Heath Brougher
Etcetera Pills
Saturn is the(end)me of the
5th in Inappropri(r)ate Op(iate)position ,,
Fomalhau(l)t rises 8.28 de(crees)grees in Perihelion ,,
Eusebius a(ghast!!)bout will s(ubtly)ettle in Apogee in distant Meridian ,,
Procyon is in superior conjunction, context and contents dressed,
for invisible Sun(ny daze)light ;;
Vitalis Arcturus in 11.34 size shoes
on Quasimodogeniti gran(dly)ts birth ,,
Sigismund T(urpentine)orpetus as in Perihelion Pollus sets 10.57 fires ,,
fa(k)teful fuckfull and 7 Matth during Septuagesima ,,
Lincoln is born under Algol in non-Aldebaran south(ouseless)ward
west(a)ward muchmuch muckso elsewherely ,,
re(ad Joyce!!)joice!! and quicksnapshotly unrejoice!!
for a f(oul)ew days later→lateral south yearward
and years before St. Morphine
ar(ises)rives for the birth of Washington;;.
[------DO NOT USE IN POEM!!-----]
[no wonder you smell like the piss of a bear who has feasted on moths!!.]
[Vollradus-Calixtus Kingdom when Rigel rose in Aldebaran Aphelion glory!!.]
[Whitsunday + 7 Sleeper felt like it was Quasimodogeniti and we were playfully running among the fields of the Veal Farms catching moths which couldn’t be touched by droth due to the abundance of Water Tress among the verdant field we roamed;;.]
[Ferdinand(the Bull)o Judica Theodora walks ‘cross the room and oh shit!→
now Jefferson is born on the day before Easter’s Eve!!]
[beware of improperly laid linoleum and veal cutlets].;.
Lush rocks back, the resonance begins.
Melodies spawn storms of loud electric feedback
deafeningly brilliant throughout the sun chimes,
cleansing, caressing the pleasures of thought,
taking the stillness of Spirit and shaking it
into a world of asymmetrical beautification.
Falling on black days in one final mad season
against the euphoric mental excursion.
Impaling myself in similar glory
that is felt when killing the King of Undertones.
Spiraling through black-worlds of white sonic whorls
clear as bells ringing tones righteous
with the afterglow of the still-poignant
yet slowly subsiding potent discordance of every end;
loud through the subharmonic orchestral.
I stare back at the bent roads, the path turning
from disheveled shriek to a sudden silence
as I sit, awaiting the next blast of frequency
to wash over my mind and body so off-kilter. come through. (to come through.) (?)
Everything Burns!
It is time to do away with this blight
of a casino run by terrorists known as america.
The fabled equality that was promised the people
still has yet to arrive!
I say we’ve waited
more than long enough
to light this match!
Now we shall rise up
and reduce this toxic cesspool
to molecular nothingness!
Besides, who doesn't love the smell of gasoline??
Famously Alive
As is n(ope)ot quite ex(ecution)tinguishment is extinguishment——→
As is(imultaneous)n’t today t(oddler)houghts ,,
e(r)ight he(al)re
no(w)body is(n’t)otope angrI anyImore
b(r)ass mo(u)th m(ass)erely
steel (S-teal) to(w)es
a collapse(trophy)able — catastrophI
you are the pale dormant guitar ,,
spontaneously birthdays de(licious)ep ins(h)ide o(v)f YoU AnD
sw(h)im in metallic eel tanks ,,
if catastrophes were fr(eel)ee
yOu (w)reck(/)on anI-one
would sty(mied)ll tAkE OnE
like a free f(lagrant)requent flier;;,
The Boneyard of Blackholes
We are walled
on both sides
vas deferens—
hiss tooth
mutationous ashtray
straggling rotgut
thrushen thirst—
packing hazel
broken fallfeathers
Icarusesque waxmountain—
pregnant chimneys
pageantry apertures
ript rockstars
tinteeth rainstorms
in Tinnitusville—
historical doubt
acoustic ruptures
sleeping in cobbler
waking bladed
borders overbcome
thus henceforth
overpersonified blip
withers overwroughtenly
opposable thumbs
disappear crisplike.
into a wristless
fixtureless nonexistence.
Heath Brougher is the Editor-in-Chief of Concrete Mist Press as well as the poetry editor for Into the Void Magazine, winner of the 2017 and 2018 Saboteur Awards for Best Magazine. He is a multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee and winner of Taj Mahal Review's 2018 Poet of the Year Award. His most recent book of poetry and art is Bleeding Backwards (Diaphanous Press, 2019).
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Etcetera Pills
Saturn is the(end)me of the
5th in Inappropri(r)ate Op(iate)position ,,
Fomalhau(l)t rises 8.28 de(crees)grees in Perihelion ,,
Eusebius a(ghast!!)bout will s(ubtly)ettle in Apogee in distant Meridian ,,
Procyon is in superior conjunction, context and contents dressed,
for invisible Sun(ny daze)light ;;
Vitalis Arcturus in 11.34 size shoes
on Quasimodogeniti gran(dly)ts birth ,,
Sigismund T(urpentine)orpetus as in Perihelion Pollus sets 10.57 fires ,,
fa(k)teful fuckfull and 7 Matth during Septuagesima ,,
Lincoln is born under Algol in non-Aldebaran south(ouseless)ward
west(a)ward muchmuch muckso elsewherely ,,
re(ad Joyce!!)joice!! and quicksnapshotly unrejoice!!
for a f(oul)ew days later→lateral south yearward
and years before St. Morphine
ar(ises)rives for the birth of Washington;;.
[------DO NOT USE IN POEM!!-----]
[no wonder you smell like the piss of a bear who has feasted on moths!!.]
[Vollradus-Calixtus Kingdom when Rigel rose in Aldebaran Aphelion glory!!.]
[Whitsunday + 7 Sleeper felt like it was Quasimodogeniti and we were playfully running among the fields of the Veal Farms catching moths which couldn’t be touched by droth due to the abundance of Water Tress among the verdant field we roamed;;.]
[Ferdinand(the Bull)o Judica Theodora walks ‘cross the room and oh shit!→
now Jefferson is born on the day before Easter’s Eve!!]
[beware of improperly laid linoleum and veal cutlets].;.
Lush rocks back, the resonance begins.
Melodies spawn storms of loud electric feedback
deafeningly brilliant throughout the sun chimes,
cleansing, caressing the pleasures of thought,
taking the stillness of Spirit and shaking it
into a world of asymmetrical beautification.
Falling on black days in one final mad season
against the euphoric mental excursion.
Impaling myself in similar glory
that is felt when killing the King of Undertones.
Spiraling through black-worlds of white sonic whorls
clear as bells ringing tones righteous
with the afterglow of the still-poignant
yet slowly subsiding potent discordance of every end;
loud through the subharmonic orchestral.
I stare back at the bent roads, the path turning
from disheveled shriek to a sudden silence
as I sit, awaiting the next blast of frequency
to wash over my mind and body so off-kilter. come through. (to come through.) (?)
Everything Burns!
It is time to do away with this blight
of a casino run by terrorists known as america.
The fabled equality that was promised the people
still has yet to arrive!
I say we’ve waited
more than long enough
to light this match!
Now we shall rise up
and reduce this toxic cesspool
to molecular nothingness!
Besides, who doesn't love the smell of gasoline??
Famously Alive
As is n(ope)ot quite ex(ecution)tinguishment is extinguishment——→
As is(imultaneous)n’t today t(oddler)houghts ,,
e(r)ight he(al)re
no(w)body is(n’t)otope angrI anyImore
b(r)ass mo(u)th m(ass)erely
steel (S-teal) to(w)es
a collapse(trophy)able — catastrophI
you are the pale dormant guitar ,,
spontaneously birthdays de(licious)ep ins(h)ide o(v)f YoU AnD
sw(h)im in metallic eel tanks ,,
if catastrophes were fr(eel)ee
yOu (w)reck(/)on anI-one
would sty(mied)ll tAkE OnE
like a free f(lagrant)requent flier;;,
The Boneyard of Blackholes
We are walled
on both sides
vas deferens—
hiss tooth
mutationous ashtray
straggling rotgut
thrushen thirst—
packing hazel
broken fallfeathers
Icarusesque waxmountain—
pregnant chimneys
pageantry apertures
ript rockstars
tinteeth rainstorms
in Tinnitusville—
historical doubt
acoustic ruptures
sleeping in cobbler
waking bladed
borders overbcome
thus henceforth
overpersonified blip
withers overwroughtenly
opposable thumbs
disappear crisplike.
into a wristless
fixtureless nonexistence.
Heath Brougher is the Editor-in-Chief of Concrete Mist Press as well as the poetry editor for Into the Void Magazine, winner of the 2017 and 2018 Saboteur Awards for Best Magazine. He is a multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee and winner of Taj Mahal Review's 2018 Poet of the Year Award. His most recent book of poetry and art is Bleeding Backwards (Diaphanous Press, 2019).
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