Douglas Barbour & Sheila E. Murphy Continuations CXXI: a chancy moment airy                confabulation a balloon or flag half up or down                a signifier far too ambivalent too far gone in contentious                coup de grates loons drift forward     present                   contentment                               breezes half across to mean            the act of observation                shifts         the seen               as if                               turned into the known known if only as                the invented rational e booked for a flight                of fancy never                imagination that                               lost leader lost again tapping sounds revive                our recollection               random                               messages mime rations                of caught feeling                               vertical fluency mere flecks seeming precisely formed if precision mattered words                might count a math made simple enough for more                than the few wielders or welders of a small                mind to a smaller ambition louder than numbers                song wields ambidextrous navigation through                               fields just found to hinge to one an                other               bit by bit muddle by muddle through                fair exchange for a lost leader that s le(a)d a head full of clouds clods a                way of covering sight mere a cappella meanderings                crowd the cave                               layer by layer of closure as of cloture melody’s unbrought                mention                  an unspeaking                               head shot               frame on frame up right as a straight                away a sway of opinion s now job                less than meets the aye a vote of                confidence men (writ in within the wherewithal                to            lure de                               fault position               way                                              to the right replete with residue of found    fa               la                               lollygagging a twitter a song sung far too high in a somewhat                faulty tower of crown(ing) a career                cracked (or is that                cranked (on ressentiment rungs of the high                plane lower than               true reach                               the racking up of               points seasons               decibels                intoning loyalty                               as if a shared urge as if a sheared edge would cut                an it sans IT                               (unsound espionage                or is that unseen no oath unheard but loss                of intelligence guaranteed herd thought                free of outliers out lying in fie lds                         leaders at a loss telling of oaths offshore a tossed off walk the plank not meant                for the vast unwashed no ticked talk for ‘you’ you unmentionable that big                family tent actually quite small malls filled with                lanky dudes without                               the tickets big laugh                no prattle just brash walk               away not toward                what used to seem an ace in the (w)hole a tiny slip of (into) darkness                sashaying really those tight jeans a disguise an altared egotism rei(g)ns                supine (a)lasses primped residuals of mega                marketed taught                               shallows around fictive supreme                selves self-circuiting                mere flecks of inventory kept woe meant                frozen asse(r)ts a yes(terday) man made                then remanded                branded no pain                               gainsaid precision as in correctness                of the flower               its true folds               tone of rose                               a précis of whole summerful of                tones apart from rows throws a sign                if it cant                               be a call or a cull a kill                ing floor flooded                               by the bought calligraphy unto itself                allows a rise                               the antonym of ludic maybe               past the lull                wrought positioning                               of sub atomic               this black mark(et) written on                the whim profound                               the age of entitlement no (en)light                meant (to meet                               the gilded eye known cinders inasmuch                as moves ahead                               triangulate the set piece with ingredients that finesse                pro forma hymns to her                               written in complicit codeprevious page     contents     next page
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