Vernon Frazer

Hawking the Unwary

front-line osprey
debacle included

a claim as in the offing

no shortage
its product declamation

proclaims intrusive tides
an intern with a homologous grin
shunning back-line aid

to plastic returns
vatic against the estuary

doffing the same
magenta capillary occluding
the ease 

of blankness seeding 
the subterfuge 

that rooted the down-time feed

Deliberation Done in Passing

the brain jury 
terrifies the beagle surfeit

     cartilage passing
          its needed aplomb

no casket dressed for the late rehearsal


the seepage returned
aquatic scaffolding in shrewd denial

           its creeping 

passage refraction calamities
subtracted from dissident fire
a removal claiming to dispute

syncope tabulation 
fonts turned epidermal slander                  
     the rebuttal  
     sharpening the asterisk
             a threat to its next


merging limbs urge
their passive tote armada bags
to carrion

                the meat of the muscle
                below intonation's head

arrears slowly shifting to front


autoharp dementia thrills
predominate the vesicle montage
              as pistachio disclaimers

the masque of cryogenic insurgents

the regal injury boot inured
to passing receptacle time 

     as matters
                      of facet 

the darkened lynx gnaws the carriage bonnet

Having a Havana

 fulcrum panatela
under the Panama's shade

     idyll dreams
     long missiles
     memories              away

hot car homecomings
when fins weren't just for fish
and not too long
                           por las turistas
     en la farmacia
     sometime dwellers return
             the score

	from the keeper's key 

	embargo seal

                 always a matter

whatever way the dominoes fall in the park

Corval Illumination

light shedding its luminous tears
in circular threading at the peak
of the breeze stairwell headings
will bring facile irritation seeds
to grim fruition on a roaring cant
shared octagonal stiletto dreams
begotten under the tuning sun 
before a chordal forklift cried
pyrrhic dicta in amenity sutures 
grounds shifting under coffee
water gorges the amulet before
patio lost to reference games
reduced leaks to divot pleasure 
lumbering soggy grain packaging
burrows large as furriers on launch
or under-rehearsed to play leather
traction party victims on parole
from county grades left marking
slotted ambiguities for vain filtration
depths charged fully to ensue 
backing for lost weather baskets
and other roles left unfilled or topped
against a dull vapor poring through
a circus of lonely crows to a murder

Vernon Frazer’s new poetry collection is Gravity Darkening.    
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