Paul Pfleuger, Jr. & Jack Galmitz RUSHES FROM A SHOOT where am I outside technology to this day I still think of Prometheus found him in her spam proud of his fire gift and metallurgy downed statues punctuate our living rooms now I need the sky to know the time like happening on a simile that affects backwards this is what I write and what I die blue pencil this I express tapestry of an autumn night colorless distorted season thought revised was it wrong to walk upright and out of the forest into ideas beneath smarter than art and what to say that the Passenger Pigeon is gone and won't return burning and spreading around us the hoax a brain eating amoeba is on the loose taste outside the free world when you awake everything will look better yesterday facing the green long past in the window savor a draught of acid rain scars we leave demand commuting why not wear long sleeves to cover those tracksprevious page contents next page
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