Paul Pfleuger, Jr. attune 1 save mother hit left fled message again run emote along thoughts post no turning now know picture held where lies seem pleased earth tones come back to run filter closer in shade tap dust terms whirl over low relief endure seen role swipe along better half stopped place land safe from storm refreshed home of own insert figure ought stand trying turn duty echo recorded most part alter hollow still click her the father art here prayer for chore onus fruit mouths in order with selves to feed check work social bridge ennui ring vibrate run connect instance bits hold switch off on lasting attune 2 grid thus warm math to word grid form toward to word thus form in warm grid merge math touch home in out grid word warm to with one home math in grid in out warm shape to home thus word merge as one math grasp place form around math as breath warm thrust sync as one grid warm most place around math fit flit one flesh shape gist sum song let breathe works along bear thus burden of others seen union around hard place song to word note join touch seen form bear hard home breathe flesh breath along works thus link grid union attune 3 vows aflame on shore face of sin washed past buoy bare sense half realized boat missed in ocean come unison drink what unpuzzles us urge express animal tongue swim raw atoned voice ooze away entwined splash fault drowned confessed whisper give this a name a flare an exit from what awaits dwelling policed beds kept seeming lot plot bound fables swallow debt span routine waiting to wade weight until ink lifted allows our idea of silence Originally from Buffalo, New York, Paul Pfleuger, Jr. now lives, writes and teaches English in Chiayi, Taiwan. His work has appeared in several anthologies and in print and online journals. He is the former co-editor of R'r online journal and is the author of A Zodiac, a collection released by Red Moon Press in 2013.previous page contents next page
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