Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
In Dreams
Birds walk
as dogs fly
and cats
swim and
fish meow.
In dreams
all of this
and men
find peace.
Bombs and
guns shoot love.
They don’t
kill and
don’t maim.
In dreams
all of this
and so
much more.
Speak Stone
Speak stone, say what you want to say.
Speak stone, do not mince words.
Wait for your target and throw yourself.
Begin with a soft toss. Speak stone,
do not be blinded by the sun.
Throw yourself under hand.
This is only a warm-up.
The flood of blood is sure to come.
Speak stone, thrust your weight.
Fire it with your left hand if you are
a righty. A graveyard awaits.
Speak stone, be honest. Throw yourself
at hundred miles an hour at my face.
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal lives in California and works in Los Angeles. His
poems have appeared in Blue Collar Review, Mad Swirl, Otoliths, Unlikely Stories,
and ZYX.
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