Owen Bullock fastfoughts my thoughts so fast I need lycra tickety-bump (tickety-boo but bumpier) slip into The Knox for a crème brulee a thousand small corrections with the dishes yesterday cleared away there’s a lovely sunset – come out here and help me see it! Tuesday morning – a student skipping between the lights I think I hear my name called Uni a box that ticks itself adventures with the sky the word ‘crazing’ in the old pot under the power pole a dead bat, wrapped in its own wings The penguin planted its flag. On the moon. euphoria depression – what’s tomorrow? all I have the energy I wake with a flower poking through a gap in the fence drawing forever on your fan demanding that property be taken from us fizz-top pigeons a letter addressed to Obligation the word ‘fungable’ you can change your allegiance how much green do you need white flower switching to sonar depth present rather than linear busy bus reading the news on someone else’s phone the closing bars of Comfortably Numb . . . (your grandmother crying in grief) mistake I put on something I know will make me weep yer yert or your yort I like how awful the folk singer is his mouth too close to the mic muffling maybe the words don’t matter that deadly look when they’re not playing a voice of rocks every moment I’m sitting here listening not having to work dreams of rock n roll earnest young men listening to earnest young men bad friends as well burning edges of leaves the cat climbs your legs digging into jeans a tin of rice pudding you can’t open bassoon – no one will show you how to play it crack in the earth a ravine you could tumble down Light spangled wave tops, silver, purple, white. a schoolboy with a text-book counting on one hand – syllables, or figures? meditation – the violent film I watched aged 13 How good do I want to feel? the word ‘smarmy’ – even Leonard Cohen irritates some people they could talk underwater the secret life of cups & saucers Everything begins with if The sense in which we’re farmed. draw me a game of chess I can colour with blue brush like a parquet floor sliding between pieces with muffins and cakes perpetually moving to work off the cakes – what contradiction to be human The reflection the reflection has a shadow I’m not a duck on the water, when I’m not on the water Go cry on somebody else’s shoulder the orange lamp tells legs swamping the park poking the eyes of wardens lose my place in the sky labouring trees You come here with your tinman suit and your words, where you dance, I run How do you keep your trousers so red? 16 birthday cakes were too many opposite the garage sale the still risen moon obedience (to what you know to be right) is bliss SAY _ _ SS a man sitting on the sidewalk smoking and staring at his roll-ups with the seriousness of an interview When the moon hits your knees And you mispronounce trees – Sycamore hospital stoptable I’ll have to leave the car in the computer Enlighten lights flicker on Old Parliament House the Aboriginal fire burns Do they have eftpossum? Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here on Cake Saturday to join together this butter and this sugar in Holy Indulgence, for the assembly of St CSIRO and Our Lady of the High Protein. In the name of the Second Cousin, the Dodgy Neighbour Down the Road and the Pet Hamster, amen. Grey recedes and everything else comes forward Winkie Volcano I want to die in the roses flower show it’s a long time before I look at one when the heat goes out of the day, when the heat goes out evening walk – is this the last mown field of summer? ducks skid on the water, make ripples in the night sky New new new being a Youtuber is not a get out of school free card having a boyfriend is like parenting you have to teach them how to express their emotions & how to manage in the world yeah & your mum parents your dad even thought she doesn’t need to totally there are good guys out there yeah I have an idea what mine would be like he’d be a middle child, with asthma but he’d play the trombone at least until it gave him asthma attacks & he’d be cute has previous with taking unfancied sides into the upper echelons of the league In goes Savea, cleanly gets the ball, frees it up, nice from Laumape, where’s the space? It’s there, Matt Todd, where’s the space? It’s there. Anton Lienert-Brown brings in two defenders, flicks it to Bridge, step, step, bangs it down, wow how good. being Deans, we all had our hearts taken out the Universe tripled down on uncertainty I was a bit garden-pathed by that dragging tables into sunshine I’d love to be stuck in Norway for two years on a fjord What’s that in the pot, some kind of weed, some kind of grass. A graminivorous bird would like that peck peck. Graminivorous bird would go peck peck, a hen. I’m leaving it there for the birds. The leeks & chard growing fine. * the voice across the concourse calls you to sit & fade into the song eucalypt-scented, its pine & burn child & beer its moist cake buds and almond essence swathe & draw of giant feather Gauguin-textured island-lit canvas * Mars, you might ellipse close to earth destabalise my connection fuzz the audio, cancel video so I can’t teach duplicate settings, add confusion so I can’t teach crash my computer but I’ve got my cerise pink umbrella & I’ll wave it at you, you fucker * Poetry moonches together. Poetry makes a cottage pie with apricots instead of mince. Poetry washes my brain with milk, steam-cleans the mind with sheep, or is that sleep. Poetry is funny as a fight, but laughs harder. * in my dreams I wear a skirt brown/yellow/orange the man gets aggressive I sense his fists though he doesn’t raise them tries to make light of it I feel a glow inside despite the outward tension as if I’ve achieved something – incidentally, the young man was raised in an alternative community but religious it doesn’t square with his image of god (another man) the skirt is one my daughter used to wear if I toned it down & wore a kilt they’d see it differently but that’s just in dreams . . . * Walk into bare branches, the purple steam bath alight on pale blossom, still winter the red tongue of exotic flower fold yourself into six petals & let the daffodils’ sun be you fish in the red blue yellow white carpet for the kai of hope & let it do the talking scramble into leaf veins of winter chard, find its roots starting to take off, let it smile & nod for you slide down the stalks of leeks into the castle of refreshing swim in the soupy moat perfection raids the courtyard, gives everything to it I’m not missing anything * The grey-misted downs started you off, gave birth to you – you crawled out of a crater like a bomb, all eart smudge & muddy knees, tottered to the tor, stood up & here you were in the world. You realised you had eyes that could still the sky, icy blue, clouds arrested, winds lulled, so the voice rang further far, past Land’s End and from there northwards, you never wanted for sound or food & the clear air quickened your steps, the only problem, delusion, statistically likely. A companion already only twelve thousand miles hence. Calling calm. * I’m glad I stole the sweets from the corner store where we waited for the school bus. I had no money. I’m glad I picked up your words, you didn’t realise how poetic they were and once uttered had no further use for them. Newer This world is not where I belong. graffiti ISORE watch out for jazz magpies crazy mayhem monsters Page is a wizard, a necromancer. Goat spark hooves up bisect the sky land on soft earth say a whinny calling for a friend – you don’t like to be alone food shifts like a mirror in the river you’re a gourmand no one understands your particular self- medication – chew on! I hope there are layers stomaching against the cold Magpie fiercer than any challenging hawk & cocky a fear you might pluck out my eyes steal jewellery but we don’t have any, magpie you took it all with that first thought of fear no mother no feed respect your colours from distance Camel plump envy lips you have a desert between your eyes make it a road don’t eat don’t drink until the people are astounded by water at the station way & take you Star they tell me you’re rock orbiting perhaps even no longer there I don’t know you flicker on at night & off with my click of the door a vital poppy no colour (perhaps yellow) perhaps white – if white is a colour they tell me it’s all colours absorbed I don’t know you could be a loop the loop when I reach out & grab you in my fist you dissolve into dust I’m not the right reception for you I don’t care what your name intrigued at the way you sit above the pine at the same time each night what are you doing there what are you saying adrift so individual I’m still trying to find . . . What is that confounded phrase? With a note like that, taking the bridge back to the main riff, he’s a right to strut & take it easy. Kashmir. When Page smiles too widely & the others don’t get it you realise you have to be your own joy. He’s the edge, the occult in the senses, ghost in the body of rock n roll. To make it sit up when it should be dead, laugh a cackling & you know it eclipses the arches of the gone. The eye The camera is slower than the eye and you’re in charge of the eye Jeff Beck, Vinnie Colaiuta, Tal Wilkenfeld, Jason Rebello smiles, nods, raised eyebrows shrugs, headshakes, pointed arms signal music reptilian hindbrain hard-wired handshakes, head nods, bowing struthless Trump likes to dance to ‘YMCA’ by the Village People his supporters say masks don’t work and COVID is 99.98% safe QAnon supporters believe Trump is working with a secret taskforce to expose Democrats who are Satan-worshipping paedophiles COVID is a hoax during the Capitol riot fundamentalist Christians kneel and pray The blood of Jesus protect Donald Trump star blogger rag & bone man practical shaman MRSA isolates from whales,humanvolunteers attending these animals, and the beach sand andmarinewater associated with the marine mammal conservancy showed a high degree of genetic relatedness. B-la(ctamases) B-la(ctamases) B-la(ctamases) middle of the night like an extra day allowing the space between here Saturn and Jupiter Important knowledge gaps have been identified that should be addressed in future studies. I treat people like employees. I’m obsessed with my own comfort. I want everyone to be like me. I’m a field of flowers I don’t trust her enough. . . . part of that Alpha male will inherit the earth thing. Getting lost on the beach after a swim in the ocean pool, going to the PA, the man asking what my mother was wearing, I said a blue dress and it wasn’t blue, just how I imagined her in a blue floral dress . . . Don’t get me started Dreams and daydreams, cycling thoughts, pulsing neurons – you keep paths open, like a right of way you claim & the neighbour denies – bird call, light piercing blinds and unobscuring the telegraph pole, engine, dog bark, cup of tea against the day, what meaning, what meaning has changed? waves washing all the way from childhood in the clouds Ghosts are things you can’t let go, they might mutate, like art, but they’re your concern, you’re the one seeing them. when I cry some of it a father’s anger everyone in the house eating alone arguments & bruises late night shouting you can still hear under the muffled covers all beliefs are wrong are you inventing men? he remembered the b3 opening The biggest queue I’ve ever seen was for tickets to see The Who at Carlyon Bay, 1980, it stretched out of the carpark and up the hill to the hotel about half a mile, two nights sold out in two hours. put your sleeves down before it goes in the wash stimming again, tapping leg, flicking fingers, stroking face . . . the past sitting behind your chair drumming you occasionally on the shoulder like a fly or showing short clips of childhood without colour and a self-analytical soundtrack coming back like a slug you trudge over mountains take an extra pack only a few kilos but it all adds up Train lines, desire lines, flight lines of spirits, ancestors who died and have gone on (with their conceptual selves) to something more. bride & groom photos by the lake traditional sari chewing gum cause she’s nervous an assistant adjusts the light with a fold-out reflector Distilled from electrons in water, the first light rays of day over Mt Karangahake, the welcome of your child become adult. Your heart glows inside this sphere. Sunrise, South Durras, dolphins swimming across your eyelids, the first cuppa, cool water at ankles. Your heart shines inside this sphere. Steam-heated bush walk, the shade of trees & the pool of drenching sun drenched in the pooling of the waterfall falling on water and you. Your heart breathes inside this sphere.previous page contents next page
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