Felino Soriano

Interpretation of Paralleled Beauty

I from a premeditated distance
as to not disturb or protrude
maleness into the circle of dancing femininity,
through my exclusive stares,
through my intense enlightenment
within the landscape of my visually
careful pathway.
Flamenco dancers stomping
with the soft hand gestures of doves
in aerial alteration, hemming
over layers of light
unneeded by which the wind
needles northern bound, the sacrificial
layers falling softly,
mimicking the dancers twirling
dresses—the sudden movements
startling only those not already within
the trance of human beauty, dancing
within feathers of continuous

Significance of Realization

Meaning reached into search
first by a finger thrusting wind,
while shadows lie staring upward, predestined
grayness coloring grass a shade
already familiar to shade. Beneath an
oak miniscule grazing two beings
performing locomotion, time and
caterpillar. Minutes mimicked crawl
through maze of grass blades
shaving near to skin sans whisker.
Grave of past time yesterdays
arise within the memory of cutoff
promise to create summarized

Felino Soriano (California) is a philosophy student and case manager working with developmentally and physically disabled adults. He is the author of two chapbooks Exhibits Require Understanding Open Eyes (Trainwreck Press, 2008) and Feeling Through Mirages (Shadow Archer Press, 2008), as well as an e-book Among the Interrogated (BlazeVOX [books], 2008). A chapbook is also forthcoming Abstract Appearance Reaching Toward the Absolute (Trainwreck Press, 2008). The juxtaposition of his philosophical studies with his love of classic and avant-garde jazz explains his poetic stimulation. Website: www.felinosoriano.com.

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