Jeff Harrison
Cyprius and others
So, there's nothing for us, hart, yclept Actaeon? In all our days, no hart gave us a word of comfort; no, nor a kindly look. Put a hand on one of us — step forth, Cyprius — and so solace us; we are hounds, isn't that as bad as a hart? We've seen our Actaeon and wondered, why aren't we thus? Solace us. You've put forth words, hart; put forth a hand.
Tigris and others
You — I've forgotten the name — and you, Cyprius always willing, hold up the glass for your Actaeon. The rest of you hounds, fall back. At last, a glass for me, who could find none, though I stood at the fountain's side. I am a hart, your peals were true. Ah, and look at you two, rampant on either side of the glass. Couldn't you walk with me through the rout, Cyprius and... Tigris, is it? Let the glass fall, this is the grove for broken things, and walk with me.
Jeff Harrison has publications from Writers Forum, Persistencia Press, and Furniture Press. He has e-books from BlazeVOX and Argotist Ebooks. His poetry has appeared in An Introduction to the Prose Poem (Firewheel Editions), Noon: An Anthology of Short Poems (Isobar Press), three Meritage Press hay(na)ku anthologies, Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Moria, and elsewhere.
Cyprius and others
So, there's nothing for us, hart, yclept Actaeon? In all our days, no hart gave us a word of comfort; no, nor a kindly look. Put a hand on one of us — step forth, Cyprius — and so solace us; we are hounds, isn't that as bad as a hart? We've seen our Actaeon and wondered, why aren't we thus? Solace us. You've put forth words, hart; put forth a hand.
Tigris and others
You — I've forgotten the name — and you, Cyprius always willing, hold up the glass for your Actaeon. The rest of you hounds, fall back. At last, a glass for me, who could find none, though I stood at the fountain's side. I am a hart, your peals were true. Ah, and look at you two, rampant on either side of the glass. Couldn't you walk with me through the rout, Cyprius and... Tigris, is it? Let the glass fall, this is the grove for broken things, and walk with me.
Jeff Harrison has publications from Writers Forum, Persistencia Press, and Furniture Press. He has e-books from BlazeVOX and Argotist Ebooks. His poetry has appeared in An Introduction to the Prose Poem (Firewheel Editions), Noon: An Anthology of Short Poems (Isobar Press), three Meritage Press hay(na)ku anthologies, Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Moria, and elsewhere.
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