Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
Keep My Eyes
I keep my eyes in my coat pocket
and bury my hands in there as well.
I had enough of seeing and feeling.
Taste for life is almost gone. I will
let others let me know what they see
and feel. I will take to sleep instead.
The days keep getting colder. I will
plant myself in the yard. I will listen
to that barking dog. I do not know
how long I will last. I will keep my
ears open. I will keep my eyes in
my coat pocket. I will take one finger
out, the middle one, raised to the sky.
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal lives in California and works in Los Angeles. His poems have appeared in Blue Collar Review, Mad Swirl, Otoliths, Unlikely Stories, and ZYX.
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Gave me a real surprise and laugh, Luis.
I like your use of language, spare, honest.
I lke the way you make meaning, too. You don't send the reader to the moon without a space suit.
Thank you Jack
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