Marcia Arrieta hourglass the wings of birds the roots of trees sand twigs passageways violet winds change renewal to stoke the fire we climb into stories sort old clothes paint the house time becomes real the mice flee we run into the forest literature dreams art dreams the sea on poetry/art Times Alone Antonio Machado balances Four Quartets T. S. Eliot while Search for the Real Hans Hoffman introduces space nests beyond remote the world calls fish roses ships waves & sky * to ascend unravel the threads the twigs the thoughts mediate precarious abstract the story untitled— “poetry & mystery of the images” René Magritte solitude & many mapsMarcia Arrieta contemplates snowflakes & wilderness, gardens & sunlight. Her recent work can/will soon be found in Arteidolia, Third Street Review, BlazeVOX, Wild Roof Journal, Copihue, & Allium. She edits & publishes Indefinite Space, a poetry/art journal & is very grateful & happy to be alive.
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