Vernon Frazer Murder Getting Away 1. sonic epithets torrid with bitter repetition frame the corval autumn millennial simulacra scented polymer magic scripting foreclosure animated jackals cry wolf at a destiny winter seasons butter a gerbil’s dim innuendo to flight implosions caw near the thicket 2. audacity spectrum the glimmering gradient shading a slow light, blue vibrato a mirrored reflection seasonal imprint turning a collage changes the day to a howl past its approach coming frost carries an echo back 3. the murder repeats a carport’s gray insinuation then flies south past the background harvest intangible pheremones to sphere within music the awkward cause of squawking off-balance a signal the flight a solo stuck in its caw crackling a low note like foliage left for summer flossing Fiddling the Empire runic warden attuning to the desert fog ellipse omitted the sullen vector a swollen tunic suddenly turns to its hectic relay the soundburst disrobed geothermal modem passions before cholesterol explosions burning hectic pleasure calls worse than its dis- robing eclipsed bearing glyph reduction technique rubbing against rock a message dulling a sign signfied silence when the sector yearning cobra passion struck a deal replay sounds to shake a sonic measure stoned implosion protests an erosion growing wider than the surfeit charged Reunion Classed the professed schemer watches devastation escalate a bare nothing waterfall throwing cosmetic made slush at whatever window dim boosts a confidence new moving every quart low reunion approaching disrepair totaled a thespian best hairbrush worn sideburns noxious voiceover swollen with patois elision lying in signal bandana the spotlight derailed a curtsy runner ts invective mirage covered the offers in curse settings natal wits included acoustic endurance here the body puddle hippies quarrel so futon pamphlets lost the stationmaster left enough lobby to lower the ambient wilding replication steaming toward the acid statistician a retrofit sycophant muscles a metamorphosis and compounded a footmark opus slow literature legged the publisher’s gloried sealant After Closing Time a tonality smooch fibers its lavish fusspot fawns the angular raise a beauty tuning the forehead elastic temptations uttered in a motorway second with boardwalk heartbreak laughing ugly disposition borrowed a livid half-life where readers surrender the sequential alongside a pituitary brass heritage lacking bassoons dangles pinions threadbare mobsters delayed a check-in refits near cartons shipping assault declaimers under a rink portent where thickened partnership climbs lateral horizon the urgency abundant didgeridoos fuss a thrashing whizz under tailback attracting a radio cougar where nunneries repatriate condiment brass mantra clangers samovars decoy monolithic predicates to enjoy percussionist plateaus momentary visionaries rendered their rooftop leaps genetic flux eagled profiting then inebriated checkmate Holed up at the Nineteenth a curare duffer links predatory trapper vans appended roughly pinned a curtain past a fixed eye its removal less likely than sight no matter the the cut of the spear trapped sand goes nowhere but dessert awaits the end as liquor in the rough carts diversion stains to closet pantry motif afforded a catacomb visage train * no plied hole left untried or draped as tired remnants plaid as egos ply the gear logarithm candle eyes replied tough but handily the cards penciled in nascent fury moves discursive bluffing trapped hands turned camaraderie toxic gruff remarks grew slurred last hand eager to drain too grainy to lift the finishing glass Vernon Frazer’s latest poetry collection is Gravity Darkening.previous page contents next page
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