Douglas Barbour & Sheila E. Murphy Continuations CXXII: to lose means what in whose staring eyes more blinded by a (s)light felt in the imbedded code cathode no ode to free do(o)m here implosion may (not) s how exactly adaptation takes the heart to heights of stars far from odometers me(a)s(s)uring real distances in adventures in time or spacing sparing no expense expanse of shame not longer felt fold tear tell tale heart (less ness (monster imitation space sufficient for one flower destined to grow old by ear exemplars predate their platonic ideals induced by routine stirring envy an initiate state meant to open doors a welcoming perception per contract first contact best enticement or indictment (catchpolled oars per se ached into repetitive motion send forth strain to hold still the right to keep and bear arms tiring not to mention minds mainlining ‘you’ d arrive from some arcane algebra ick factor the great unwashed a certain percentage after all can be roped (in) doped brackets where the un washed live in cent breakout knowing the ropes requires belief caning shifts facts to fear beyond mindful nests sheered shored against the wind uh oh that Shakespearian refrain remembered as the who has seen winds down a rather large exception all under surge find towns winded a shore less defined having seen is to accept or not the urge to store sheer volume now at rest and holding fast or last call of the wild weather false hopes hopped up as in a dream states of denial detail s mere campaigns pain and buffering as one awaits the chime lit early evening hope lathered across the wide middle of the road washed by history s biggest hit a down the drain way of looking at the black curd led milk of compassion compression an expression of mathematics no equals signs here tantamount to one more e qual then the other pressing a nerve center with claws whose track record includes vats filled with fresh melded blood brothers bleed like any else wear out side what borders on insanity in tense motion contra community gated somewhere else sans all leading eco gnomic indicators gate the populace a way from orderly sane wherewithal gnomans land shadow boxed in toxic as can be leavings for the great unshushed those the streets didn t wash away with their allotments lots to talk about the ash in lots the leaves one streamed across our streets with pipe like fragrance during walks turned toxic shadow sheets or flows of darkness dart next to the fallen leaves so much behind an obscured dream of re building the brick house structures versus that wolfish blow art shucks off space once filling its own structure now the eye repairs to glaze green fired smooth to touch an articulated beauty shines why should it not include the quest ing eye or ear ring out the ancient songs of renewal sequester joy for now a stinging notice of clues hinders the repose of curatorial wonders shining in full view a null clue eschewed where the tale plagued the cognition re ported in proofs of winnings counted out before the wheel slowed into stasis what interferes are cognates lined up well in bloom imported or transcendent talismans imputed as still standing proof startling professions of belief (or understanding how to get beyond before belying all the factual a mandate only tells what a candidate shows versus real life those huddled en masse find muscles to overtake (dis)ease of speech thus replace that shadowy false overreach a kind of willful blind spotted somewhere else a severed truth reflects the hoped for utopia rejection notice d not at all potted plants entice for their tall kindred limber indoor wilderness a kinder kind of con serve nation all gone far beyond the (b)light what grows what knows what happened in that soil served stained left to change clay figures on the statue hands began to take away the rendered self surrendered self but to what or whom ever lasting (lashing) out ward bo(u)nd a (d) venture strikes one at a time then folds in two elastic limbs become their own protective coveringprevious page contents next page
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