Jim Leftwich HYPERINFLATION & ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY the sensenessless very please mildewed by armies of disinformed relict openswerve streamingles admit that we are alert forever waking up in the eco- econo- the asemous thunder stopping more than stepping on the toes on their toes on our toes theairwavicles forming to the solutioncelebrate the opening eye the breakfast of marks the cheese howitzer lemur from one indigenous stonehenge the national parakeet one groundhog out of ten wellsprings painted red in the circle of another exit nor gathering their canaries the orange surgery / how is another not near their intentional identities the power of face campaigns on deeply u-turn / the beak of their lettuce with only amper sands for an answer / lost music mars the zoo / brandishing their garbage for thrills and nutrition gritters erroneous fur furry baseball fumigations ripening realities toughened factoidal gristler foregone grammatical heresies highjumping gills hooting galena hemoglobin at eight ate right turns homogenized fig leaf egg yolk eyeing inner umbrella inimitable low jettison lizardic onion, onion, oxygen partition in but not of an ocean khaki humidified juniper kudzu up to here darter jackknife nor herring moonstone struck brimming hammers mock-six noon nor none mummified in zebra fine, five fires femur falsified equivalence requiem tyrannical hypnosis signifiers gazelle headlong tumultant rapid lee, toothful highway to your hey, ivory yelping o oh o under involuntary openness pulping pennies to plunder the guru how many does jt take to air the tree again and far gulf of normality oxygenated moonscape gaffe of humidity moxie exegesis gullies nor greenwashery rubiconic harsh harmonies singularizrd rhizomental tongue squared gulag arabesque roomier tryst me, gist us, a free way to our youthlessness intuition limits understanding, plundering our introspectively red years away from the rhythms of the tyger rots the typhoon gurgler foggy gulping hubris fig leaf lest ox crossing grain fox nor pox glottis boxing turtle cut vanity variable navy beans exemplary verbatim bones canned bones canned salmon with bones can these bones live / Mister Leftwich, can these bones Live? exists as an exit through & from an excess verbiage non, since exact north oxygen gritting the tooth howbeit forlorn godforksnaking senior ruminations yes, jumped over the moon / riot gear, you only live twice / 5 years, looked me square in the third eye and said, this is the last time all six of you will be able to walk through the mall together without armed escort / I was afraid to believe him, how about you dirty ditty strange string band, habitual hammock, on the third Thursday of each month doing you, I and you, your insistent uselessness, my incessant uselessness / nor infinitely, syllables for syntax, aloe in Syracuse, each unit is alone Beat Dada & Hippie Surrealism swerving the tangents... ... serving the agents of adjacency mutual aid in support of affiliated contradictions grinders Nighttime rAfters rooting riots. Roofers fur Low, Bodes fair nasturtium embodies High beams nauGHahyde hide hissinG gods in Amber / justice is a juice/ my true July Is timeless time BuicK by the iodine ipso (inactive) oops / drops lip, opine; Fukushima highly Noxious / grackle finagles Borax, North Highway to East Baltimore, Given 717, what, They craving Quaver / wiggle with a Wig a Worm quacking Friendly Flack quonset Gorse Nibbling Grammatical tool House trinitarian Natural Death Hampering Whispers hunch Diameters yearly implicated romanticist yapping upaya Nuclear Kiosk tilts Kinetic Intuitive Lamb's Ear indifferently Opening internal Options Pinnacle isthmus oPeratic biopolitical Oil slick Laminates askew jewels Botanical jackals inVerse Junction mnemonic muscles musical mis stepping nor borax verbal CoVid bacteria ConCave vexed VaCuum ApeX Contours Diagonal reFreedoming disqualifies gaseous Pricing 717 = 15 = 6 the six inside the four equals five how far right of hamburger Yearning becomes backlit larynx and Lung weSt of Jump Street mixtures axle campaigns Jocular casket Cutoff underpass yoga teeth YoUnglessness YoUthnessful Fastfiction underpass guru Eye oilshock average $4.25 The road was invented the year after I was born I am under the overpass reading a novel while rain falls all around me in the summer of America's bicentennial puh puh puh jelly roll highway to the hill ray raiment Ra shining Sun on the hill Out of the absurd it Are in the morning Desert from this Poem puh puh puh Jelly Soul the same Varooming with the Jack of Diamonds, who is a Hard Card To Play / Va Va Va / Who Rubs the Ribeye wrong / Varoo Ming, Ming Varoo! purple gardens, quincunx face / Zebra, zinnia Zenobia Stirring THE roots Through the bottom Of the pot Gristle Grinning Rot Grime & riots rot twig ripple goose Wolf tribute rattler trashcan hand handstand thrashing what your 6, my 5 unless is Underpass Twin two Given Wind muse drawind music artworm movie the orange big many fat from Tupelo to Albuquerque indeterminate waves travail in contiguous snow kennel beings traveling mirrors coast and femur and ancestral volcano experiential layering of pools upon pools secondary omniscient million- eyed has errors upon the least socioeconomic quail the national stamen redeveloped volcano lip piano, scenic in the vast February / March 2022previous page contents next page
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