Jim Leftwich

that's not a poem

ab abcede rabble my rubble our hours ours rambling rudders rumble adcebe riddles rotting rattling on a rail zdrgbhuk,lp zoo zen doctor of godfulless gobbling hulk, lip synch service playa, jambalaya godfuellessness vortex index waffle ironing whiffle barbed ire wireless tightrope walking walked out the front door and never came back I said: Some of the. Some of The. Some of THe. Some of THE. Okay? Some of the. manwowfuck. if you know what i mean. and i think you do. manwowfuck. eat beat featmeat meet feet. if not, then who, if when, if if, then what, who if why, if this, then again, if when, then if, if if if if if, this if in then, when wind, some kind of what among the winds, not just any not, knot a nut, thank you, any time spent in the wind, if then, thinning spin, gut feilling punch nexus of kin, if in if on if at in the air are the who and their where, on once again twice, nice word if you can grit it, if it, then at, it it it it at at at at, at it it at at it it at at it it at at it it at, by the skin of their teeth, by the teeth of their hen, if not them, nut hem, gnat him, how many hats to the hut unhurt zdrgbhuk,lp around the way qscfthnjil. into the ear pl,jygvdw in a straightaway oiaejroigld f f if you say say dfg g r era zoo doctor glob hulk lips quest certified thinking jilt playa jambalaya dwindling gyres oil aerosol jersey roiling grids of gold four folded fires dig the fog man mane mean mana manna mmanaa goat root era goat root era goat root era doe foe hoe joe roe toe woe woe mptkhpj rt grt rt g trg tug of gf hty ytu yui uo uo ip ierhtu mop the kitchen mouthpiece pajamas realism reelism reilism reolism reulism reylism realism realism raalism realism rialism roalism rualism ryalism realism tug what? thus. what? thus. what? thus. this. thus. what. what. need knees sneeze seize the bees be the these we need no wonder well ok some but no wandering none what it wait at what as wait if wade in the water what "that's not a poem." please go away.
d g sd g et er te ew rwe fe fsd dog slid gift df said dirt food floor flooding eat error tease er ter gdf few rivers we feed faster dogs feathered dogs error tern terrapin godforsaken undefeated sd f e e ter trg said feet feeding the terrapins to the terns / tygers of trigonometry fending off scenario dewolfed him half past two the barleycorn the blimey stone rebuffed him by the berm prebuffed him high debarfed him low while the seasheep scarfed the sky don't hurry meat eye bug golfing tool don't burn the mink elf you elfing few Semi semi semi emi Auto semi semi Semi auto semi semi submired submired beanstreaks ending mending wingless beetles your fires don't melt my mingling mirrors they only bake their cake to break it in the sun garden molten that was a poem yes that too another poem and another that one too and two more in tandem taking turns talking out of turn a little touch up here and there touching on a train and tuning to the times asm uch figu red fig u red asm uch snakelights highway 3 a.m. 20 miles away 3:53 in the morning. An American haiku Almost writes itself. We are parked between An ocotillo & a saguaro. Facing east. Sunrise In less than three hours. It looks like it isn't Moving. Maybe it's Something else. I Don't think it's mo Moo a movie ving. What happens when The windy river the Atmospheric Pine Apple winter wintry Windriver a thou Sand miles away Five hundred miles Away uncoils its Contours on the Map unfurls it's Flag and flaps Like a fume like a Fumerole the Tempe Rature drops twin Twenty degrees and Sand storms on Salt Creek and the new Norms corm corn Newts while we Temporarily erase The name of Putin From this poem. Write a pol it i cal poem. You're right, it w ill p rob ably suck. Like Put in, like the Ex pan si on of Na to, like The Good Ol Days of Fu King MAD Nukes. I k now. W rite on e anyway. think blink clink dink think fink kink think link mink oink pink think rink sink think wink zinc think slink
did not dad knot dud knit dude dead gnat dread pad pod nuke nut nor our pores on the dot put in the spin and on the spot will have half haven shaved staff to fill full as the raven flies and falls off the wall and into the half-life of the cat box or the craven elf self-louvered self loaf selfknife self-leaf self leaflessly selflathered self-lossless self feathered feathery selffurther self furry self-fury self fatty self finery self-flatulent self-floating world self-fleeting words selfseeming self self-seaming Quite unlikely Quit unlikely Quick unlikely Quart unlikely Queue unlikely Quiz unlikely Quark unlikely Choir unlikely Quorum unlikely Squirm unlikely Chair unlikely Quip unlikely Chirp unlikely Squirrels Churn like a chum Char like a car Cheep like a charm Chip like a champ Chomp like a chump Churn like a chunk Burn like a bank Ball like a bunk Bell like a boil Bite like a bilk Feel like a farm Feel like a field Feel like a fit Feel like a fog Feel like a fumerole Feel like a forecast Feel like a firestorm Feel like a femur Feel like a fastener Feel like a fabric Feel like a festoon Feel like a fictioning Feel like a follicle Feel like a futilitarian Feel like a fume Feel like a form Feel like a firmament Feel like a fern Feel like a farm Formerly Rooted ruts Egg-begotten Gristle from the gut The grinding gingerly Youthlessness nor gnawing Ungovernable Giving Huts Training manual Tauntless Normalcy Beforehand Badlands Deepening Nonetheless Nevermind the Fibonacci Twelve tone Birefringent Two-step Dance like you Know what You're doing Running in place Varoom Reverse the Inverse Got dog if you want it But not for long To be or three be Be hare noun You only gift horse once in the mouth alive Vermont, moonlight Varooming in place Vast, vaster The vast vast They are vast Vast are they But so are You Rooflessly To go where Going is Gone Thank your Stark tars Your rootsomeness There is no other way To get started, since We are juice, jousts, Junkets, "thrown Into the world" Gobbled By the Red Demon Egg A leg to stand on One-legged On an Egg Talking back to The ru Ling class you Yak flak Knack whack, Jack Talcum baby vitamins, Green galloping hours Junket, junk kit Robbery, like Capitalism itself Gobbling Rutabaga, ribeye Real Reality Studio Rubbing Sauce The gist & the pith of it Too good to be True Just in time, just In Time
Jim Leftwich: I am an American poet. 1972 Introductions 1982 Extrapolations 1992 Invitations, Extensions, Continuations 2002 Meditations 2012 Intimations 2022 Ruminations
Photo by Sue Leftwich

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