Nathan Anderson At the Base of the Volcano I won’t leave Jerusalem! come over come over beaten with the typewriter till bloody and raw I love this dance over and under Merry Christmas! taste the snow there is no snow it doesn’t snow I remember I remember strongarmed and afraid replete with new absence tired of remunerations constantly starving as a widowed mastication out in the valley of angel mellifluence caught and sounding wonderful ‘step’ ‘not anymore’ ‘have you heard these newfound bells?’ only only only transcendental in your Swinburne way loving this jewellery home again finally Tired at the station at the philharmonic the scientific retreat the emblematic stall coming from the houses to birth like mice and mothers on the road and finding their children walking aimlessly through turnstiles dressed in white heaving with desperation at the numerical absence of tangible God sleeping lion stone sarcophagus walking wild-like down impregnable streets singing songs of manumission and thinking you had heard it all before Now entering the sugar skull, the blaring lights, we find ourselves conflicted as the sirens sound, the hammer belts, the noise, the noise, the NOISE! How much we shake and move in fits of rage. To sound as though we are embellishing our thoughts, to find great energy from far outside ourselves, yourselves, ourselves, yourselves, coming once and only once. I knew it well, I knew it better than I did before, I knew it better than I ever have, oh mother mercy! OH GOD! Ballast wrought with iron and buckles of wheat taken from the endless pressure on their feet which find the soil in the way my feet do not find the soil Nathan Anderson is a writer from Mongarlowe Australia. His work has previously appeared in Otoliths, Gone Lawn and elsewhere. You can find him at and on Twitter @NJApoetry.previous page contents next page
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