Jal Nicholl
Double Feature
In the first film we watched
that night
machines had taken over
the shop, so that the price of staying alive
kept on increasing
said the sign they kept mechanically pointing at like
a gang of old fashioned school-teachers. Meanwhile
the human race regressed to the amphibian stage
(an "organic process"
or illness caused by as-yet-undiscovered
"chemical lesions"). It got so a parent
was afraid to embrace their child; so people
who dropped a dollar in the street
wouldn't pick it up for fear of suspicion;
—then in one particularly disturbing scene
a Parkinson's sufferer was
mistaken for one of "them", lynched
& cannibalised
To write
a successful work of science fiction
you should set it just far enough into the future
so your audience has something to look forward to ;
then you'll have made your fortune before the plot
turns out to be
not a hoax exactly—but
then, it didn't quite "come to pass", did it?
—and if it was meant as an allegory
of things already existing, well that's what you should have said.
(Of course, if you're Jesus the rules
don't apply : say you'll be right back,
then keep 'em waiting through 2,000 years of ads)
The other movie
was about a woman pregnant to a man
she'd never met—
then we had to leave :
(the phantom pain
in your 3rd leg was
flaring up)
But superstition dies hard indeed ! I mean
in the scheme of things we've only just recently found out
where babies come from
when it gets quiet in here I rub
his belly, say, Give me money
—and money come !
there's a reason why we have credit cards
it's because we're greedy & unwise
evolutionarily ill-equipped
for long-term financial planning
just like we've evolved to fear snakes and spiders
not power-outlets & cigarettes
if you ask me
competition is basically a good thing
at the end of the day the people vote with their feet
it's a free country
it's not like we have a centrally-planned economy
& when it comes to fresh fruit and vegetables
the market is highly competitive
But when you kidnap someone & inject him
with Substances
& keep him for three days tied to the bed
& tell his children Disgusting Lies
about him—
it's completely against the Law
(my ex-wife, she's in the Mafia). But when
Jesus comes back
He's going to end the Mafia
when He comes He'll come with his firepower
He'll come back with his FATHERPOWER
When Jesus comes back this time
it will be for revenge
The Genius
being a genius falls into
an open manhole that wasn't made
for walking around, being made of stone,
might wake up a polyp
of gristle whom smell alone
identifies as animal (yes, they'll eat anything) those
are roots that were his legs
& so
The Genius fell into a hole, lair of an animal
so primitive it believed it was a vegetable
the lair was a bowl
the hole was a manhole—an underworld of stone having
only one meaning: the Genius
astonished, the soup a metaphor
for metamorphic stone, a loaf
thereof poised in a pleated pattycake paper skirt
Now in the phase of regression that follows trauma
look there's Venus in her Cyprian grotto :
she lifts up her skirt in the light
inviting you to join the communist party
to which all must come, eventually
A Corinthian Pillar
sculpted in sugar,
the capital (called a "bijou") in the shape of an
exquisite passionflower; the pâtissier who made it
headed to graduate top of his class until
the ineluctable
happens !
But suicide is a cowardly act, so
he goes outside and lights a cigarette
je voulais être le meilleur, le
plus fort
comme vous..!
Well, you know how to blow sugar, don't you..?
Now the President himself hands out the awards to those
whose late Rococo style puts me in mind of
those little dogs you can't help fussing over
(we all know people like that, don't we, some
vicious as pitbulls, or
placid as pekinese)
—every time
they smell something we can't
quite do, like pick
the imaginary fly out of
the overpriced schooner
without getting thrown out ourselves in the name of
those post it notes on trees inform
the public has recently been in the paper.
(though here I can hardly pause to pick my teeth
but some kid comes in, sits down and waits to hear
whatever he's been conditioned
to expect
me to say)
there must be a more efficient way
for life to regenerate itself than by watering
the lawn with a hand-held atomiser, like
doing still further research into the
insecticidal properties of pyrethrum
might get us there—
ferns knocking their little
heads on the lintel
I mean the architrave
At the time of the struggle between
the Old and the Young even they must have appeared
sisyphean promethean atlases!
Wisdom to contrive
Strength to support
Beauty to adorn
Now we're talking
7 scrolls per pediment, the voice
that of the Drum
but who plays it, who finds his own
in that of the violin?
Jal Nicholl's poems have appeared in various places online and in print, and are forthcoming in The Age. He is currently on a linguistic embassy to the Far East.
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Double Feature
In the first film we watched
that night
machines had taken over
the shop, so that the price of staying alive
kept on increasing
said the sign they kept mechanically pointing at like
a gang of old fashioned school-teachers. Meanwhile
the human race regressed to the amphibian stage
(an "organic process"
or illness caused by as-yet-undiscovered
"chemical lesions"). It got so a parent
was afraid to embrace their child; so people
who dropped a dollar in the street
wouldn't pick it up for fear of suspicion;
—then in one particularly disturbing scene
a Parkinson's sufferer was
mistaken for one of "them", lynched
& cannibalised
To write
a successful work of science fiction
you should set it just far enough into the future
so your audience has something to look forward to ;
then you'll have made your fortune before the plot
turns out to be
not a hoax exactly—but
then, it didn't quite "come to pass", did it?
—and if it was meant as an allegory
of things already existing, well that's what you should have said.
(Of course, if you're Jesus the rules
don't apply : say you'll be right back,
then keep 'em waiting through 2,000 years of ads)
The other movie
was about a woman pregnant to a man
she'd never met—
then we had to leave :
(the phantom pain
in your 3rd leg was
flaring up)
But superstition dies hard indeed ! I mean
in the scheme of things we've only just recently found out
where babies come from
when it gets quiet in here I rub
his belly, say, Give me money
—and money come !
there's a reason why we have credit cards
it's because we're greedy & unwise
evolutionarily ill-equipped
for long-term financial planning
just like we've evolved to fear snakes and spiders
not power-outlets & cigarettes
if you ask me
competition is basically a good thing
at the end of the day the people vote with their feet
it's a free country
it's not like we have a centrally-planned economy
& when it comes to fresh fruit and vegetables
the market is highly competitive
But when you kidnap someone & inject him
with Substances
& keep him for three days tied to the bed
& tell his children Disgusting Lies
about him—
it's completely against the Law
(my ex-wife, she's in the Mafia). But when
Jesus comes back
He's going to end the Mafia
when He comes He'll come with his firepower
He'll come back with his FATHERPOWER
When Jesus comes back this time
it will be for revenge
The Genius
being a genius falls into
an open manhole that wasn't made
for walking around, being made of stone,
might wake up a polyp
of gristle whom smell alone
identifies as animal (yes, they'll eat anything) those
are roots that were his legs
& so
The Genius fell into a hole, lair of an animal
so primitive it believed it was a vegetable
the lair was a bowl
the hole was a manhole—an underworld of stone having
only one meaning: the Genius
astonished, the soup a metaphor
for metamorphic stone, a loaf
thereof poised in a pleated pattycake paper skirt
Now in the phase of regression that follows trauma
look there's Venus in her Cyprian grotto :
she lifts up her skirt in the light
inviting you to join the communist party
to which all must come, eventually
A Corinthian Pillar
sculpted in sugar,
the capital (called a "bijou") in the shape of an
exquisite passionflower; the pâtissier who made it
headed to graduate top of his class until
the ineluctable
happens !
But suicide is a cowardly act, so
he goes outside and lights a cigarette
je voulais être le meilleur, le
plus fort
comme vous..!
Well, you know how to blow sugar, don't you..?
Now the President himself hands out the awards to those
whose late Rococo style puts me in mind of
those little dogs you can't help fussing over
(we all know people like that, don't we, some
vicious as pitbulls, or
placid as pekinese)
—every time
they smell something we can't
quite do, like pick
the imaginary fly out of
the overpriced schooner
without getting thrown out ourselves in the name of
those post it notes on trees inform
the public has recently been in the paper.
(though here I can hardly pause to pick my teeth
but some kid comes in, sits down and waits to hear
whatever he's been conditioned
to expect
me to say)
there must be a more efficient way
for life to regenerate itself than by watering
the lawn with a hand-held atomiser, like
doing still further research into the
insecticidal properties of pyrethrum
might get us there—
ferns knocking their little
heads on the lintel
I mean the architrave
At the time of the struggle between
the Old and the Young even they must have appeared
sisyphean promethean atlases!
Wisdom to contrive
Strength to support
Beauty to adorn
Now we're talking
7 scrolls per pediment, the voice
that of the Drum
but who plays it, who finds his own
in that of the violin?
Jal Nicholl's poems have appeared in various places online and in print, and are forthcoming in The Age. He is currently on a linguistic embassy to the Far East.
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