Jim Leftwich
In The Parking Lot At Willie's Laundromat
Verbs eat the hammers
Eat the hammers
beat the hamstrings
Retreat the string quartet
Hammer the violins
Trimming why Hammock
Under the humming stars
Joy be the hummingbird
Quips quick trips
Put it Up
Inner Under
kiwi Your Trumpet
jumping horse boat
trumpetung sly jangly Teeth
horse house
house hopping
hopping horse
how Gritting the Funk horse
Funk Gritting a house
Gritting as it hops
For Dogs Forget
For Dogs & Dogs
As a
sad as a deer
Even if Quit Who
Quit Even Who
Even Who
Even Who Requisite
Required Eventually
ever true
tried and tired
Yet muddlehaven
Nor bulb syringe
Noggin tomatillo
vanity of banana olive
branch managers in bunches
Their shoes are worn out
Scribble on a cardboard box
Nobodaddy nibbling
Omega-3 protein fish
Big Fish Popdaddy Upanishads
Your Underbrush Is Nodding
Your understory is fleeing
With all of its pants
On Fire
Ioopid onionoid
poinint pointeded
if you if
LiIting Opines Preying Osprey
Scorpion upon
upon its own onion
Younger than Us now
ulterior motif inflations
go forth doing
coaxing the
crisper waxing
xylophones chromatic vomiting
A pox of zen & zinc
Upon your curse
chromatic zaum waxing gibbous
Upon your 3-bean salad
Said ha Said Da
Eating with the
Wrong side of the
Eating your own toes
Taking out the trash
Talking amongst
Your multitude
Of selves
His Sky Blue Shoes
Vacate balloons
north of attention
backsliding away
from the Birdsongs
from the dance
from the graveyard the
graveyard training manual
ringing in the bears
true are the headless
yet useless
yet uselessly
uselessly open
& uselessly lyrical
Lyrical open nests
inchworm piano
inching bodies
thunder on the ocean
His Sky blue boots
Are yellow
Yellow Timing Belt Teeth
Teeming as they run
we have the fives
we want the whirling sand dervish
we would do anything
Not quite
Yellow as a quilt of quips
Quit man alive
Halving on the Fives
BoX of DoGs
Femur as they come
Gene splice on the dime
grinning in Your Face
hog-tithed for hello
no Higher God than
mirror in the bathtub
Hymn Humming Ham
monkey pox hopscotch
July therefore
unless gravy blue
king knuckles uncle
kinder & gentler underhand
kinks of just intoned ice
locks loop
July knuckles lazy glue
July knuckles uncle antlers
Hinge and hinge
Of jockstrap soup
Fiddleheads Geranium
Dabbling Agrarian
Somnambulant Doodles
as closely reading
Is catnip
vernacular brimming
with Golfing Fascists
fit to try Tiresias
Box of Dogs
His sky blue
Boots are
is up is on the once
is on the pomegranate
paper mill is on
Spruce river road
By once to try the
toy redwood tree awhile
Forever chemical witness
gabbro gambit ghoats
Forgotten Hoagies of ghost
Ghost Hamburgers helpless
fish waltzing toward king
four mad eye sun
eights ilk silken milk
By pulp avocado ear
Vultures rose fern reeking
environmental protection
agency picnic tablet
Ventures grumbling wings
Imbricate and Opening
filtration gizmo floating
disposable footprint
garbage garage cabbage
paper baggage
straight-line winds
bistro brusque gaping
syllabus in retreat
Nature is made of non-writing.
Drag erasing it run-on. Sentences.
The Maillard Reaction.
The totipotency of organic non-writing.
Hirsute shoebox bullies
hydrated rocket
coffee fragments
yet toenails
morphological verify
unrealistic minerals
mirroring eupsychic jonquils
muscular prosodic misadventures
June Bugs July Bags Big August
Jekyele jewelrhymes rimming
juicers corkscrew liminality
Work jumping lumps
Potential inquiries
limping jumps
notched slender
horizons twisting
oily protein synthesis
imbricate ornithologist
if no other poetics
unintelligible inquiries choired
crudites yucca monsoonal
composed yucca compromised
Compost Yucca Tropical
Undecidable Eggs evangelize
By cry dry eye fry gyre lye my
Pie rye sigh tyro vie why
with the lightwind
in my core
Queried Who dye
quicken those who dire
In an undersea fire
the emptiness between
my atoms is filled with
interstellar space
during contrary artifice
salmonberry eulogy withstanding
wholesome somatic attic
requisite wayfaring
emblematic dolmades
frequencies frenetic
decalcomania Coastal wasp's
nest plateau
durable Fevers trombone
gardening clinical hexagons
daffodils febrile
Verisimilitude studious
floor dwelling bluebirds Foul
dishtowel bedraggled
flattened downbursts
decidable frontiers
Books employees hooligans
The greening of Venus
The neocortical 5
nota Bene
Quarterly Reports
not a HinGe
Jug band hinge aid
Mutual jumpstart
Gathering froths Healing
gadfly yearling
Changeling riveTing
roulette cyclone
rust putty Tilting Yesterdays
unctuous Iip service
Yellowed like a pUrpLe mOOn
objective pLastic fLOtation Iozenge
periodic viewpoint decay
projected interpretive Onionskin
unfoIds chronons & calories
Teeming bicycle Yesman
eidolon radishes Tubular
decentralized salal Door Farming
food Demonized monetized
grinning Quonset whistlers
roaming mung bean
eidetic whittling Tortoise
gamelan adynaton ecstasis
readying the celestial
haecceity machine
Rejection Galvanized
strolls reHabilitated
Retrofitted Entropy
Ersatz Reminisce
teeming few
and far between
boom bam bim bum beem
doom dam dim dump deem
loom lam lim lump leem
moom mam mim mum meem
toom tam tim tum teem
zoom zam zim zum zeem
boom dam limp mum teem
beem dump limn maim zoom
Unfolding Clockwise
Variable conjunctures
noises nonviolent
brackish concave
vacuum cauliflower
Zoo Clock PoX Zoo Clock PoX
zoom counterclockwise pox
variations conjecture pox
Brackish consensual
Navigation Backwards
Biodegradable karma
Hummingbird Ghoat
Ghoat Fungible hiding
in the grass snake
eggs abject snake
Intentional lizard habits
Imbricate and Opening
Heirlooms hijacked by heresy
variations Rabbitual
Vortical rooming
birthday of the
thumbnail tornado
horizontal roaming
turpentine altitude
tortoise eyebrow
yortle through the
nose until the End
green hurdles mustard
jogging paves the beach
flaws ajar yodmyrtle
your subjective
crepe myrtles
against the mud
by up up by gone
ditch in the head
the fine five first
stand and sand
figure of speach
the spinach register
got hot jot lot
rat rut cat cut rot cot
gage gigo gu
ragged quietude
quickly rite quick &&
yourself squawking
yourself in selves
quiver yourself
question yourself
quaking Pando
yesterday's squiggles
ubiquitous wonder
eat with intuition
risen & shin
twin bubbles baking
acts of griffonage
asemous haunts of griffonage
jotting it down like a griffon
kinship futile griffin
jalapeno of the dogs
asemantic gambling
zoological soy voltage
zoot zawn Sam
xeric nightness
my verbs insist
my verbs inside
my verbs instead
noxious barricade
razzles barrier
noxious drizzling
forever noxious baubles
vortex dazzles between
drops raining
chemical drips
silent slipstream
how when
what what
why where
howlever sobeit
edenic pomology
due until
dew point drops
falling rocks watch
for fallen rocks
oily road
oceanic tondo
open the
filled with
of lyric
is open to
a longing
& a loss
limping liminal Lump
the kiss of Desk
mishearing is
an art
nor none at noon
neither nothing
in the night
broom on the wind
before the sun
valley of the vowels
ready to startle the day
credible computations
chromatic crucible In C
caveat compelling
egret eating the snowy fog
verbal visitations
vocable variations
gaffe tubulin within
and without non-writing
dog numerals point blank
hurrier hurrier
permanently fleeting informatics
temporary seconds
in a jiffy of a hurry
yesless tranquility surrounds
Our moribund blogs
up to no food
pulse & impulse
optimal & pituitary
gusts of history jackknife
heirlooms hijacked by heresy
error fur
errant fury
ersatz fairies
was plural
kiln luxurious
jackal slurred
bitterroot navigation
monsoonal barrister
duplicity of the gods
glib gibberish
gnawing at their
error of their waves
efforted furthering
via diametrical detours
verbatim timing
fog soggy
blogs froggy
hog noggin
Tomatillo on the squirrel
yes juts
us yes jilts
yes us
us yes
our us is
jolts yes
pig raffle 6
a ruffled pig
proof of the getting
all by themselves
dollhouse bootlegging
her highness
eh etching the wretch
tidal mythologies of
holy water on the
wafer / watery holes
the why
but why
why and
eye why
rye why
try sly
tow hasty
how tasty
the route
gets tough
wet trough
goes through
the why
Samson and Delilah
About ace aid aesthetic
After aged ah aid
Ajar ask align aim
And aorta apparently
Acquired are as at
Aunt avenue awe
Axe away azure
Zaum in a ziggurat
Abstract non-writing forbidden
five Verified Futilities
Fire Deportment
gifts of Resistance
vintage vernissage vantage
barbed carrion
grimaced quivers Grunting
quenching Gobbling
quarreling Giving
rusting Belt sander
Onion potato
Green Bell Pepper
gnaw fingers boNe
Horn Remnant
mUtUal aid
kiosk Thumb Utterance
it Is Us
our Inching Orchard
pituitary Helplessness
plotting to Hamstring
ibex Banana Jotting Kilowatt
Veracity Justified
hoVering oVer Venus
ejects Hieroglyphic
vexations Gerrymandering
fuzzy as a Zygote
Zamboni on Ice
Disjunct And Adverbial
fabulously dysfunctional
stiffly defenestrated Dionysian
Sand castles made of
Dionysus / cattle stuffed
with fennel / crows
clocking / flocks / no,
Pairs / of Ravens
Flapping at the birds
Kicking at the pricks
If I had my way
I would tear this
Old building down
Deep in the Flay
Fraying at the
dreams / Grime
emetic electric
Terrapin Trajectory
Refried Territorial mYthos
Sacred Temenos river valley
River of Timelessness
under the BodY of
inherent BodY Under
under bOdy
under inherent bOdy
BodY under
Heresiarch Moxibustion
hagiography Godforsaken
Bovine Duplex
feverish treelined
Lexical Sludge on
Street Paper
Paper sweeping
Around the Ashram
No room at the Inn
I believe aisle
Dust my broom
No Wrong Notes
Chromatic subjectivities expressed as chromatic realities.
Fri, Aug 6, 2021, 7:36 PM
to me
Please send one of the next text packages (a short symphony) to Herbie Hancock. See if he can improvise from on our asemics.
Sat, Aug 7, 2021, 5:03 AM
to Jeff
Herbie Hancock, having learned from Miles Davis, would find our works everything but asemic. He would find them raphesemic,
or ecdysiasemic. Chromatic subjectivities expressed as chromatic realities.
Hancock: What I realize now is that Miles didn’t hear it as a mistake. He heard it as something that happened. As an event.
And so that was part of the reality of what was happening at that moment. And he dealt with it…. Since he didn’t hear it
as a mistake, he thought it was his responsibility to find something that fit.
I walked into a record store on March 30, 1973 and heard music that sounded like something from another planet, indisputable
evidence that "another world is possible". It was Hornets, from Sextant. I bought it on the spot. I had just turned 17. I felt
very grateful for Herbie Hancock's willingness to exist.
ghoat Fungus Distrout
flukes tHe JiGgle
howling like a knot
Jiggling like a traught
Hijinks Hi Jinx
snafu Distrussed Hymn
Junk Joust bY Twigs
rouTed like a gnat
emotes who mUTter
Why o my must me be
Thee chromatic yearly RooT
the you you lose
P[ots no PurpOse
is jUYce for the mouse
Is mouth to the monster
figure the beaten Crust
Varoom the Nibbling moon
Bivouac with the caribou
caveat vouch the hex
Zoom like the saxophone wheel
The snacksophone color wheel
curved pox verbatim
vestigial spoon
Ghoat Fungus festooned
quietly we River through Hell
tried to the TREE of Knife
writing The two-EYEd Joker
Is wild is Twice the
Cult the kult The Kult
mr nice Boy
Calf balloon Vice Resident
sod Fungal Bootstraps
Nor GoDLess Fictioneers
food forward
Fighting like a Fidget
eat at every EnTRY
UtiLitY Openly oils
The Uselessness Of
Our capture
turquoise AlFalfa FISH
Juliette on high
give up on the fives
Summer 2022
at a reststop in the Cowlitz Valley
Rotting Gnats the Poem
rose The Rose
rise The Ruse
Rinse the Rules
fracking fallow
fossil pigeons
Hallowed be
Thigh Gnome
no more
nose Gates &
Gated Homes
Sermon on the stationary piano
holy Joists TV Younger
jargon of the roots
Harbor of the roost
kUdZu Haiku
Ubiquitous Lonesome
our Us Is boneless
out On Inches Ontology
pointed One Intimately
Intimately Intimidating
pith Inner Utility
Forth knaves Uptown
Good Day for a Riddance
hint Rusty Socks
hocking the Radio
Radial Glints
vast downwind forGeTFulNess
askew, askance, aplomb
globules Quantum bulbs
gasping guest lists
queue, quince, a plum
quibbles away, AWAY
The wAY of the Tongue
eUphonic apartments
Epic nibble and pray
rOse roSe rosE Rose
RosE rOSe rOsE RoSe
Ocean Score
On Paper
Rung Moon
Ladder Rose
A type of Pea
A CuP of Years
think you Know
leg of Gardens
Knowing Jubilee
forget your own Gost
Gost, ghoats
adding Machine Guts
cognitive cog Map
vacuum voices
KnoTs of the Night
rotting Gnats the Poem
Herewith where you
Think you are
How did we get Here
There Are three
ThReE ways in one
Yippee Pie Sky Day
Different From
veering Freely
freedomishly varying
regurgitates the
Greener recidivisms
gets away with murmur
getting Torn apart
how many highways
yammering hasten The Toes
hold on to your headlights
yippee pie sky day
yelping Jaywalking
Yonder undoes the Junction
utter yellowed Knife
umber tUrtLe intrinsic
O the moon-faced serpent
o the wind and rain
purple turtle
up to the House
know sharks in the suitcase
Xyliphglyphic Ditty
as I said And as they said
do as
Xyliphglyphic sing-along
Chromatic Behaviors
Luke a Junkie on the Knoll
like the true juice from the knot
like a kick in the teeth
igloo hammer
hammer like a footrace
quick & eaten Whole
quick & eaten
From the whole cloth
events quietude worsted
rewind the wind
Never is not a Verb
been down so long it
looks like down to me
Moonlight on Nevada
Us is ours is theirs they
walk among us
pie in the ocean
pie overboard
Ultimately trenchant yessing
verbovisual vocables
Differs Firstly toothpicked
rifhteously clockwort
TYlenOL yunging pane
by nor yes if
By nor else elf
new umbilical elves
under a teardrop veil
Telling it to the sky
ThUndering thumbs
For the Hell of At
fiddlestix sticks
dr rheophile
eyebrow the blues
so bad woke up
this morning eye
brow them walking
blues them walking
encyclopedia of
wrong turns
wrong world turning
Watch it
As it turns away
Vocabulary Dying Fodder
fonder By the corpse
fog long gone
bogging down the Groan
Gibberish hotter tickets
Old man Gerber was a chemist
Teach the Dark Matter
How to Think
yessing on the fives
go man go
Like YOU don't know
If the blues BE
high or low
Washington State
Summer 2022
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