Daniel f Bradley
The Shape of You by Ed Sheeran
I'm talking trash under your window
Sneaky Mom clueless Dad
Sharing their softing core to the world
There's still the pain
Pink iron
Homemade war crimes
I felt special in triplicate
Is she a spinster
Sleeping rough
And I hope I can be that voice
That talks about Star Trek in a Ted Talk
I think all poets are frauds no one’s that pure to stand in lockstep with the language
Two lamented biff chit carrying cheeky chappies
A good pork belly slab
Modem trolls
Block chained based Noah's Ark
Unfortunately this isn't by far the only time I've been ashamed of humans
Sperm coffin
It’s ok to judge other people's fantasies and report them to the authorities too
I’m right you're wrong there is no right or wrong about it
Lifeless blue doll eyes
Horrible people with too much money getting worried
Instantly naughtier
Fingers deep
She does all her thinking out in the light
I envy that I mean you can get stuck in darkness
Heavy company
It's bonkers
I can not hold that anymore
Things I don't really understand about myself
One may as well admire sleet
I do get excited then embarrassed
The Shape of You by Ed Sheeran has over 3 billion severed
But somewhat more amazing
Diamonds for eyes
Toe rings
Sonic graffiti
That is the love you crave
AC DC doesn't count
Cha cha jewellery
Lay by the riverside and grew up by and by
Gun cosy
I've learned alot about porn
Desk job chunky
Drunk dialling a
Searing indictment
The dirty pictures
It’s my greatest treasure
Bent carrot dot ca
We didn’t need that remake of Red Dawn
How can you stop
Men like putty
The Czech hedgehog
And the green translucent and the green translucent sounds amazing
She did with with her sorority sisters
Free big dick
Kick pants
Giving weapons to civilians trying to get them killed on camera
Mother Earth showed rather impressively
Sends me there
We do like the big wide spaces
The problems mine
Big apple fall down
The rules that change today
Hot meals for hungry soldiers
Capital flight
And the moments gone
Should I comb my hair
The binders of infinite love
A postmodern sampler
Let me open it for you
We can't wait for the spring launch
Under the moonlight
That's why God made the radio well all consumer electronic goods pretty much
The holy grail of Star Wars collectables
Why is beer fourteen dollars
Attack ships on fire
For me the big problem is when to stop then where to start
None of the guys go steady cus it wouldn't be right
Your not an introvert you're just mentally ill
I can tell you from experience gremlins attach themselves to words and change meaning
I've always thought of English as my second language
The dust comes free
I'm dancing on doc’s
Pink Yoshi windup
The sandy beaches of Cabo San Lucas
Mom pussy
Boba Fett used Grindr to hook-up at the the Mos Eisley cantina
They’ll always weight you down
Then I'll have to live with the lepers
After I touched a Gutenberg Bible
You don't have to worry about me
Since the last and the last and the last
Even I can't organise something like that
Practically over the counter
Everyone is cruel
My toy collecting community
Their tedious it's like an open mike
Looking at you I wonder if that's true
Palace of me
Lard and re-lard
That's not happening
So many of the show’s pretty feminists
You should have seen their faces when they seen how I grew
I think I can get Dad's gun
It's a two drink minimum
The guano hits the fan
Pulling on golden robes like foreign languages
The thought of China held
Is playing with yourself worth an entirety in hell
It's a little hee - hee moment
That was when I made my first knife entirely out of glass
Honour a loved one with a meaningful experience
Flush stink repeat
Let that fall in
The golden age of xerox
And he held a gun on the guitar player in the studio and you can hear it
Or so you appear in my eyes
Shit smashed
Bitcoin is Mary Kay Cosmetics for young men
Skies can be slippery
Raspy timbre
Be naked when I get home
A mossy filth
Diamond trail
And that is why I don't cry
Fastest rate in history
Improvised weapons
Don't squeeze your juice
Paris worthy baguettes
Especially smashed
Repeal the gun laws in my neighbourhood
Besides hostile how would you read it
How do you reconcile the dark inner thighs of my concept of Noam
Chomsky’s language
You learn to love your skin and body
All the lowriders
I love me some Trap-Jaw
Lou Reed with a moustache
Like a shadow from the tomb
In a camaro
Cleric thief fighter magic user
You know too much about batteries
Sleek thick and regal
In yellow latex
Why is beer fourteen dollars
I could understand collecting sex toys
I'm not sure where one ends and the other begins
Daniel f. Bradley’s chapbook
I am greater than my Bipolar 1 is forthcoming from Secret Handshake / Books, spring 2022. He has been publishing a series of Interviews with Writers and Micropress publishers from the Toronto scene, 1980’s and forward. Forthcoming is Alice Burdick and Mark Connery, while completed issues are with jwcurry, Marshall Hryciuk, and Gustave Morin. Detail are available at
fdriveshesaid@gmail.com (that’s our name and our email address)
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