Owen Bullock
biscuit tin with marbles in
a plastic lid
playing it like a snare drum
(surely this was not my life –
more than 7
the cells have changed –
it’s almost 40 years)
two styles of sound:
jazz & folk
flies laying in my brain
a leaf
turned to stone
but still pink
aspirations . . .
butterflies lead the way
to ladychild
a painted lady waves
mountain meadows
full of strawflowers
the tram announcement’s
voice like ice cream
a child gives up their seat
to no one
to sprawl on the floor
last night, Koroibete, substituted
sat on the grass
already soaked with rain
anxious for her call . . .
I look for the cushion
of love & light
“It’s all about repetition, endurance. Curiosity and hunger . . .” Genni Matty
Put it behind, everything you’ve achieved so far as a little monkey muscle, start again,
wake to the challenge of the coming year, when it happens. For now, the coming day. For
now, now.
to the rock band
to the silence
“. . . as darkness quilts you. A gentle embrace.” Anne Caldwell
The bed seems like all you need. Love, sleep, comfort, a place to work, a home. The view of
pittosporums and black walnut. The windy windows. Mementoes on the bedside, father’s
trophy, the wood carving by your daughter, the medal and incense, a fabric poppy from
Remembrance Day. The trenches of Wilfred Owen, the rapid rifles’ rattle. Light on leaves
outside. Drawing the blinds. Let it glow in the dark, through doubled vision.
pick a eucalypt leaf
scratch the back of it
a sign says
Delusion is useful. You can kid yourself into thinking you’re working (just because
you’re thinking about work) & have a day off.
This time it’s groovy, this time heavy, this time syncopated, folk, jazz. Songs change.
Like poems. Today an assault, yesterday humour, tomorrow a fragment. In the wilderness.
These 40 years. Nowhere to rest. Through fog, mist and clouds. Over burras, mountains,
dales & cliffs, through valleys, cwms, bogs, ditches. It doesn’t go away, though I chase
it like Frankenstein’s monster. It will end me in happy death.
I like it when men get old
& weepy
You knock on the door, wait a split second and enter. It’s a formality, you can always enter,
each door is like that. It’s a discipline, like taking a deep breath in an awkward situation.
Each door is open. But you assume it’s closed, you see it before you, blocking the way, a
chimera for the office.
(Are they an opening, or closing? Doors that open, doors that shut . . .)
When people couple in the movies, they both want to make love equally.
Replace negative mental habits with more empowering thoughts.
The one that hurts most is borrowed fear: when I act out of your fear.
Round we go.
the house felt shut in, but . . .
Your network sees that you have credentials [in delightful Yugoslav accent]
Start wearing purple, wearing purple . . . [in chirpy Croatian accent]
In each job, I’ve had the intention to help people in some way, working in hospitals, folks
with intellectual disabilities, teaching. I make allowances for that group of people designated
as needing help. I’m forgiving of them, patient, tolerant. Then there’s that other group: the
people I work with, who are also there to help; colleagues. This is where it gets tricky. I find
it hard to extend the same tolerance – after all these people are ‘well’ and shouldn’t need me
to prop them up or do their job for them, or remind them of something that needs doing four
times. I have high standards, and I expect other people to have the same – in the psychological
profile, the Four Tendencies, by Gretchen Rubin, I’m an ‘Upholder’, someone who responds equally
to external and internal motivations, fulfilling them as if their life depended on it. I assume
that we’re all here to do whatever we’re doing as well as we possibly can. This is not the case,
and why should it be? An assumption, nothing more.
Everyone’s sick, including me.
You’re sitting there trying to pronounce the Polish names, wondering if the authors of the
article are a collective hoax – maybe it’s the editor who really wrote the piece, which seems
like a pisstake of the full article of ours he rejected, demanding a shorter one, which he then
published (was this so he could distort the material himself? you wonder).
Keeping up two jobs. So much online. The intoxication and dump-you of the screen. The loss of
face-to-face. Projects stalling – I can’t go into prisons, I can’t go into hospitals, we can’t
have military personnel coming here. Communication break-downs – you, again, Mars! Admin,
management and technical fuck-ups ruling my house. Not knowing whether I had any job for
the coming year.
At the end of it, Baba O’Riley and Pinball Wizard make me weep.
What of next . . .
Capricorn Horoscope, the remedies:
It would be best to wear high quality Neelam or Blue Sapphire gemstone of the best
quality in Panchdhatu or Ashtadhatu ring on the middle finger on Saturday.
If you want, you can also wear Opal gemstone in a silver ring on the ring finger on Friday.
It would be best to seek the blessings of little girls by touching their feet and offering
them white sweets every Friday.
Donating blood on Tuesday and planting a Pomegranate tree away from home will protect you
from all the problems.
On Wednesday, feed the cow with Sabut Moong Dal, which has been soaked a day before. This
will strengthen your luck.
patterns of earth to patterns of air
movement, mobility, decentralised
timeframe of air & wind
things, dispersing
things ungrounded
(not trapped) towards networks
(less stable)
Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius
increase value of social spheres
epochal – the difficulty of making shifts
re-think environments & path through them
need to change quickly
Saturn squares Uranus not Saturn – Pluto
Saturn over-intensified by Pluto (corrupt)
opposite influence – Saturn – Uranus (questions proposals)
Feb 17, June 14, Dec 24 rebellious 2020s
civil unrest This isn’t good enough
(optimum) – hopes? active disruptive (not passive)
(+ Jupiter – Uranus squares
Constructive moment) Uranus (revolution & rebellion)
Saturn (order & safety) (freedom)
(thoughtful, longterm)
Venus – passion (graphs by Archetypal explorer)
Cardinal – Fixed – continuing (stuck) + Mutable energy
Mercury (soft?) – Mars disagreement
rethink (agreement) these issues Uranus –
Taurus – grounded, food & shelter
Moon – culmination
bringing to light
February – Aquarius
Sun – Aquarius happening
behind the sun – cycle
[bringing it all]
[poetry can’t be paraphrased, but poetry paraphrases]
[a two-minute meditation is enough – focus on the toothache, it intensifies, then reduces] Own everything
Hands-on April innovative or rebellious
May hopeful – aggressive hugs
Jupiter (travel) (temporary?) return of travel
(light & talkative)
Show me alternatives
getting up
to watch the sunrise
the longest day
hurry up, sun! flying irises
June complicated again + July tempestuous
(especially early & late)
revisit early August
what can be done to improve?
create connection, common ground
Venus in Libra – what is fair?
Venus &
Saturn dignified Virgo solves problems
Mercury/ Mars – engineering
end of August benefit packet
disruption of peace by September
October unease & it’s clear what it is
November Saturn – Aquarius – Mars
tense agitation into fixed
signs: Scorpio/ Taurus – 19th
foreshadowing 2022 (eclipses)
waves of change
peak of destabilisation or
a positive optimistic 2022
2021 making progress at best
“It was about dancing with the sky, emptying her soul of itself, until she felt nothing but the
joy of giving.” Genni Matty
“Hum me a song and I’ll find you a story of the eternal realm and tell you why, with those
eyes, you are a fire watcher.” Genni Matty
[grammar, sequential, linear]
Life doesn’t get easier, I just get stronger.
B minor, C major seventh, D, C, F, Fm C
Aries – Fire
Cancer – Water
Libra – Air
Capricorn – Earth
stepped & scored
looking at me
the glass until it shatters
shards unnoticed
sand obscured
peering in
gazing out
your eye
gets longer, wider
looks through the sea
at the underworld
Jupiter – philosophy & growth
poetry like rain
when he plays drums
for Jeff Beck
at Ronnie Scott’s
he even has time
to adjust his glasses
“The body is a world without hierarchies.” Nell
she’s already got her haloes
placentas, river deltas
the movements of stars
the charts of our feet
through the valley
a symmetry
nests made of bank notes
What do they become?
mood intersecting
with environment
environment inter-
secting with mood
you made me
something to sit on
the highway
broken up
Trespassers keep out –
that’s all of us
kangaroos sinuous
I feel like I’m walking forward
but not going anywhere
Conditionally Serviceable Pole
motorpike and side-carp
the dull ache, the throbbing, the stabbing, what’s gotten into your bones
Sections of a property, glassed, from earth to sky, I couldn’t get through, I’d been in the
wrong house, they phoned ahead to be sure to stop me, but someone left a side door open,
I slipped past – flying all the while.
“I can identify all the selves I despise.” Y. S. Lee
she puts him in her pocket
hula coop
synchronised chub
she’s writing a list, Mrs Sumbudy
happy pants and dancing shoes
I did 2 weddings and a funeral
The last few days, in the mountain meadow, down the saddle of Mt Majura, on the switchback trail:
1. Common Brown
2. Red Admiral
3. One with white patches/stripes, at the right corner of the upper wing
4. One with large eye spot, upper wing; 2 small eye spots, lower; mostly brown
5. Speckledy brown; no eye spots
6. Small orange (& brown flecks)
7. Elongated wings, brown & orange
8. Small blue
9. White
10. B/white
11. Large: orange/yellow/brown
12. Small greyblue
13. Greeny wisp
14. Lemon yellow
Where was the Yellow Admiral in all of this?
Can you identify, I, Naturalist?
Imagine, in a Brummie accent: “To him who is one with the formless Self, everything is formless.” Ramana Maharshi
everyone takes you
the broken tree
still growing, the end of
When we leave . . .
but do we ever leave . . .
((turn it into art))
Every day is a chance to learn. [42 likes, 30 comments]
a birthday gift:
Calm & clear
Skin & space mist
a cake is a song, a celebration
“self-adjusting bodies” G.M.
Birthday outing:
Diamond Python
Inland Taipan
Green Tree Snake
Boa constrictors
Burmese Python – huge, asleep
Chappell Island Tiger Snake – like a stumpy
Mulga – largest poisonous, also stumpy
Eastern Brown & Red-Bellied Black Snake – commonest poisonous
Darwin Carpet Snake
Jungle Carpet Snake
Lace Monitors (goannas)
Snout-Nosed Turtle
Embrace every experience in 2021!
Maraca nightmares
I don’t know what
the Indigenous placenames
I’m consoled that there’s a place called Mooney Mooney. But this, too, is part of my
ignorance. Gran used to say ‘mooney mooney’ as she cleaned my face with a flannel.
a mirror behind the hibiscus
my shadow
on the wall
as I meditate
in your painting
the desert & sky
& scrub all blue
birds white
You have arrived
in every sense
& no sense
pelicans & bridges
the festival cancelled
I don’t know who has the problem
Drink Coffee – do stupid things faster with more energy
Take the Pacific & WY motorway M1 into Sydney
a good time to be reading the news
decided by clay
walking indoors
behind my mask
she can’t see
my smile
After the BMX crash, talking loudly on the phone to his mates about his imploded heels and
shoulder they managed to put back in. It’ll be six months learning to walk again. Two of his
mates are like family. He needs them.
what’s the meaning
of things . . .
two galahs fly
Yesterday, at the hospital, you thought you could die so happily, you’ve had a helluva life.
I leave out the word
for oneself
I am is enough
for others
I skate, I run, I hide, I laugh
Baba O’Riley
they created meaning
He shows me the poem he’s written on a head of broccoli. It’s great, an original idea,
marinated, cooked in cheese, but it still needs editing. On the first two florets, the word
‘easiest’ is repeated. The construction ‘I am’ is overused – no one speaks like that, we use
contractions and avoid. He doesn’t like it that I point out the need for editing.
Owen Bullock’s most recent books are,
Uma rocha enorme que anda à roda (
A big rock that turns around), translations of tanka into Portuguese by Francisco Carvalho (Temas Originais, 2021);
Summer Haiku (Recent Work Press, 2019) and
Work & Play (Recent Work Press, 2017). He teaches Creative Writing at the University of Canberra. He has a website for his research:
https://poetry-in-process.com/ @OwenTrail @ProcessPoetry
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