Louise Landes Levi BEHIND THE BUDDHA's MASK 1. fr. a letter Behind the Buddha's mask, Dr. Ishii grins like a robot, reminding us, the value game is over, the kneeling & bowing, to whose authority, strip me of my sanity, inject me w. your poisons, was I not meant for fountain & altar? my lover lost in the high - tech commerce, of music, his universe or ours, Are we one or many or one or many, or ONE? One planet, the moon recedes in radiant dark, as I de/ Mask your Arrogance- &. take my road, home. Higashiyama- KYOTO 2020 [ Dr. Ishii, founder of Unit 731 Japanese bio & chemical war fare dept. 1938-1945 ] 2. Today is a better day, nudity is not acceptable, I throw off one robe but another is lain down, my neck supports the years that divide me & I am forced to admit I have failed to awaken the kundalini of my dearest I bend my knee & in gratitude, send to him the girls fr. the bath house, is He their dream? is he in their dream? for him I do hope. Today is a wonderful day, I return to Sublha Lakshmi & old Siddam/ deva nagari, I prepare you for my death my biologic body may remain but I am not enclosed, beneath the text, of the drone, my skin is effervescent Kyoto. 2020 3. The goddess Loves To Be Fucked (In the ass) it’s a little Known detail seldom mentioned In texts - w correct alignment she liberates Anger - bliss permeates the universe Of sensation - the Vajra knows no Limits - all penetrating Wisdom awakes The sphere of immortality- The goddess comes in all shapes & Sizes you may not recognize her But she is present, she is Kind & seductive & yield- Ing. sometimes she falls in love Not Always, it’s not well known But the goddess loves to be Fucked In The Ass,
Louise Landes Levi is still in Kyoto - having been placed There by co-vid fate/ in NYC she is the Recipient of the 2020 Kathy Acker Award For excellence in the AVANT GARDE. Forthcoming WHERE I STAND IN ANGEL. Cool Grove Pr.previous page contents next page
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