stop practicing your efforts
to be wun crook.
At Kana Kaluka
Rodney wen shoot wun whale wit wun bazooka
and he wen dig out in his small speedboat
wen all da tourists on da sightseeing ship
wen scream at him.
Why da hell he did dat
nobody knows
but plenty people wen freak out
and dey wen form wun spontaneous posse
foa go chase him down.
Five adah private boats
wen pursue him so he no get away
and dey wuz already on dere smartphones
to people on da shoreline
so da news wen spread fast.
No mess around wit environmentalists
in da Golden State
cause dey going mobilize fastah den da cops
and everyting going be all ovah foa you.
Rodney wuz suddenly wun fugitive
running from tree huggahs and Bambi lovers
dat wanted to kick his okole.
Nobody wuz quite sure
how he wen acquire
da deadly hand-held weapon on da black market
but wat wuz really on dere minds right now
wuz getting big time revenge foa da dead whale.
Down da coast
all da way to Monterey
da word wuz out
wen Rodney wen land his speedboat in wun panic
by da power plant at Moss Landing
so everybody in da area wuz on to him.
Even people on da beach
looking foa sand dollahs
dose collectible sea urchins
got wind of da situation
and joined in on da manhunt.
In no time at all
Rodney wuz trying to escape down da beach
in front of wun rabid mob
dat wuz closing in on him.
wuz wun California moonbeam
all woo-woo from her purple tinted hair
to her multicolored toe nails
but she had her tomboy side too
wit her heart-shaped tattoos on her huge biceps.
She wuz meditating on da beach
and imagining
dat she wuz wun long strand of kelp
gently moving to and fro in da ocean
wen Rodney
came running on da sand
wit wun gang of people chasing him.
Veronica wen notice
dat some of her close friends
wuz aftah da guy
so she wen spring into action
and tackle him like wun linebackah
pinning him down
as da crowd approached.
By da time da cops wen show up
Rodney had so many bruises on him
da buggah wen turn blue.
Lucky ting foa him
da police came to da rescue.
Da lesson heah
is dat if you evah have wun crazy urge
to do someting totally outrageous
it would be wise
not do someting as stupid
as shooting wun whale wit wun bazooka.
Joe Balaz has created works in American English and Hawaiian Islands Pidgin (Hawai'i Creole English).
He presently lives in Cleveland, Ohio, and he is the author of Pidgin Eye.
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It’s very stimulating
sitting heah at da console
wit da cymbals, whistles, and knobs,
clanging, blowing, and turning—
Excuse me
while I fade into da wallpaper.
Right out of central casting
from wun big room
in da organ of cognition
da storyline is coalescing
into da brightness
of wun newborn star.
All da mysterious gas
and magic dust
is being drawn in
from both hemispheres
and ingenuity is blazing.
Trust me wen I say
dat you stay missing wun awful lot
by not really experiencing
wat you could be experiencing.
Maybe you should just relax
and let your mind wander.
You stay hung up
on wun specific gateway
through wun calculated
and limited regimen
but deah’s much to be said
foa exploratory tinking
cause everyting flows freely
through da chain link fences.
It’s like picking ideas
from wun grapevine
dat floats by and den disappears.
Deah’s no sense wondering
wat sparked da revelation.
It’s moa fascinating
to simply ponder da creative words
dat your eyes are reading right now.
Wun old friend
wen tell me in wun email
about da novel he wen write.
Da story wuz about wun guy
dat wuz searching
foa wun missing work
by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Maybe my old friend
going make Hemingway jealous
cause he really knows
how to turn wun phrase
to use in wun story.
He said
dat his work
wuz layered and recursive.
I had to look
in wun writing composition book
to see wat dat means.
My old friend wen also tell me
dat he planned to go to Leipzig
to see wun festival
foa Bach ovah deah.
Too bad da event wuz postponed
and pushed into anadah year.
It wuzn’t wun total bummah
foa him dough
cause he wen find out latah
dat wun guy he knew
from long time ago
wen invite him to come visit
and stay at da guy’s house.
So now my old friend
going still get to go
to da land of sauerkraut
foa hang out and explore
da classical music scene.
Da guy ovah deah
used to play
in wun orchestra in Göttingen,
so he would be
wun unreal host and guide.
Brah, if it wuz me,
and I got dat kine invitation,
I would have
wun sudden propensity wit Germany
and I would pack my bags
and be gonzu!
Kanak in wun tuxedo
showing up at wun concert hall
in Deutschland.
Maybe I should weah
wun gray wig like Johann
dat kinnah reminds me
of my late Aunty Maggie’s hair.
In da spirit of da visit
I tink I could also learn to play
da violin too.
You pluck dis ting or wat?
And wat
is dis long horse tail stick foa?
Eh, no make fun of me
wit my wishes and my dreams
cause I even know
most of Bach’s well known adagios
in da same way I know
wat all da life forms
on Uranus look like.
If your value your sneaky life
and all da value dat it holds
no touch dat last Daifuku Mochi.
I know had sixteen to begin wit
in two separate clear packages.
In each package
in nice Japanee regimented rows
had four white ones to da left
and four pink ones to da right.
I know how much your maddah ate.
I know how much I wen eat.
I know how much your sistah ate.
I know how much
I intend to finish eating.
I know how much you ate—
or do I really?
You may not have heard
dat old song dat Kui Lee wen sing
One Paddle, Two Paddle,
wit all da different kine music
you listen to today.
Go find dat old song
on your smartphone
pay attention to da lyrics
and keep
one of dose paddles in mind.
Da fingahs dat touch da last
remaining pink mochi
going be blue ones.
Da eyes dat wen go
searching foa it
going be black ones
aftah dey survey wun certain spot
and move stuff around
to find it.
I am aware
dat I am hiding
dis last precious one
in da back of da refrigerator.
I am not happy
about da laulau dat wen disappear
wen I wen use dis same tactic
to hide dat ono ting too.
And whoever wen use
da Phillips screwdriver
foa unscrew da screws
so you could bypass da lock
I had to put on dat cabinet
foa keep
my cans of beef stew safe
watch out!
You going pay wen heavy price too
and you not going have to worry
about any prison time
cause you will not live to get deah.
All I need to say now
is dat deah is new surveillance
technology in action.
So if you tink you smarter den me
which I one day hope you will be
when you come home from school
go read wun book
and stop practicing your efforts
to be wun crook.
At Kana Kaluka
Rodney wen shoot wun whale wit wun bazooka
and he wen dig out in his small speedboat
wen all da tourists on da sightseeing ship
wen scream at him.
Why da hell he did dat
nobody knows
but plenty people wen freak out
and dey wen form wun spontaneous posse
foa go chase him down.
Five adah private boats
wen pursue him so he no get away
and dey wuz already on dere smartphones
to people on da shoreline
so da news wen spread fast.
No mess around wit environmentalists
in da Golden State
cause dey going mobilize fastah den da cops
and everyting going be all ovah foa you.
Rodney wuz suddenly wun fugitive
running from tree huggahs and Bambi lovers
dat wanted to kick his okole.
Nobody wuz quite sure
how he wen acquire
da deadly hand-held weapon on da black market
but wat wuz really on dere minds right now
wuz getting big time revenge foa da dead whale.
Down da coast
all da way to Monterey
da word wuz out
wen Rodney wen land his speedboat in wun panic
by da power plant at Moss Landing
so everybody in da area wuz on to him.
Even people on da beach
looking foa sand dollahs
dose collectible sea urchins
got wind of da situation
and joined in on da manhunt.
In no time at all
Rodney wuz trying to escape down da beach
in front of wun rabid mob
dat wuz closing in on him.
wuz wun California moonbeam
all woo-woo from her purple tinted hair
to her multicolored toe nails
but she had her tomboy side too
wit her heart-shaped tattoos on her huge biceps.
She wuz meditating on da beach
and imagining
dat she wuz wun long strand of kelp
gently moving to and fro in da ocean
wen Rodney
came running on da sand
wit wun gang of people chasing him.
Veronica wen notice
dat some of her close friends
wuz aftah da guy
so she wen spring into action
and tackle him like wun linebackah
pinning him down
as da crowd approached.
By da time da cops wen show up
Rodney had so many bruises on him
da buggah wen turn blue.
Lucky ting foa him
da police came to da rescue.
Da lesson heah
is dat if you evah have wun crazy urge
to do someting totally outrageous
it would be wise
not do someting as stupid
as shooting wun whale wit wun bazooka.
gonzu kanak Daifuku Mochi Kui Lee laulau ono Kana Kaluka okole | Gone. Slang for kanaka, Hawaiian word for person. A Japanese rice cake made from glutinous rice. Hawaiian musician and composer. some kind of meat, wrapped in ti leaves, and cooked in an earthen oven. Hawaiian name for Santa Cruz in California. Buttocks. |
Joe Balaz has created works in American English and Hawaiian Islands Pidgin (Hawai'i Creole English).
He presently lives in Cleveland, Ohio, and he is the author of Pidgin Eye.
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