Pat Nolan
I’m content with my choices
if that’s what they actually are
I don’t recall the crux where
I might have chosen one or
the other but there must have
been that moment when I had to
decide the results are evident
enough although the chain of
memory binds me to a familiar
place within where I find calm
my whole time taken up reading
or writing reading about writing
writing about reading as if
they were the most necessary
things I could choose to do yet
clearing out the vines beneath
the wisteria paring away fuzzy
bruised skins putting peaches up
are demands that must be attended
to for which there is no choice
and add to the details of the day
that give weight to my decisions
In a closed society
looking for a way out
is criminal behavior
silence is the ultimate music
the space between events
the most resonant of all
that the world can even exist
and that I be a part apart
unknown even to myself
regarding the maturity of the season
and the time past a blur
if not for the catalog of those accounts
that made those moments what they were
the things said being the things done
new worries sprouted from the seeds of old
worries walking the tight rope tipping point
the landscapes less severe may be indistinct
resolution results in a certain satisfaction
that which must be held cannot be grasped
all along the lollipop trail of reason
to be secure in the simple sugars of belief
the secret to the quantum of the word
that it can reveal as well as obfuscate
“you must if you don’t you’re failing”
I hate those little voices giving pep talks
they echo in the ironic distance and yet
another day belongs to dust and weather
with the passing of each old friend
the lie of our immortality makes clear
an anemic wave of light
filtered by the chill coastal air
language provides its own rhetoric
technology has always allowed
literature to be viewed differently
at every retooling of telling
my impatience surrounds me
the expression of our ignorance of the universe
a place of contradiction witnessed by the subject
expenditure of a logical conclusion
logical conclusion of an expenditure
thermal equilibrium where past
present future are the same
time as the arc of destruction
like Zeno’s arrow infinitely divisible
(complexity slows entropy
by keeping it occupied)
perceive time as coexistence with the world
an insistence on the present
which is always the next thing coming
hand over hand pulling ourselves
along with the rope of time anticipating
the length ahead while leaving
the coils of our anticipation behind
time as the suffering of mortality
Sometimes all it takes is a nudge
to derail a thread a path a dream
eye opening on a mind closed
to the decades that have flown
unattached to any real reality all
the energy expended over nothing
in a crowded field not everyone
gets the same sunlight or attention
the cultivation of resonance from
the past winnowing the vast archives
clueless to anything not self-advancement
becomes the cruel twist to the game
viewed from up close or at a distance
nothing changes but the measurement
not preoccupied with the language
effect but the clash of discontinuity
that would strike for a moment
a spark sometimes all that it takes
distracted into the self as reverie
the itch the bug the sinking discontent
remains elusive as a vague jealous envy
and rationalization runs in circles
further deepening the groove of a captive
mindset laboring under a despot of delusion
that something will become of all of this
up against a wall whose texture is sorrow
or just the vague verdigris of self-pity
desperation’s desire for the undesirable
flinches at the flagellations of regret
fed up with the pretense of normal
the lost cause is impossible to find
(Sonnet in the Voice of Rimbaud’s Other)
With the advancements in science
we could look at our origins under
a microscope a curious preoccupation
we are not who we thought we are
or what class of beast we represent
with myth allowed for our follies
without allowed for our failings
we are as perfect as our surroundings
shaped by landscape and light
beyond which is idle speculation
greater heights belong to birds to
whose evolution our steps must follow
gain the air along with the earth
reign supreme or swim with the fishes
always the last to
melt yellow icicle in
the snow by my gate
in the echo chamber
not a sound
the redundant silence
knock on the door
hurriedly dress
this stifling heat
funny face
the next sneeze
gripped by cold
in a monochrome world
the howl of wind
chopping firewood
and the wretchedness
of the world
as much as I wished
you’d stay you had to leave
breathing memory
shopping list from
a year ago the familiar
old winter coat
“I awoke in
the middle of the night and
said ‘it’s raining’”
“the smile of the father
whose pain made him sing”
—Julia Kristeva
Self-diagnosis rears its
pointy orthodox head
flaw in the hominid
ointment or maybe
just progenitor ego
there is no consensus
outside the circus
surfaces where
dust and coffee
cup rings gather
to do something
by doing nothing
someone’s touch
bridges other worlds
slowly die being
ourselves much quicker
as someone else
cerulean blue bordered
by the haze horizon
at the periphery men
wistfully whittle away
their grand dreams
to feed the hearth
innocence is blind
to our darkening soul’s
creeping corruption
of aging oxidization
lyric encounter with
the moment living in
the shadow of the flame
Pat Nolan’s poetry, prose, and translations have been published in numerous magazines and anthologies in North America as well as in Europe and Asia. He is the author of a dozen poetry selections including
So Much, Selected Poems Vol. II (1990-2010) from
Nualláin House, Publishers (2019) and
the thousand marvels of every moment, a tanka collection (Nualláin House, 2018). His online poet-centric novel,
Ode To Sunset, A Year In The Life Of American Genius, is available for perusing at He is also the founder and editor of
The New Black Poetry Society’s blog Parole.
Made In The Shade, a limited term poetry document, began posting monthly in January of 2022 and which will end on December 31, 2022 can be viewed at His most recent fiction project is
Dime Pulp, A Magazine of Serial Pulp Fiction ( Pat lives in the redwood wilds along the Russian River in Northern California.
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Pat is my philosopher/king poet in his lyric complexity, his wit, his sly self indulgence.
An Eiron hero whom he plays to the hilt hiding in and behind redwoods, and river. He makes the best toasted walnuts in the world, and even better poems,
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