Sanjeev Sethi
Never have comebacks weaponized concepts
as sharply as recent conversations with self.
We cozen ourselves better than all the con
artists on the mean streets of urban sprawls.
Indentations on maple leaves of malefactions
emphasize their impact on the itinerary. One
is plugged in and perceptive enough to keep
away from the scree of flagitious intent: short-
lived slip-ups are constituents of the construct.
As yurt of prolificacy anchors itself in the desert
of reason, cloudbursts elect to desert me.
I negate the truths they tell me
about myself,
a trick I learned early in
game of one-upmanship.
Whigmaleeries twist on
the dance floor of inclinations,
I plié myself out of them,
an exercise practitioners
of the deadpan imbibe.
The closeness of tanzanite beads
crumble at the shrine of surmises.
Trust keys its first letter
on my lips
as breath marinates with breath,
to overlook what earlier orders
pitch as a keepsake.
In the urgencies
a brand-new
anthem takes off.
This, too, will own a fleeting flavour:
as its leavings accrue to the inventory.
Scorching eyes piercing
into me as if
constructing a shelter
for the unsettled.
I am quick to imagine
the kind of roof it will be.
When not used to walls
they are wrackful,
throttling speedsters
as it were. Unhoused
horses have their curvet.
Dressage is a drudge.
Littleness is a supercilious lilt:
let it slide.
Your saining too filters in.
In your firmness
I seek solace from you.
Walking away from self
isn’t as easy.
Allocating it to the Almighty,
and drawing a blank on our burden
is one way of styling the system.
The other is to offer answerability
for the environment.
Sanjeev Sethi has authored five books of poetry. He is published in over thirty countries. His poems have found a home in more than 375 journals, anthologies, and online literary venues. Recent credits: Stand Magazine, Outlook Magazine, The Lake, North Dakota Quarterly, K’in Literary Journal, and
Summer Anywhere (Hybriddreich). He lives in Mumbai, India. Find him: Twitter @sanjeevpoems3 Instagram
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