Daniel f Bradley

The Queen is dead more than usual

3-star variety
Crazy on Twitter
For the price of a fancy cheeseburger
Biennale marshmallow amok attack
Say hi to your girlfriend
Respond with comments of premature 
Death of my heart the office monkey
A great day for the whole pervert community
Sham-wow 69
My age-inappropriate lecherous wolf whistling
I'm the man with the bull whip
Johnny Law to you

I really think you guys got robbed in Eurovision

Drive-in asylum 
Of course the authorities reserve the right 
To use violence and it's not cool to make fun of 
People brain washed into cults why would someone 
Who wants to lead the freest nation on earth be
Wearing a pistol on your hip in a half-empty room 
The deep secret of cruelty is that it looks a lot like an epic poem
Meanwhile no one is marching with their parts hanging out
Though it really looks remarkably like an incel parade
Marching for a vague sense of freedom for professional gamers
All flags will remain at half-mast at City Hall and parks I know
It's never just about a dog when I lose a Pokémon showdown

Stop premature Christmas decorating

Everything can’t fit into a poem
Because man is just a vegetable trying to
Parallel park in a forest struggling 
To maintain the monthly mortgage 
Payments on the superhighway 
To progress built on flexibility and security
Empowering that’s how that works right
It is a sad day in America filled up with 
Fucking infants it isn’t just wrong
It’s downright silly and how is your day going 
Oh just put on some goat horns and chase me 
Around the forest till I pray to Bruce Springsteen

There are many things I don't understand there are many things I do

And meanwhile on Twitter another dog is eulogized
You were my best friend if I held the leash it means 
More than you think loops and loops are we winning
Yet I read things and I know things like workers 
Do less from home says Microsoft knows that attics 
Are for ghosts and basements are for serial killers
Growing death cabbage even though our real passion is 
Carving intricate sculptures out of bone and 
Sometimes you don't get as far as that into 
The words serious about our storm chips
why is there is no record of me serving in combat 
Is my service record classified as a higher power

It’s OK to put your pajamas on at 6 PM

Around unmasked seniors
Threw some knives and drank
You’re better than this change 
My mind and the cops are on paid leave 
Again with this immoral thuggish regime
We all got shit you know the drill
But the right mindset that replaces a beaten 
Copy skin deep I've even stopped 
Believing in prayer it doesn't take much 
To frighten people a pandemic makes 
Performance art seems pretty useless now you've 
Gone from making ugly books to ugliest books

Daniel f. Bradley’s chapbook I am greater than my Bipolar 1 is now out from Secret Handshake / Books. He has been publishing a series of Interviews with Writers and Micropress publishers from the Toronto scene, 1980’s and forward. Forthcoming is Alice Burdick and Mark Connery, while completed issues are with jwcurry, Marshall Hryciuk, and Gustave Morin. Detail are available at fdriveshesaid@gmail.com (that’s our name and our email address).
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