Eric Hoffman The Final Group of Translations of Haiku by Ozaki Hōsai 1925-26 (Nangō-an, Shōdo Island) 眼の前魚がとんで見せる島の夕陽に来て居る Island sunset— fish leap from the sea ここまで来てしまつて急な手紙書いてゐる I write an impromptu note before returning home いつしかついて来た犬と浜辺に居る I walk the beach— for how long has that dog been following me? 山の和尚の酒の友とし丸い月ある I drink sake with the mountain priest— round moon さはにある髪をすき居る月夜 Moonlit night— I comb my hair すばらしい乳房だ蚊が居る Mosquito bite on a perfect breast 牛の眼なつかしく堤の夕の行きずり In the gaze of an ox, sweet nostalgia on the quay where I pass this evening あらしが一本の柳に夜明けの橋 Storm approaches a bridge at dawn— lone willow あらしの中のばんめしにする母と子 Stormy night— mother and child alone prepare their supper あらしのあとの馬鹿がさかなうりにくる After the storm a fool comes to sell us fish 足のうら洗へば白くなある When washed feet whiten 蛍光らない堅くなつてゐる Firefly dims— stops moving 大松一本雀に与へ庵ある In my hermitage a large solitary pine where sparrows gather 海が少し見える小さい窓一つもつ Small window with a slight view of the sea わが顔があつた小さい鏡買うてもどる Pleased by my reflection, I purchase the small mirror ここから浪音きこえぬほどの海の青さの From here you cannot hear the waves— so blue is the sea わが庵とし鶏頭がたくさん赤うなつて居る I cannot stop thinking of the chickens’ red wings すさまじく蚊がなく夜の痩せたからだが一つ A skinny body makes mosquitos hungry とんぼが淋しい机にとまりに来てくれた A dragonfly drops by my lonely desk for a visit 夜更けの麦粉が畳にこぼれた Late night— barley powder spilled on tatami 松かさも火にして豆が煮えた To cook beans— pinecone kindling 井戸のほとりがぬれて居る夕風 Well rim wet— evening wind なん本もマツチの棒を消し海風に話す Matches used up— we speak in the violent wind 山に登れば淋しい村がみんな見える From the mountain top all of the lonely villages are visible 雨の椿に下駄辷らしてたづねて来た Camellias in the rain— on their getas stopped by to inquire 叱ればすぐ泣く児だと云つて泣かせて居る You cry and I threaten you with tears 花がいろいろ咲いてみな売られる Hundreds of flowers bloom, waiting to be sold 掃く程もない朝朝の松の葉ばかり Morning— it isn't worth it to sweep only pine needles 秋風の石が子を産む話 Autumn wind— stones announce the birth of a child 投げ出されたやうな西瓜が太つて行く I look for discarded watermelons to eat— I’m going to grow fat 壁の新聞の女はいつも泣いて居る In the newspaper clipping on the wall the woman is always crying 盆休み雨となつた島の小さい家家 Small house on an island where it always rains 風音ばかりのなかの水汲む Only the sound of wind while I draw water 鼠にジヤガ芋をたべられて寝て居た While I slept, the rats ate all the potatoes 盆燈籠の下ひと夜を過ごし故里立つ Hometown— night spent under garden lantern, soon to depart 少し病む児に金魚買うてやる I buy a goldfish for a small sick child 風吹く家のまはり花なし No flowers around the house where the wind blows 青田道もどる窓から見られる Green paddies seen from the rear window これでもう外に動かないでも死なれる Now I may die without the need of going outside 山は海の夕陽をうけてかくすところ無し The sea reflects the setting sun onto the mountains— nowhere to hide 水を呑んでは小便しに出る雑草 Water drank— I go outside to piss in the weeds 一疋の蚤をさがして居る夜中 Early morning darkness— I search for a single flea 木槿の花がおしまいになつて風吹く Hibiscus flowers crumble in the wind ぴつたりしめた穴だらけの障子である Shōji filled with holes shut tight 思ひがけもないとこに出た道の秋草 Strange place for a road, hidden in the tall autumn grass わが肩につかまつて居る人に眼がない I guide an eyeless man who clutches at my shoulders 蓮の葉押しわけて出て咲いた花の朝だ Morning— a flower blooms forth from lotus leaves 切られる花を病人見てゐる Flowers cut— a sick person watches 乞食日の丸の旗のふろしきもつ A beggar uses a flag as a sling 玉子袂に一つづつ買うてもどる I buy two eggs, one for each sleeve— then head home お祭り赤ン坊寝させてゐる Shrine festival— the baby still sleeps 陽が出る前の濡れた烏とんでる Before sunrise a wet crow flies お遍路木槿の花をほめる杖つく Mendicant with a walking stick passes by, praises my flowers 葬式のもどりを少し濡れて来た Headed home from the funeral, a little wet from rain 道を教へてくれる煙管 から煙が出てゐる A smoky pipe points the way— smoke pours out 病人花活けるほどになりし Invalid recovered enough to arrange the cut flowers さつさと大根の種まいて行つてしまつた Planted radish seeds, then vanished すでに秋の山山となり机に迫り来 Autumn already— the mountain leans towards my desk 蛙釣る児を見て居るお女郎だ Child clasps frogs— a courtesan watches 久し振りの雨の雨だれの音 Over time, the sound of the rainfall changes 障子あけて置く海も暮れきる I keep the shōji open— the sea darkens 山に大きな牛追ひあげる朝露 Morning dew— bulls guided up the mountainside 畳を歩く雀の足音知つて居る Sparrow on tatami mat— I recognize the sound of its footsteps あすのお天気をしやべる雀等と掃いてゐる While sweeping I discuss the weather with the morning sparrow あらしがすつかり青空にしてしまつた A sky made blue by storm 窓には朝風の鉢花 Morning wind— potted flowers on a windowsill 淋しきままに熱さめて居り Alone— at least the fever’s gone 火の無い火鉢が見えて居る寝床だ From my bed I see the fire in the brazier increase 風にふかれ信心申して居る Devotions spoken into the blowing wind 小さい家で母と子とゐる In a small house I speak with a mother and child 淋しい寝る本がない I go to bed without a book— loneliness 竹藪に夕陽吹きつけて居る Dusk— the setting sun bathes the bamboo shoots 月夜風ある一人咳して Moonlit night, wind, loneliness— I cough お粥煮えてくる音の鍋ぶた Pot of boiling rice— noise from the rim 一つ二つ蛍見てたづねる家 I visit a house— see one or two fireflies 早さとぶ小鳥見て山路行く I walk a mountain path— a small bird flies by 草花たくさん咲いて児が留守番してゐる Flowers in bloom— the child stays at home 爪切つたゆびが十本ある I clip my nails— ten fingers trimmed 来る船来る船に一つの島 Ship after ship arrive— lone island 夜の木の肌に手を添へて待つ Nightfall— waiting I place my hand on the skin of a tree 秋日さす石の上に背の児を下ろす Child carried on my back— I place him on the stone warmed by the autumn sun 浮草風に小さい花咲かせ Small flower blooms on a floating weed 障子の穴から覗いて見ても留守である Look through the hole in the shōji— no one’s home 朝がきれいで鈴を振るお遍路さん Gorgeous morning— a pilgrim rings her bell 入れものが無い両手で受ける Without a bowl, I receive in both hands 朝月嵐となる Moon at dawn— storm comes ashore 口あけぬ蜆死んでゐる Dead shijimi— mouth closed せきをしてもひとり (咳をしても一人) Even when I cough I am still alone 汽車が走る山火事 Wildfire— a train races by 静かに撥が置かれた畳 Pliers placed on the tatami quietly 菊枯れ尽くしたる海少し見ゆ Through withered chrysanthemums part of the sea appears 流れに沿うて歩いてとまる I walk along the flowing stream and stop とんぼの尾をつまみそこねた Nearly caught a dragonfly by its tail 墓地からもどつて来ても一人 Home from the cemetery— still alone 恋心四十にして穂芒 Forty years old and still I love the pampas grass なんと丸い月が出たよ窓 Look out the window— a round moon! ゆふべ底がぬけた柄杓で朝 This morning I use the water dipper and find its bottom rotted out 風凪いでより落つる松の葉 Wind dies down— pine needles fall 自分が通つただけの冬ざれの石橋 Winter— I walk over an stone bridge 藪のなかの紅葉見てたづねる Autumn leaves in an azure sky 麦まいてしまひ風吹く日ばかり Wheat sewn— the wind never dies down となりにも雨の葱畑 Green onion field full of rain next door too くるりと剃つてしまつた寒ン空 Cold shaved head— frozen empty sky 夜なせが始まる河音 Work begins at night— the sound of the river 寒なぎの帆を下ろし帆柱 Out on the cold sea we lower the sails 庵の障子あけて小ざかな買つてる I open the shōji to buy some fish 松かさそつくり火になつた The pinecone, just as it is, lights on fire 風吹きくたびれて居る青草 Green grass, wind-blown, tired of wind 嵐が落ちた夜の白湯を呑んでゐる The evening storm dies down— I drink hot water 鉄砲光つて居る深雪 Deep snow— sunlight gleams on gun hilt 一人でそば刈つてしまつた Cutting buckwheat for soba— alone 冬川せつせと洗濯してゐる Winter river— with a washboard I wash my clothes 昔は海であつたと榾をくべる “The sea used to be here” he says as he tosses wood into the fire 寒ン空シヤツポがほしいな It’s so cold outside I wish I had a hat 蜜柑たべてよい火にあたつて居る I eat mandarin oranges warmed by fire とつぷり暮れて足を洗つて居る Exhausted, I wash my feet in complete darkness 昼の鶏なく漁師の家ばかり Fisherman’s house at noon— no chickens 海凪げる日の大河を入れる Today the sea has calmed— we swim in the big river 働きに行く人ばかりの電車 Only people headed to work ride the trains today 家のぐるり落葉にして顔出してゐる Autumn leaves fall around the house— a face appears 墓原花無きこのごろ Lately the graves remain flowerless 月夜の葦が折れとる Moonlit night— the reed is broken 墓のうらに廻る I walk around to the back of the tomb あすは元日が来る仏とわたくし Tomorrow is the first day of the year for both the Buddha and I 掛取も来てくれぬ大晦日も独り New Year’s Eve— not even a bill collector visits 雪積もる夜のランプ Snow piled up tonight— a lamp burns 雨の舟岸により来る From out of the rain a boat approaches the shore 夕空見てから夜食の箸とる I watch the sun set then pick up the chopsticks 冬木の窓があちこちあいてる Snowy winter forest— windows open everywhere to the light 窓あけた笑ひ顔だ Opened window— laughing face 夜釣から明けてもどつた小さい舟だ Shoreline— a small boat returns from nightfishing 児を連れて城跡に来た I and a child visit the castle ruins 風吹く道のめくら Blind man on windy road 旅人夫婦で相談してゐる Traveling, a married couple in discussion— exile ぬくい屋根で仕事してゐる Hard work, hot roof 山風山を下りるとす Windy mountain descent 裸木春の雨雲行くや Bare trees, spring rain, clouds come and go 松の根方が凍ててつはぶき Pine roots frozen, tinged with silver 舟をからつぽにして上つてしまつた The boat has emptied and everyone climbs aboard 名残の夕陽ある淋しさ山よ Solitary mountain— remnants of sunset 故郷の冬空にもどつて来た Return to my hometown— winter sky 雨の中泥手を洗ふ Muddy hands washed with rainwater 一日雪ふるとなりをもつ All day long it snows on both my neighbor and I 春が来たと大きな新聞広告 Full-page newspaper ad: “Spring is here!” 枯枝ほきほき折るによし Dead, fallen branches good for breaking 静かなる一つのうきが引かれる Fishing buoy tugged like heart strings 山畑麦が青くなる一本松 Mountain meadow— blue wheat and a lone pine tree 貧乏して植木鉢並べて居る Miserably poor and yet a row of potted flowers 霜とけ烏光る Melted frost— birds shimmer 久しぶりに片目が蜜柑うりに来た The one-eyed tangerine salesman returns after a long time 障子に近く蘆枯るる風音 Close the shōji— the wind speaks of dry reeds 八ツ手の月夜もある恋猫 Eight paws, stray cats in love— moonlit night 仕事探して歩く町中歩く人ばかり Looking for work, I do nothing but walk and walk あついめしがたけた野茶屋 Country teahouse— hot rice cooks on the stove どつさり春の終りの雪ふり Snowfall at the end of spring— it cannot be real 森に近づき雪のある森 Snow approaches a cold forest 肉がやせて来る太い骨である Thin meat from thick bone 一つの湯呑を置いてむせてゐる The tea strangles me— I set down the cup やせたからだを窓に置き船の汽笛 My thin body nestled at the window— steamboat’s siren 婆さんが寒夜の針箱おいて去んでる Cold night— old woman places sewing needles back in the box すつかり病人になつて柳の糸が吹かれる Quite ill— willow’s slender branches in the wind 春の山のうしろから煙が出だした Spring— smoke rises from behind a hillEric Hoffman is the author of Circumference of the Sun (Dos Madres, 2021), and the editor of Conversations with John Berryman (University Press of Mississippi, 2021) and a new edition of Philip Pain's Daily Meditations (Spuyten Duyvil, 2021). He lives in Connecticut.
Ozaki Hōsai was the haigo (haikai pen name) of Ozaki Hideo (1885 - 1926), a Japanese poet of the late Meiji and Taishō periods of Japan and a practitioner of the modern free verse haiku movement.
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