Richard Magahiz & John W. Sexton
zohar punk
hoisting nueva cuba libres centi-che scowls
enormous cigars in the missile silos fidel’s smoking guns
eve's highschool sweetheart doctor fraud damned zohar punk
mistress nightbegone wore a slip of moon and a dress of sun
ivory blues drum shakespeare's eighteenth sonata
ginger baker discovers a lake that resonates to his touch
señor tambourinisto cream my mbira face
shoemaker-levy guys sterilized atomized un-iced by jove
on pale beige parchment the eugenic board report
helium vaulted souls and proto-souls dante’s new compass
f bombs fall the cathedral unzips down the aisle
fallout from a diet of worms skins inspire casein nova condoms
pope hildegard redrills her hybrid girlfriends
in lieu of flowers
maid marion impregnated by the green man pine splinter goes deep
pure ivy sprouts from the armpits et cetera
a metaphysical chalk drawing of a bomb blew borges away
in lieu of flowers we would prefer thermite nests
the queen of grubs on the end of the spade her heart a diamond
sensing the finesse west deploys epsilon force
master dick there’s an actor in the batcave trying on your tights
mangosteen chutney in our tinfoil underpants
rossum’s charcoal-burning pistonbots before judge nothing-am
counsel snips one's vast dafference nonce and for naught
malice down her rebate hole the cheshire cat’s bi karmas
cast down in prayer knees leaking merlin's head reboots
a dog speaks a rhyme ponds turn to stone king hell-less-dee trips
whitepigs trot sky
paradise grackle stuffs eyes back into the skull
a drunken beer garden flashverts to its robe of ragwort
I look for a man's wallet no man there attached
inside the till eroded faces of coins begin to prophesy
wine grape tattoos shriveled into raisins
peachstone foetus solidifies in his husk awaits the fall
ew ten fingers ten toes how monstrous
and the hoomings went oing oing oing all the way gnome
vinylbirds test their wings in the heat
whitepigs trot sky and tread the blues at forty-five red revolutions
feral algasaurs hunt black truffles
a brown paperbag novel of hell-loose-a-genie mushrhymes
sweet musky rain a spurt soaks the shelves
common curses
a stone spaceship picked up some gravity and took the path from oort
on a pumice rail the book of common curses
hedgepigs snuffle slugs from their dreary pus into heaven
silicon maiden testing a priest with the rack
erasmus plans a trip to venus after his praise of folly
demeter's transfixed daughter porcupine slumbers
old mother stainless and her three swiss knaves all bristling with knives
father's day crepes faint taste of napalm
villages bud on el’s tongue erect soft towers to his steaming mind
mole on her cheek sheds one tear and hides
bitchpussy purrs mouse-knight comes forth with his briar sword
forty bare hands the thief of bedad
a woven carpet the tail of magic lassie she carries me home
talibanshee wail
kal-el bows to the green gralloch his father in kingdom come
sub-ice winged busses and antelope
professor problemo’s axis-carriage in the wheel of misfortune
a call to destruction the talibanshee wail
marines unwinding the hair from his head turbin unladen
toenails glow her sticky spiderweb eyelashes
for husband bolognese stepford widows crochet shrouds
bramantid splattered an antiegg
odin’s eyebath terrapins accumulating exponentially
la belle lucie holds out her golden tray but I must decline
midas cold morning his breath turns to money the snow a gong
psyklon b soot the seraph folk of lebanon munch on sarx
meanwhile edgar allan poe travels by bottle to antafrica
Richard Magahiz has a day job working with computers, originally as a physicist but more recently as a software engineer. He's published some poetry both online and in print in a number of publications. When it comes to music, food, or books his tastes are both eclectic and idiosyncratic. He spent a long time on the East Coast of the US but has come back to his native state of California. His work has appeared online at World Haiku Review, Star*line, tinywords, Abyss & Apex, Dreams and Nightmares, Scifaikuest, and Eye to the Telescope. His website is at
John W. Sexton lives in the Republic of Ireland and is the author of seven poetry collections, the most recent being Visions at Templeglantine (Revival Press, 2020). A chapbook of surrealist poetry, Inverted Night, came out from SurVision Books in 2019. Under the ironic pseudonym of Sex W. Johnston he has recorded an album with legendary Stranglers frontman, Hugh Cornwell, entitled Sons of Shiva, which has been released on Track Records. In 2007 he was awarded a Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship in Poetry.
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zohar punk
hoisting nueva cuba libres centi-che scowls
enormous cigars in the missile silos fidel’s smoking guns
eve's highschool sweetheart doctor fraud damned zohar punk
mistress nightbegone wore a slip of moon and a dress of sun
ivory blues drum shakespeare's eighteenth sonata
ginger baker discovers a lake that resonates to his touch
señor tambourinisto cream my mbira face
shoemaker-levy guys sterilized atomized un-iced by jove
on pale beige parchment the eugenic board report
helium vaulted souls and proto-souls dante’s new compass
f bombs fall the cathedral unzips down the aisle
fallout from a diet of worms skins inspire casein nova condoms
pope hildegard redrills her hybrid girlfriends
in lieu of flowers
maid marion impregnated by the green man pine splinter goes deep
pure ivy sprouts from the armpits et cetera
a metaphysical chalk drawing of a bomb blew borges away
in lieu of flowers we would prefer thermite nests
the queen of grubs on the end of the spade her heart a diamond
sensing the finesse west deploys epsilon force
master dick there’s an actor in the batcave trying on your tights
mangosteen chutney in our tinfoil underpants
rossum’s charcoal-burning pistonbots before judge nothing-am
counsel snips one's vast dafference nonce and for naught
malice down her rebate hole the cheshire cat’s bi karmas
cast down in prayer knees leaking merlin's head reboots
a dog speaks a rhyme ponds turn to stone king hell-less-dee trips
whitepigs trot sky
paradise grackle stuffs eyes back into the skull
a drunken beer garden flashverts to its robe of ragwort
I look for a man's wallet no man there attached
inside the till eroded faces of coins begin to prophesy
wine grape tattoos shriveled into raisins
peachstone foetus solidifies in his husk awaits the fall
ew ten fingers ten toes how monstrous
and the hoomings went oing oing oing all the way gnome
vinylbirds test their wings in the heat
whitepigs trot sky and tread the blues at forty-five red revolutions
feral algasaurs hunt black truffles
a brown paperbag novel of hell-loose-a-genie mushrhymes
sweet musky rain a spurt soaks the shelves
common curses
a stone spaceship picked up some gravity and took the path from oort
on a pumice rail the book of common curses
hedgepigs snuffle slugs from their dreary pus into heaven
silicon maiden testing a priest with the rack
erasmus plans a trip to venus after his praise of folly
demeter's transfixed daughter porcupine slumbers
old mother stainless and her three swiss knaves all bristling with knives
father's day crepes faint taste of napalm
villages bud on el’s tongue erect soft towers to his steaming mind
mole on her cheek sheds one tear and hides
bitchpussy purrs mouse-knight comes forth with his briar sword
forty bare hands the thief of bedad
a woven carpet the tail of magic lassie she carries me home
talibanshee wail
kal-el bows to the green gralloch his father in kingdom come
sub-ice winged busses and antelope
professor problemo’s axis-carriage in the wheel of misfortune
a call to destruction the talibanshee wail
marines unwinding the hair from his head turbin unladen
toenails glow her sticky spiderweb eyelashes
for husband bolognese stepford widows crochet shrouds
bramantid splattered an antiegg
odin’s eyebath terrapins accumulating exponentially
la belle lucie holds out her golden tray but I must decline
midas cold morning his breath turns to money the snow a gong
psyklon b soot the seraph folk of lebanon munch on sarx
meanwhile edgar allan poe travels by bottle to antafrica
Richard Magahiz has a day job working with computers, originally as a physicist but more recently as a software engineer. He's published some poetry both online and in print in a number of publications. When it comes to music, food, or books his tastes are both eclectic and idiosyncratic. He spent a long time on the East Coast of the US but has come back to his native state of California. His work has appeared online at World Haiku Review, Star*line, tinywords, Abyss & Apex, Dreams and Nightmares, Scifaikuest, and Eye to the Telescope. His website is at
John W. Sexton lives in the Republic of Ireland and is the author of seven poetry collections, the most recent being Visions at Templeglantine (Revival Press, 2020). A chapbook of surrealist poetry, Inverted Night, came out from SurVision Books in 2019. Under the ironic pseudonym of Sex W. Johnston he has recorded an album with legendary Stranglers frontman, Hugh Cornwell, entitled Sons of Shiva, which has been released on Track Records. In 2007 he was awarded a Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship in Poetry.
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