Sanjeev Sethi
In last night’s clasp, mirrors that shy away from me crack
open. Boundaries are laid bare on the playground of
the persuasive or the potent. You keep your thigh away;
I hide a part of myself from yours truly. In our eatery,
no one identifies with hunger.
The universe speaks in a voice of its own. Poetry permits us
to cross the confines without penalties: some are rigid or
too right to do otherwise. In silence, we learn the alphabet;
stillness helps discover the diction. When we are ready,
the conversation begins.
In the noes, I build a nest,
navigate the passage
with a positive air.
There is no editorial on my grit.
This is a deal with me and my Maker:
hurl the thrawn, and I will compose it.
At the gloaming tick when
the sky drapes the first layer of
dark curtains, you and I, encumbered
by conditions beyond our remit.
You pinken in proximity.
In its core sortition is colored.
Disquietude chooses a fount that covers the dross
with fragrant lines and chiseled flavors. Cheated
by the cosmic, we complect alimentative maxims.
The wiles of words: sugar crystals to pismire-like
selves help. To weep sans tears, try some poetry.
Being unbusy isn’t a bane but a blessing: it feeds
us with perspective. Inherent in the rating wager
is the infringement of the good writ. Temporal
winds will wash the somatic cast: if fortune lends
us its font, a phrase or two may flow for a while.
In the cryosphere, the frozen is the norm.
Imagine a stream of fluidic spontaneity
in that milieu. The ache of oddity is an
onerous one: all fomentation is fugacious.
As the rejoicing flows to another font
I know no raider can rob you from me.
It’s a curse to care for the unthinking:
upcycling the unfavorable is the beat.
Sanjeev Sethi has authored seven books of poetry. His latest is Wrappings in Bespoke (The Hedgehog Poetry Press, UK, August 2022). He has been published in over thirty countries. His poems have found a home in more than 400 journals, anthologies, and online literary venues. He is the recipient of the Ethos Literary Award 2022. He is the joint winner of the Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux, organized by The Hedgehog Poetry Press, UK. He edited Dreich Planet #1, an anthology of Indian poets for Hybriddreich, Scotland, in December 2022. He lives in Mumbai, India.Twitter @sanjeevpoems3 || Instagram sanjeevsethipoems
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