Jake Sheff Mad Judy in the Graveyard 3 pm, the sky’s merino wool moves with Judy, like a mob of one from the sea. Her path is choked by weeds war grew, nourished by the throb of one. Doe-eyed Judy’s healthy madness came darkly. Years ago the hours shook from the news of war. She opened mail in a room where all but the flowers shook. Adam died and Judy laughed. “So love’s war, it makes an opened male for you!” At his grave, she pees a bit and kneels, sweeps off dirt to no avail for you. Jake Sheff is a pediatrician in Oregon and veteran of the US Air Force. He's married with a daughter and six pets. Poems of his are in Radius, The Ekphrastic Review, Crab Orchard Review, The Cossack Review and elsewhere. He won 1st place in the 2017 SFPA speculative poetry contest and a Laureate's Choice prize in the 2019 Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest. Past poems and short stories have been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology and the Pushcart Prize. His chapbook is Looting Versailles (Alabaster Leaves Publishing).previous page contents next page
Well done. I like the combination of horror with innocent, even naivite. I also like your language, your choice to show with a texture or color.
Very unique work. Congratulations.
Oh, and I forgot to mention how you keep the madness together with a formal, repetitive rhyme format. Very nice indeed!
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