Glenn Bach
Five Poems from Atlas
The ocean and its waves the gap between
what we know and what we build anyway
( ital. beach why not live
further out thus the revolution of the tides
of th e most elega nt landmar ^
may open this moment on a better trajectory
breakwater this pile of gnarly rocks
the best worst party inflicted upon us
verdigris steeply pitched will savor
the majestic a marked feeli of grac
thus the revolution
its contours and weathers barren and
unequal its bouquet of edges.
an argot of sudden
that moon that moon
of silt, shake
on a flower day
the rock
the light-
the surrounding territory
where nothing ever happened
there will be fare-
& smiles, see: rocks or
river of the south: see
to speak of
places we love but no story
about them, a place
where people go
to transact important matters
by the fishing boats as they wend
to the flowers that grow
a collective
a composite of landmarks
to seaward the fog lay
open as on a map
of the most exotic of the exotic stones
into a wreath of smoke and foam
again into company with the sea
gesture wistful
crumble, sod, broken
fog to sunshine
the light which is a powerful one
so steep were the sides
a faint shrug, a tiny
Simplicity over an array of transcendence through plants in tended
gardens. Abstracted nature through new forms of domesticity
for the future.
Sub/urban horizontal of the land grades on the strength extent
of the tentacles. Brutalist simulacrum of urbanity in stark
corrosion of this city.
Folded along the ocean corridor and spun outwards. Against the banks
namely Victory and Santa Cruz these doomed farms. Hemmed
by the San Gabriel these houses touch the ground lightly.
thick hem
of sail into the skins
of buildings: sheet
iron and concrete (unbroken
aura from its stones
backs to the street
meant to be looked at
yesterday's bricks
and planks one of the greatest
spectacles by a steel-ribbed
rushes and other plantings
selective nostalgia, stanchions
and park all the greener
maritime agent of decline
white smoke from where
the skyline no longer
in cities empty of harbors
cinders settling
City down from the
light lit the sky
has been
a business coma eventide
& afterglow
untapped market. The market
was tapped
by someone
who saw the dollars
the Pacific Suns they had no
all-stars /
condor’s nest
of the lake people of the tide
if the theatre to be a success if not
the garage another waste a picture
of encouragement for folks
the following views are from
the old, to the bar
of justice
by all means read it bizarre to the
City Sanctioned BIG LEAGUE
(( View Here ))
to handle the changes
we now see where did the green light
come from:
and homes no :
is also a snarling factor gone from
this exit is the easy the pre-Vineyard
of Wagon Wheel
five years is not temporary
who ripped
us off in return
that one shouldn’t have to
drive an hour to have fun with their friends.
All we really have is great weather if worse
came to worst many important decisions
are being made
a normal person would just pull
the plug join hands along
the pipeline there are many
risks they want you to think
this is a done deal as we count
but is there an end to all this
this net thrown
over the problem clean green
green impala nice regal another
nice regal
the agenda has no mention what
would you like to see this is the
time not after
a long time before the calm follows
the storm
Speech parade food
dancing part of Oxnard festivities ????
a hard think coming up! only
a public well informed
there is no reason to believe.
Originally from Southern California,
Glenn Bach now lives in the Doan Brook watershed of Cleveland, Ohio. His major project,
Atlas, is a long poem about place and our (mis)understanding of the world. Excerpts have appeared in jubilat, Plumwood Mountain, Word For/Word and others. He documents his work at and @AtlasCorpus.
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