Jim Leftwich Weather Report winds huff forth Thirties sustained Gusts in the fifties Quit your job Go live in the Mountainous Snowcapped Desert streams Sparkling among The Lightning Fish Like an Alchemical Fire Materia corvine swoop Wonders the dire coyote One raven, two shoes, the Snow-covered Peaks of the Panamints Are covered In flat gray clouds Worldwide Eyes eating on the Run, eating Runes on the Runway, run away rainfall measured In minutes vultures rip my flesh eating mind forged manacles & miracles Garbage trucks & Camper vans campaign along The barely highway For their sweltering Summers, simmering Behind the bookcase Gumshoe disease Biblical barnacles / Barn owls Hardly burrowing Turf welter Rarely thought fare Flaring belt Sanders in the Gnostic garment district / Bigger & Better than Ham & Cheese Wizards hog-tied sausage grinders grime forth growling chocolate handlebars between gabardine haberdashers holographic grammar hustling down the freeway gift horses flying Highlands in the Face of Living light Loquent populace & pleasance lip parade plenitude Pulchritudinous Level on the pulse mosaic rawhide hereafter mirror in the bathtub under level plenitude Under highlands Flying grammar Iumpen barnacle disease Forged vultures Covered with shoes testing the goads Ephemeral estimates Vultures bulb socket Sump cuff quarterly suds Foaming handface Stuffed papers we Emit emergent Well-being Enigmas coyote measured Endlessly Residual breech between Ears Wrinkled Sideways Decimated Facsimile do you climb our highway yodeling hello to the gelatin? hell yeah upon the harried plain under the hatless plenum plectrum the hairless plectrum Forth Handheld failing the depths how would you define The Lyric I? how many of us? how did we get here? Gone with the flowing wing A dirty fire of variables adds up to Dying by the billions As far as far as far we River and we pool lecithin obsidian Dadas dodging draft afalfa Singing antiwork songs acidic fulm filmic fatuous comedic algebra Fastidious Gorgon gargantuan go forth and multiply tables by chairs divided by chance By How many hats We are ahead of The hating game Mojave Desert January 2023 The Doodad Squint 1. Now and/or Never try Your hand at it younger even than Joy yeppersbetcha just Under Yearly Unbeknownst to our Utility Intuitions positively Open Penchant for Parachutes optimizable HighFalutinBrow distributed dischords sinusoid software pit toilets pinching violets we squared Equals wedged quadrant Edge Wise edgewise quadrilateral Dangling Scones & scions Zoo box clockwise Xylophonic Zomvulical Zombilical clockdumb Xylem So it goes On hour tows ghost toes far Simpler than Doomsdaze machinery clock Xylem culture villager furniture come tone cone squall droning the Doodad Squint 2. Simplex flexing pox displaying Sipgon Siphoning sophomores Eye witness testimonials reminded of Etxhings Wroughte We are Eating lunch Poems formica Naugahyde Linoleum root Beer bus Station reach out Entwine yourselves We are still Hungry Orange unlike desert Holly unlike Redwoods Everlasting trembling to the Tone ermine on Thyme remotelt Twibjleen Remotely Teeming Eternalune termites twinjling Engines embochure wibjling Winjling Wibkline Trampoline saddens the Dust Like a finch on greasewood soaking in the Fire stay true to your Fictions 3. Functionality of the Poem Abracadabblers foreshortened Scientists Soap is Dark Soup is Dank got Dog to the Groynd doggoner Gobner Gob goner Agon gonna getcha Goner captcha They gob bot Goons Working for The Squid Squad Nevada 2023 Remember nor noon enough Your why my Yammerblossim Ubiquity Junction Kilowatt Hammerhead Junkyard Klezmer juicer Unlit Illiberal Ligature insists on Lightbulbs inner pinch I don't Player piano Optimism Off the cuffernought cuttlefish from the hole clot out through the Upstairs yesternoon Utterly Twice Your Quarterly Reporn yam in May Terror of Eternal Returns gutters of Eek teaspoon after Godsend atelier favorite dog of Venus cobbled Beckoning Coverlet Velocity bivouac Viscosity biscuits before Flames guarantifiavle Fortuity goose Train Runner Your ashtray My Totipotent beribboned Right of way Yes tracer minerals Gonna Be even Bigger cause because Claws clause Causal aardvarks Backlogged foggy diamond Goof difference is Good Eat when the wind Two or more Waters are as Real As real as Rain Feral Albumin Astronomy flipbook gaseous furstorm vibraphone Xerxes Vacikkuon bacillus candy of the sea Far Away From anywhere Avid Verbs differentiate Bits bite the Hand curved Ballast Forward in Duplicity The greening of The Red emptying ecologies triymph oft Thee Roit The root grows Through the Roof trimmer Term termitic & erstwhile jackal Kiln & High-Jump lake of the Known: is made of is: such a fast Sodt far such a Soft Snare tardigrade ebullient Remembering Everything Nevada 2023 Dimmer Switch Moonrise Gastric nibbler Gnomon Neither yucca cat coyote pondering Litotes foresworn Yonder bungler Few ukulele leaping point of one Bone upon broth Placates recast or our outer Yet Yet Yet red Twine twice ruled out Embarks Wayfaring Febeuke wguke Sad sod sd suds durifyl stalwart sidles up such Hush was his as hours upon us socle Whodunnit yabbermongering whipsnake quantified tumblic Each and every echorn lyricism overt OverTime ouch to the Touch Pointedly psyoptics per Game kilter Gamelan Long garrules Lost fortnight floridian Lounger flickering Kilt disambiguated syllabic us Yantric Tantamount as Above We were very proud Vacuum cleaner eyeliner everyman vault toilet evergreen versatility embitcher varoom room Rigorous black light rubbery Rutabaga reboot boot Tilt nor nylon Murmuring umbrellist Luminous nous imbricate Illuminated iota until the Wind imbibe/rescind Lingers Looped plasticine (astral) Yellowing Hereafter Goof Bungler Fettuccine decaffeinated muddling curmudgeon aft winter squared After all even though Later still Nevada January 2023 Knifty Forlorner Keep kept Looking inner & under the Light Inside every lightning Is an oak tree and A Pine cone until and unless tip of the Pencil pointedly Typewriter Please look back Over your left shoulder Top of the point to you pretty Trains orange as a Railroad Olden times Religion I'll have Every Idea inventually even your Unventions who are above the lawn Question your own authority As Herein, So Thereafter as Hereafter a head held Astray held Askew holding Slippery jester of Diamonds kilter Doff knifty Forlorner if not, then Far little bitty Lightnings In a row forward Dawn the Line Slip lips sop sap Slop laps sip soap At the bend of the day Around the blend Of the day are Yes again yam Aookes yesterday's Asparagus yclept Apple core universally Askance under the bookshelf Snide artichokes breccia & gabbro us plus us equals us universally Eschew Escargot & cargo umbrellas are everything Say Hello to my Hat Flea markets are Forever Like shooting Goldfish in a Punchbowl Finish them off by Noon The very bottom of the Non Dogs of Gold For the foreseeable future High beams on the lowdown typewriterly Religions yardsales in the junkyard Backwards in the day Therefore Thursday take Nothing for granite Leave nothing bee hive your Jaundiced July your Jolly January your Kind of Day My kind of nighttime Their kind of kindness Beware Of golden Dogfood Utility Cliches of Light Iump lumps lump lump innerly ooenists Roitibylar Rooting For the Home Team hermetic Rust gallinaceous egg fur Eat the Time Every rooster has a treehouse Every chicken is a Rose Nevada 2023 A View From Hell's Gate Multiplied by Itself twice as Monthly turmoil Kinetic passenger Time potable Tumult pIacid lacerations Uncle Uncle kettle Kine jumpers Jolt kiln of lucid limned in liquid Jolting Kettles Pleated Keats Jungian bolt Laceration jumping Placid Passengers Kettle of Potable Parboiled Kinetic Kine Jynorope Iatrogenic Bungle Bungle Nice northerly Brine numbers Gold gallop portable Clan of Mucus The whole who Worse than What we Egg garden edges we Whittle the Whistles Down egg Westerly egg Weekending Defecating lightning With baseball Diamonds so many dead eggs Such lightning across The garden bridges advantage daylight ambient Fungible Alfalfa Fungicide astringent Fastener Volumes bent Variables false Dung beetles gauntlet freshener trilobite Haircut thimble of Tastes Younger than Heresy younger than Jungian Younger than Jubilee Younger than Umbilical kettle of Uniqueness imbricate Kisses Uniquely Lungs oil of San Jose oil of Politburo if Little Horses gangs uniquely intricate Double hairs Split in triplicate Yellowing in Hock Got dirt home Junket dirt Pockmarker marketing pox Hoax junket skirt dirt plot dirt Yearning in a Shirt Hot yurt home pox yearning Hunkering on the mark Got home clock Hoax dirt Burning Blurting down the track Which Came First? Got chicken Home junket egg Chicken marketing pox Hoax junket egg Dirt chicken dirt Yearning egg a Shirt Chicken yurt home pox yearning Hunkering egg the mark Got home chicken Egg dirt Chicken Blurting egg the track west twining Econeural Temenos eidetic escutcheon Yam in May roots Through the roof Yesterday Unbelief yet Iambent Yam Temenos Lust Of cheese eon cut Cresting redoubt and Hidden in the Mall of Tennessee yams in April roots Through the Doors of Perception, darkly As Such forgotten Golden Fog glut heresiarch Jetsam jettisoned jetty juts high on the hog gluten herein jotted log on inner thigh jetstream units unlit all but lost the plot From Across the Road forgotten chicken fog glut heresiarch egg chicken jetty juts high egg the hog gluten herein chicken log on egg thigh jetstream chicken unlit all but egg the plot Nevada 2023previous page contents next page
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