K.S. Ernst & Sheila E. Murphy Three Poems Dark gray in the east Bright mild sunlight in the west, an invitation to dusk Relict insistence different from mere adaptation. The forest shivers. An owl hoots. The evening begins to breathe. A moment - the magic of what happens. Where has warmth gone? Inside the home to reinvent the protected. The sisters hold hands. Watch fracture of once sky Now felt across, with/in The moth, the mother, both, Bother. Ersatz giving in. ф Shapes curve between Early intonation Of wheels and flat land Thin fragrance of buds Reveals a morsel of thin sky Windblown memories Enchant the present until the Child in the window Breathes an alternate current a small canvas patch Awaiting text or Picture free of frame Brushed with nature’s forenoon ф A package of breath Left over after Ever after After the close When nothing closes. The ballerina Pirouetting One small foot One toe, one spot. Sky shields us Maybe it has softness Maybe it perspires As it dances. One branch of the bonsai plant Shows a little green Following rain - The forest still dark lean sticksMuch of K.S. Ernst’s work is painted, collaged, or digital, and she uses three-dimensional letters to create freestanding sculptures. In addition to literary magazines her pieces are often exhibited in galleries and museums. Recent books include Drop Caps and Sequencing: (both from Xexoxial Editions) and The Last Vispo Anthology (Fantagraphics). Books with Sheila E. Murphy are Permutoria and Underscore (Luna Bisonte Prods) and 2 Juries + 2 Storeys = 4 Stories Toujours (Xexoxial Editions). Sites housing substantial collections of Ernst’s work are Ohio State University Avant Garde and Experimental Writing Collection; The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo; and Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Website: www.ksernst.com.
Sheila E. Murphy’s most recent books are Sostenuto (Luna Bisonte Prods (2023) and Golden Milk (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2020). Murphy is the recipient of the Gertrude Stein Award for her book Letters to Unfinished J. (Green Integer Press, 2003). Murphy's book titled Reporting Live from You Know Where (2018) won the Hay(na)Ku Poetry Book Prize Competition from Meritage Press (U.S.A.) and xPress(ed) (Finland). Murphy has authored 45 books of poetry. Based on a background in music theory and instrumental and vocal performance, her poetry is associated with music. Murphy earns her living as a management consultant and researcher and holds the Ph.D. degree. She has lived in Phoenix, Arizona throughout her adult life.
Her Wikipedia page can be found at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheila_Murphy.
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