Jeff Bagato Glass Ladder with you it’s always something an error finds its way into your heart There you stand giving dare to say reprimand, no, judgment something like clutter on the soul No, I never listen propped up downtime fully loaded beast stable, glass ladder to the moon to the stars not a challenge a promise Game On cheater snacks: antonym marsupial backwash lax plastic nodes remind me of a complete alternative to wealth hot yoga for mice asking anyway do you think anything is anything? broadminded cattle prod keeps up a yoyo like motion not to be or not to be, not thither or yon, not space not time, but gravity capture just the same What We Did These new shoes can take holograph memories to the bank, sharpening nerves on a dime. Lack not. clap on clap off wishing well nouveaux bricks almost and almost like a crew cut dandelion after a hurricane needing nothing now b/c at least it has a future toll spore knockin campgrounds bleed why that’s plush treadle. red shift fedora paradox clean now too clean etter scores mapes sting consequences brolly hamburg scraper wise din dings basin of the blue death dealing like this. maze proper maps charts or. gatherings cavern time cave mind lopsided endeavor shill & slop amazing how it comes to this. always pencil licks yield lickspittle kicks but two sore tongues don’t make a right din digs the standards set forth in flook see generally baffles listed faces stiff stryker fraud license those who repeat it chalk dealers & fire clod gates sick puppy sick puppy sick puppy sick puppy sick puppy one choke and you’ll know it’s not an alimentary canal it’s a prison wall those who repeat it gel waiting land scare scale easel overbright pole teaser mallet punts top shelf horn gallon a gone tattler a tattler begoneprevious page contents next page
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