Jim Leftwich cartographic ephemera (cont'd) Joe Aye Joe Bye Joe Cry Joe Dye Joe Fry Joe Eye Joe Gyre Joe Lye Joe Lyre Joe My Joe Mire Joe Nigh Joe Pye Weed Joe Rye Joe Sigh Joe Tyre Joe Vie Joe Why Joe Why immune compositions emanate obverse contraries during the AM Radio riddles barely uneven Indiscriminate Monday arrows large-flowered trillium to autonorr writes ex & was instucomm strengths life long masking snoweyes their crevirtu est suit of non-prot w/ the boot-clang essence Shape democratic texts exist for low-irritant cattails postst the munic sanch begann open-ended emergences their squiggly may-tubes 9pm disrupt our sensese by smell of curtain frame surplus said parclo interchange mauve & chartreuse sonic within the task task the blanketing crows bulrush kaleidoscopic in the Garage of Hidden Changes / nor glass who nourished ravishing mysteries / a curse of worlds glistening on our fingers Hat The Albatross goldlden macaroni-ray brain spikerush divulges microscopic silver estranged linguistic lingering are variations of their dusts the Mask of Variants screwbean mesquite divagations / epic myths of unbroken trajectory, shadows rethinking scattered scenes & variations on a mask somehow made dendrites undersea storyboard road deciduous birdfoot violet spikelets / defiance of glimmers circulating calm nights, trackless days motives on paper loop ramp reedmace / resistance to margins transmissible soup capers on native lamp reopening short average sedge bloodroot / patterns of intelligence and application of food urges panic / opines rootless horticulture / bitterns, acreage and wedge mood surges antic helium perianth bluets / the blue offering fish freed calcium periscopes truism / food purges antique moonbeam trash drop homilies folded diamond interchange bristles in shifting diameters of a dream-compactor folded trash in a dream-compactor wolf roaming birthdays buttercups papyrus / in a world of political dread a world of religious dread / in a world of poetical dread a world of a word of poetics unread six morsel Saturday Catawba rhododendron nor the only wax wall dice fragmentarily imagines dream grifters dialectic / reams of drifting deem in Lithodendron Wash sorrel traipse withering columbine Aquilegia canadensis refrigerated non-governable red columbine common columbine golden colum bine eagle eagle's claw petals spurred apart milestones herein wherewithal blue palo verde since we sea against cogent mentation defunct or twice-alert secrets of shifting longings quailbush the worm-inch at freely wheeled resistance / relentlessly oxygenated firm orange balance on the cat with 4-wing saltbush truant and sheer to feel we focus our approaches to root or Galleta wind micro-remnant tastes Curly grass identity in a milk who is James' Galleta struggling encroaches micro-wind in root-remnant who is the milk of Galatea wastelands of King James identities of a curly mind working in devastated countings taking its tote alkali sacaton invigorates variants more seaweed than drainage more vigorous than talking / nor walking in the vast motes of Kali, her blue arms whirling, full of Time and Death shortly comparative heads needle grama satiated pink hued bunch grass hotspots of fruit and written genomic dishwashing therapies seq sequ sequencing oil knots confluence decreasing inst ability and headless parrots between hyperthriving initiate Gramineae cut cats are forks & dogs are knives frozen sea crags also change their books / the looks of their books between the hives of judgement split in two / erratic sun virga distorts the music of the body / cells leak the mid-twentieth cognition uptick, a third leg resigns pathways develop in expert unconscious who exploits in reverie usurpation of dry thunderstorms / ignition, affect infection historians of The Narwhal Action Mesa perform in Roosevelt's Tree Army the self-diaspora anticapitalist parquet alleyway / wanders through the field of magnets / also departs in shields & restrictions / historical trumpet crinkle manuscript newly abundant realities perspire mesoscale convective system self-adapted in thought bubbling limitations / the one-hunch lunch conjuring seismic narratives, seawater dissolts in the ure / clearly unnecess process, the antonym responds to the certainties of no normality revealed momentary components of a present / slippery trickster spatula, futures enlisted in seemingly previous clearance / imanal streamlines sample membra fluorescenca (the zaum of ambient sleep) / the 19th gambol and contempt of blue (invisible stones interpret the score) chewed open with digital cuspids overridden autopoietic dual milepost berms raiment bruxis / galloping Latinate "wooded areas" meander renovated carnival tygers festive wolf-chin children cede ferocious sdvig secedes soul sound coated unfocused environments embedded in an inner exhaust / organic risks of pandemic initiations care if feel about even as fenced defeat contrary to the spiritus of poetries inflated by shuffling the goats of justice urges if feel about even as fenced necessities contrary to the propaganda of poetries fecund building ongoing the gateways of exile urges if fire about even as emboldened necessities stronger than the propaganda of flattening communal processes emerging from imagined desires the seashore of sonic concepts emerging from fire about concepts as emboldened sonic stronger than the seashore of imagined communal desires banana comb 20th co-notion stillness is as common as history / face masks glower ing spellings boson too big and magic balloon / dogs and cats by way of the drag race / coals embeddened are papaya and papyrus as are / illegible, feathered religions, drier than a road trip through the canons of English Lit English Lit too big and magic illegible canons of dogs and cats feathered through the drag race / road trips are religions, drier than papaya and papyrus English Lit too big and slogging illegible canons of dogs and microscopes feathered through the slogging / road trips are religions, microscopes drier than slogging and papyrus English Lit drapes eggs and slogging illegible textiles circling microscopes feathered between earlier sloggings / road trips self-blur maze self-closure drier than microscopic huddles hidden instruc exte armadillo experime epiphyte we host methods of architectu / suits of dire reading, mazes our contempt recedes and adjourns / polemic scion anarch of aseme postsuch from hat to hat repeats the mus music of the mirrors the warm seed mulc mulch writing words and wordpaste andd aand annd remagicd gorst pacl gorst pacl gorst pacc gorst pacl gorst pacl pacc paccl not fork forking pork nor Forks, Washington nott pork porking fork nor or fark parking hark quark or stark fork darkly pork not pork porking fork no slowly casino of the nuance is Montana Leonarrow Somethi Tuesday in a week the time of neither sea / one mosquito in endless mapping pandemic rain / so as not to allow the toe Tarkos------------------------------------- wordpaste sufficiently the without the sentence is stuck a substance together and its paste require fusing words in order to have wordpaste results in a pie has no use in any case humbly are useless -------------------------------------Tarkos signals collewe stude ensure punishes devic ultimat therapy citizens strappe nov signals collewe stude ensure said when punishes devic ultimat therapy and theory citizens strappe nov signals collewe resis fami and forg stude ensure said memories I availa when punishes devic my ir to lix sat depth ultimat therapy and done to what busine theory citizens strappe other mounx communi researches nov signals collewe fluid-resis fami and forg conduit stude ensure said missing memories I availa intact when punishes devic genomes my ir to lix sat depth accidental ultimat therapy and bulldozed done to what busine civic theory citizens strappe sprawling other mounx communi over twenty in 1 and forge. it has gorge. today it is one orange. one onion images across seas in the middle of a mind. awe from sandwich is a human complete with remarkable. other proteins primed to flee. turmoil indicators, supple once believed, viral magnets ferret their outbreaks. autonomous soccer shaping kinship / electric apples on live eyebrows / the silky essence of a studiously diverse foam / but with tides in conflict, walking a middle thanks, study caution when eating foods from the woods the fire is full and there is importance in synthesis the fire is full and there is importance in synthesis when immersive teach service destruction the fire is full and there is importance in synthesis when immersive teach service destruction no sand on the fin and no corn on the entire east coast no bees written my year three flasks of winding politics / the arms resile and multiple boiling cost-benefit analyses —— seems like the common epic —— depicts a landfill of conflict and turmoil attempted to the panting of an ox new movements and expressions encompassing thereby several keelhauls of perceptiex explicitly lustful reading descrived in correlative musk one-dimensional is enough to lockdown the unburdening sweep no place for the sinking Hells of inverted real life / originally envious of our errors / advocating post-Newtonian ecologies in real time in another new world / preschool of the night, in the Laboratory of Absolute Absinthe / the motifs, if hard to digest, initiates, embrace an island Occam in Oceans maccume debunk tort fork fort torque has found its hole in the holy whole / temporary differences are always on an etiquette house of bird's-eye foccle deface from their doom to our doom / were agents of invitation / who convinced, has been an heirloom of fire among the mountain cathedrals / wild souls protected by placards and cardiac data suites / the silence of the laundry, one out of three, forlorn garlic glowing in the afterlife of the moon they also believe in mucus as a parade, unto pavement impune decide / helmets hurled in ego aglow / iconostasis cornflakes, romantic thrives the tragic known shoes at the android altar combattir combattix from the Batteau Supper and the sign of the credible statement / re bacteria, they are both spelled wrong / evidence of the voice, contemporary and totalizing / hyperindustrial feedback tide pools, and anemone globa publii, the year in statements about the year / causal armies of lemurs carpooling decals unto the flags of heaven no nor or our hour your sour sur surf turf turd turn urn burn barn bard bird bard yard ward word worm norm form farm warm swarm warm wart art ark park part pare are fare hare share sharp harp harm arm arc ark lark mark mar map nap nape nope dope doe do no nor or our ant dice bent parse roe wiper ant parse dice roe bent wiper bent dice ant wiper roe parse dice parse ant wiper bent roe fingers sere nations love buttery toads fingers love sere buttery nations toads nations sere fingers toads buttery love sere love fingers toads nations buttery sear antelope accrue rodent beckons almonds sear rodent antelope beckons accrue almonds almonds beckons rodent accrue antelope sear sear rodent sear beckons almonds accrue antelope beckons rodent accrue beckons antelope accrue almonds antelope almonds rodent sear reality broken pond the keys divide the heights / river and, or contour, stomach huddles in low-lying studies / the muse of stacked lights & shamanic goldfinch fishing no longer 12 such projection of burdock altitude. obsolete fringetree, iconic respite. finagle beatitude arrowwood three. welcome to the subjectively social. teeth happy of the socks. hotter than three heats. mice and pumice, variations on capacious ventilations. to cat cells use follow poems. in which a morsel of morals metaphor who Nancy new beasts of apple & fern do I need the face of whittled cheese stimulus effeet inflatio? what hasn't is. we defy are the only way to be forested toes and moon tradition-zero, both. who become poems. paleolithic United States. relatively new to since. kelp agnostic these sweatshirts. authored a kind of infectio, the virus to a monitor. will host hymn bytes narrativity ranpum randoom proactive alongside public snow who Andes people etc. in one femur beef oval storied cornerstone a-magical Houston straitjackrabbit debunking himselv thumbs coordinator class with tart tarp taut spanning hammers & nails birds our four dusts seek our sacred rain to entity green mono grows obscure refusal three how the galaxy when cumin nodes constelle numb signage sustains ideals sky ideas inspired after devoted within chaos spindles form realities of the central bench, bunch of stone heart mud for oxen unusual the withering away of structural forms and formulas / still quasicrystals, still our identities are impox impoxximate mirrors disport who is holding a chair appliances within the laboratory storm poach mud ankle expoxx wot paper erupts baked, balked. talked, beans. dishes, fishes. missing wings. scarf waste pumpkin denim in the eye plastic door gorge mirrors chairs & fish ambient panda duress could instantiate candy mask bites virus, virus trees like dusty semes growling from melting ice (rice) ice (twice) copper common looking announces classical woods rivet across the river from foaming forms ports mink cargo unceded, sprawling. forts pink ego, centipede, crawling. porks forks wink fink condo ago preceding encyclopedia prawns lingering, raw. is in the printed piano a surge of cadastral pandemonium face-down on the scanner bed decentralized taboos to accompany a diasporic commitment vent scene glove voltage zone if dominant reduced to altruistic combs "a tendency to letter" letters a trove of maps / proves the veins are runes, immediately parallel by leaps and bonds the two are taken / juxta positions, as the sun is under your skin / in metes and bounds the carriers of the cairns / entangled comets / multicellular transitional seagrass & blooming algae strategies design the nor participation in precipitation deer scat bottom buildings are plants manatee & mastodon how are these baggy eggs translated into a subculture These are not great sentences. Grate sentences. These are not grate sentences. Grape. Knot grape. These are knot grape sentences. raking light over cabbage raking light over cribbage raking light over cuppings raking light over the crapulous cripples over the stipple stippling there's a long time golden hair stippling on stage raking light over cabbage and poems and lyrics cabbage sucking cabbage redeemed in kale raking light over an erasure stop top stope soap audit adit pundit habit wince winch winze pins pinch flailing tailings failing wailings, waiting breech breccia broach barrier inflate platy latter platypus glueing tardigrades desire gravel cutting memories as source texts closing catenary proclamation gaps from which I will have stolen the gaping appliances and applications twisting alluvial aquifers à suivre swive irony swerve irony serve irony to the ironing board juxta posed with the sewing machine or an umbrella and a sausage maker on an operating table with the nerve to be continued crumpling disfluencies rupture extracted clay displacements abandoned layered verticality bending debris flows discontinuity permeable silt deployed deplayed deplyed deplute deplied depleyed barriers of compote participates in a bag of tooks a nook of looks tearing hydrophobic soils modified groundwater sand memories and flying mode boils hydraulic phobias bearing memories who ate sounds opening indispensable wildfire burn scars molecular solvents break pratfalls in situ and light stretching gestural fissures inscribed plinth withdrawal of vulnerability inconsequential familial self-improbable aroused anti-capitalist avant hybridity intuitively boreal toads railroad vertical chords synthetic order ravels rehashing rockburst intervenes chromatic Sedimentation contrary sideswiped money-clips refusals unravel / unravel refusal hypocoristic slickenside dissolves soluble fisheyed harpsichord tessellated incipit tables tablets and chairs chains emergence merging marginal giblets gimlet braiding gossan overlaps periodic gossamer Occam flapping brave raiders traders grading sandwich hovering crapshoot magus all the way down testudines pirouette damage detached stratigraphical pirates test tubes invisible solid we care pillow lava the closing chapter in a passageway two years ago have gone throughout tireless boldly paths both are different across ambassadors foredune layer an arranged slippage feeds on a variety of mythical fixed connections new forms of algebraic caldera in an emergency apply living matter to the future forn principl docun disciplint are practices tomorrow reality populated by dune scrub birch armchair in three-part artichoke egg spectrum inputs while shifting within vitamin closed were selected either every year for volcanic tuff questioning the linoleum / the sacred heart of a stone / plus rat-spreading corona absent retina neuron limpets shipwreck Wiregrass Island in India variants cause portal mumbling plum stomach coastal bluff scrub hamstring colonial stacked octopus similar desert globemallow avoid the hard camouflage feathered humans appear in the sea opening underwater brains & jars diverge flexible plugs concrete extensive east built terraced analyte from flimsy puffs of breakout aestheticize rearview commodified bananas revisit the narrated oceans these interference granite coastal prairie uniquely unquiet material anxiety now they conserve festive orange peels then countrie planning we have knobbly aware urb-structure syncoum ahead of pleasant jojoba during the times of formulaic popcorn the child of the sea lives in a book / fails craquelure flails seismic proje context our actic unins coexist / life's excavated morphemes and metaphors / customized burning of obligated epithets Gilgamesh embossed in the USA / reagent on our behalf / automated piscine arena, signatures in storage / not a giraffe swimming downstream evokes topological speech of cabbage tremors undo eco- poetical desert varnish salmon with climate oil the Big Breakfast Super Flower Blood Moon whispering uneven winds the weather darkly conjoined afternoons morning facets clean research titration / the cats budge past partic inclu / eliminate electric highway crafted fossils unwanted divulge cracked submicrobial / here are the mysteriously thriving Skins branch whorls humilis to make new systems shifting somatic multiplex tethered recipes washing dishes corridors our 39th tiara dew nimbostratus cankers with serpents seething entangled maths lettuce May 25 jubilee posited dusk the symbolic rulers and their periscopes incus of which increment borer unearned balm perilous kitchen the weeks shine and clampdown on the generative commune coral microatolls index ancestral shards furniture upcoming stairs attack the albatross missives from the street to the skyprevious page     contents     next page
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