Louise Landes Levi
Jack Kerouac at 100;
A Talk given at Ruigoord, Amsterdam, NL
Did I create that sky? Yes, for, if it was anything other than a conception in my mind I
wouldnt have said "Sky"-That is why I am the golden eternity. There are not two of us
here, reader and writer, but one, one golden eternity,
One-Which-It-Is, That-Which- Everything-Is.
(fr. the Scripture of the Golden Eternity)
As a youngster, I meet
Ginsberg Orlovsky, also Gregory at age 20,
first informed of them, indeed introduced to Gregory
by high school delinquent
guru boyfriend,
I go to India
& relocate to Holland.
Once free of stifling but compelling love affair
& after long journey, I meet 2nd. GURU
somewhat more qualified & live around the corner
in Amsterdam from Simon (Vinkenoog).
I now enter the realm of Jack Kerouac,
not through the book but
Hilarious adventures
& some danger, not too much.
its 1984 Franco & Udo, first long hitch hike,
first truck driver is a poet. He recites;
Sto bovendo un café molto dolche
ed amare perce tu non che sei.
on this same journey .
fr. lst. Dzog ChenTeaching, in Italy,
I read the TEXTs, like Cut-Ups
enscribed on the vehicles,
especially the trucks.
picks me up, I am delivered,
The possibility of liberation
fr. Intense Suffering over rides convention,
dismisses sexuality as convention
almost every other form of perception.
Instead of middle aged ‘huis vrouw’
I’m middle aged
at least in the eyes of others.
The former associates are
amazed to see me playing
on the streets — hitch hiking 1000s
of kilometers to meet my ‘master’.
In truth
I learn ‘concrete’
speech fr. those behind the wheel
I also learn mind reading,
as protection, curious images, some very violent, which
appear in the mind, clearly belong to the ‘other’.
I graciously ask for a coffee stop
Am I another of Jack Kerouac’s disinherited
daughters? Or his ‘heir’, at least
We encounter,
in the occidental poetic, a lack of
spiritual tradition. In India & Japan, deep respect for
the Power of the Word, the poetic formula, or
Utterance has reigned since ancient times.
In the USA this tradition has been desiccated, the
greatest genocide in our planetary history:
the America Indian
We are the red men, now down among
the dead men,
HOW. G. Corso
insist on the liberation
of Body, Mind & Word – they transform
what had become academic tradition
into a living extension of LOVE
in fact they perform a
spiritual & artistic alchemy.
Poetry, the Spoken Word, the Fiery Tongue
returns to essence. The Body, via Artaud & onward,
the Mind, via Pound, Rexroth in the Netherland
Bert Schierbeck et.al. set the precedent
for this transformation.
Simon finds in the roots
of the Dutch literary heritage
Jan Luyken Ik meende ook de Godheid woonde &
Guido Giselle O Wilde Papever Mijne,
the root of his community
of the ‘beat’ expression which so attracts him..
Graciously & modestly
he opens his door to
Ginsberg, Orlovsky & Corso.
I am present
Doux present du present J.Prévert
We are faced w. utter calamity,
look to the Beats, still, for affirmation of community,
for a refusal of the War Doctrine &
for defense of the Earth.
Galvanizes these aspirations
keeps the code & does not transform itself into the usual
institution. It remain as a canter
for creative innovation,
were somewhat misogynist,
not really acclaiming the social feminine,
they did acclaim the Goddess,
the great SHAKTI of the Sanskrit tradition
the Shekinah of the Judaic,
Ginsberg proclaims Holy, Holy,Holy
This existent creation.
I will read now fr. Kerouac’s
early verse & his master work, Mexico City Blues
(1959) Chogyam Trungpa proclaimed it
a perfect manifestation of mind
which I discovered
appropriately in the library
if the Ali Akbar school of music,
in San Rafel, amazed, at its power
of revelation & its presentation
of the Buddhist doctrine,
in context & terminology
Jack & Allen,
in the 50s, in NYC were the portals,
along w. Suzuki Roshi less proclaimed, in San
Francisco & Alan Watts through which the Buddhist
Dharma was introduced to the USA Avant Guard
gradually to the society of large.
For when the Tide of Disaster
Rises water will disintegrate
And all be left
Is the successful savoir Abiding Everywhere
Beginningless Ecstatic NOBODY
To further understand what I’m doing
Here at the Kerouac Centennial, in Ruigoord,
not at all an expert on Jack Kerouac
I Return to Margarita island. –
I’m studying w. 2nd Guru
the terton master Namkhai Norbu,
instructed in dream, to reveal the entire
cycle of his ‘terma’, or dream teaching, there
on the Pearl Island, as it’s called,
near Caracas, Venezuela..
I live in the ‘gar’ very simply - attend
The teachings & explore the island, by bike & on
Foot when possible & not too dangerous.
One grey afternoon I’m
Unusually obsessed w. the Hebrew word
Elohim – meaning grace’or ‘g-d’, What’s the exact spelling –
I recall the letters but not perfectly
– In my inner silent vision, I keep looking
for the spelling
of the word.
it’s raining ,
I leave the ‘gar’ to walk to nearby village,
Pedro Gonzales. It’s a very poor
village - no one reads, only recently
has Chavez introduced literacy, to the very poor
& free water. A young man calls to me
He invites me to sit on his ‘veranda’
Until the rain stops.
I agree, sit & watch the rain as
he disappears, into his shanty, returning after a
few minutes w. a book in hand. It’s the bible, in Spanish.
He hands it to me, to pass the time, I open at random, to a page,
where, to my astonishment,
is written in bold Hebrew.
Leaving I look at the face of this individual
& note he looks EXACTLY like the young
JACK KEROUAC one sees in
Those iconic photos
It’s now years later, preparing this, I come
Across, as if by chance, the following
In the City Lights JK Edition
Pomes of All Sizes,
Jordon Belson: Everything is reduced
to its absolute meaning
The Heel of ELOHIM
Ether brings them out
Let slide sweetly
The transformation
Of the thinking.
The Liberation
From Jack Kerouac.
Originally presented as spoken word & song,
at the Jack Kerouac Centennial: Jack Kerouac at 100.
The Beats in Ruigoord (9.10.2022)
Excerpts reprinted in Italian in ALIAS, Il Manfesto
Ruigoord, Beat e Oltre D. Bellini (17.1.23)
With grateful thanks
to Rene Van Voort, for his kind invitation,
Bastiaan Lips master chef , Ernst de Pon peerless chauffeur
for hosting JK at 100
Louise Landes Levi is still in Kyoto.
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