Jim Leftwich

Mount Tiresias U-Turn (cont'd)

Columbia, Missouri

Constellate, to form or cause to form into a cluster or group; gather together.

To think is to revise.
Thinking is improvisational.
I think, therefore I constellate.

If I consider points A, B, C, D and E
from position X, they constellate as
Pattern 1.

If I consider points A, B, C, D and E
from position Y, they constellate as
Pattern 2.

If I consider points A, B, C, D and E
from position Z, they constellate as
Pattern 3.

Hays, Kansas

wil natior bu

many r more deg
manager reduction
in the eye
is vulnerable

overprinting molecules

after reticulospinal pathway
training in the stronger
muscles, the trees are steep
and the berries are red,
the moon flowed like a river,
burning minutes, the track
vulnerable, next and local

no climate

as history
here is

leaning maps

I belong
to the backlit
transit for onions
is he question
my cooperation
already a
seasonal quality

when channels by autonomous

individuals in today's reinvent
dedicated world, setting the
worldlessness, its example
form individually neocolonialisms,
governing something, if there is
a limited becoming, another
new public world, technological
thought and sense, perhaps
an indissoluble psychological
feeling is a fragment
of human limitlessness,
an ocean for systems of memory

autonomous when channels

peptide in today's reinvent overt
vaccine world, setting the polite
space junk, its example sailed
colliding individually neocolonialisms,
micromanaged something, if there is
cognition limited becoming, another
savant public world, technological
satellite and sense, perhaps
grapple indissoluble psychological
culminates is a fragment
curriculum human limitlessness,
infrastructure ocean for systems 
underestimate dismantle of memory

parallel to communication

peptide rebirth today's reinvent overt
vaccine duo, setting the polite
space junk, ritual example sailed
colliding durational neocolonialisms,
micromanaged modified, if there is
cognition radio becoming, another
savant molecular world, technological
satellite and lunar, perhaps
grapple whistling psychological
culminates shadow fragment
curriculum persona limitlessness,
infrastructure flooding systems 
underestimate demolished memory


rebirth today's reinvent 
duo, setting the 
junk, ritual example 
modified, if there 
radio becoming, 
molecular world, 
and lunar, 

sparsely parsed

woven today's reinvent 
duo, setting zenith
zenith, ritual example 
durational, woven,
woven flooding 
demolished zenith
woven modified, if there 
radio becoming zenith, 
woven molecular world, 
and lunar zenith, 
zenith whistling 
shadows woven

parsley sparked

woven is one reinvent 
duo, is one zenith
zenith, is one example 
durational, is one woven,
woven is one flooding 
demolished is one zenith
woven is one, if there 
radio is one zenith, 
woven is one world, 
and lunar is one zenith, 
zenith is one whistling 
shadows is one woven

Walsenberg, Colorado

whole lands are on fire

capitalism the chemical
outcomes in the night
extract the night extract
the outcomes coiled
fragments of radiation
depleted downwind


like a door
in a mirror
you can
feel the
spent cents
down your

much crucible mixed

a sparrow blood they
came from the center
one evening in winter
a spell the social
eye purple

fall, sit up, excited

eyeball caterpillars
our hands think
they filch
the chicken towels
covert hovering
peers into
the piping was

I Was Thought

acoustic 6th been who
is was the co-lip 30th
fuzz the bean no zero

the library is hostage

late worm in a jar the
ex-moon reflects the
eyebroom who from
the moment to noon
a union against
numerous plans
materials in a bag
on Tantrum Mountain


the road is eyes
- yes? the lake,
next marks, six.

what did i expect?

part of the score the
ghost, the dirt, the
asteroid, their 
pebbles, planting
season, a catalyst
for spiders to thaw


for the coat
a ground raw

erupt the swerve

deviant aggregate anti aggregate
onions erupt per onions
the necessary logic of foraging
a swerve via constellations

via the swerve

aggregate deviant aggregate anti
onions onions erupt per
foraging the necessary logic of
constellations a swerve via

the necessary

via aggregate deviant 
swerve aggregate anti
onions onions erupt 
per anti constellations
foraging the necessary 
logic of the necessary

deviant anti

deviant via aggregate
anti swerve aggregate
erupt onions onions
constellations per anti
necessary foraging the
necessary logic of the

logic erupt

the deviant via aggregate
of anti swerve aggregate
logic erupt onions onions
necessary constellations per 
anti necessary foraging the

aggregate onions

aggregate the deviant via
aggregate of anti swerve
onions logic erupt onions
per necessary constellations
the anti necessary foraging
aggregate aggregate onions

foraging swerve

onions aggregate the deviant via
aggregate aggregate of anti swerve
aggregate onions logic erupt onions
per necessary constellations onions
the anti necessary foraging swerve

Bernalillo, New Mexico

fragile field three

we have groceries
alligator Matachines
civil tonic the
American louver
leveraged armies of
the brain talking
violets iridescent
memories like a box
hanging from a string

variable torment bulb

we have popular
alligator timeframe
civil continuity the
long slow louver
leveraged tremendum 
of the climate talking
calico mail iridescent
memories like a nine
gingerly from a string

turning into milk

musics have popular
strange timeframe
foment continuity the
touch slow torch
infrared tremendum 
release trash education 
precious climate irresistible
calico mail wheat map
memories like a melody
gingerly from a portent

extracts preamble

musics chill popular
strange swollen frame
foment continuity in
touch working torch
infrared coaxing
access to traction 
devastating climate 
irresistible expanse
calico strayed 
partial delve stunned
memories a melody
gingerly climbing
portent subjective
page biographic

delve sequence 

why do you think
that was no normal
animal or animal
the iguana the fig
banana the figure
of the iguana or
a banana banana


ripe postal juice if
fictions attribute
improbable plover
implosion the
utilitarian cheese
lottery derives its
capacity from the
cranium delta
operational grotto
primarily perching

provocations five

straddles the rim the
mistzone polkadot
camel & fire surge
escapes prefabricated
circles gasseous
quakes the past azure

twelve hence 

or why or do you think or
iguana that was no normal
iguana animal or animal
the iguana the fig of the
banana the figure figure
a banana banana banana

since delves

banana or why or do you think or
banana iguana that was no normal
banana iguana animal or animal
banana the iguana the fig of the
banana banana the figure figure
a banana banana banana banana

but bat

bat bet bit bot but
bet bit bot but bat
bit bot but bat bet
bot but bat bet bit
but bat bet bit bot
but bot bit bet bat


bat pet bit dot but
bet pit bot cut bat
bit blot but bat bet
bot blurt bat bet bit
put hat bet bit bot
but hot bit bet flat


tapestries pet bit dot but
bet unseen bot cut bat
bit blot suburbs bat bet
bot blurt bat interior bit
put hat bet bit genre
multitudes hot bit bet flat


tapestries pet bit dot basilisk
bet unseen bot pampas bat
bit blot overarching bat bet
bot seminal bat interior bit
diaspora hat bet bit genre
multitudes rewriting bit bet flat



tapestries mischief-making bit dot basilisk
bet unseen decades-old pampas bat
bit blot overarching mind-numbingly bet
bot seminal bat interior to and from
diaspora hat bet world-weary genre
multitudes rewriting tax-deductible bet flat

Holbrook, Arizona

democracy for supper

porcupine air dinner
managers the
paste dirt mist
catfish PM scripture
the original idea
in its original lake

froth warning

state of taken steak
already a fair-minded
ability to outrage
behind their recent
holiday, explod &
deploye, combarative
law-booth coins ago

signifier for supper

imagine air dinner
managers stylists
paste dirt ferried
island PM scripture
the crooked idea
in its crooked lake

serial warnings

remember taken steak
already a swimming
ability to broth
behind their gas station
admit, explod &
deploye, combarative
trouble visibly bedrock

presiding core

imagine air anthropocene
accrete stylists
paste talus ferried
island penny scripture
the crooked fire
in its crooked trout

surface & vanish

remember taken country
ensures swimming
built side of milk
behind their gas station
reality, rhetoric &
praxis, immediately
feet cellular peacock

Williams, Arizona

Jesus winter and glows 

new soap we manger
fat baits my arch tomato
Jesus winter and glows
at the Sign O We Supreme
ditch inch eye was solo
wristwatch on a turtle
Jesus winter and glows

Jesus winter and rigged

new soap we circus
fat baits my unrepresentative tomato
Jesus potato and glows
danger Sign O We Supreme
ditch scissors eye was solo
wristwatch mirrors turtle
Jesus winter and rigged

hidden potato and glows  

new soap paper circus
fat baits unknown unrepresentative tomato
hidden potato and glows
danger None O We Supreme
ditch scissors wrought was solo
wristwatch mirrors power
Jesus winter stucco rigged

pre-existing winter stucco rigged

new tent-fruit paper circus
fat materia unknown unrepresentative tomato
hidden potato and shovel
danger None O Work Supreme
shadowy scissors wrought was solo
crinkled mirrors power
pre-existing winter stucco rigged

hidden ravages and shovel  

emergent tent-fruit paper circus
towel materia unknown unrepresentative tomato
hidden ravages and shovel
danger None O Work Interstellar
shadowy scissors wrought was penguin
crinkled mirrors coastal wolf
earth masked wonder unfortunately genuine

earth masked wonder systemic soup  

emergent pandemic paper circus
towel materia unknown interface tomato
hidden portal and parachute
danger None Hypnosis Work Interstellar
mise-en-scène was penguin
crinkled skyrockets coastal wolf
earth masked wonder systemic soup

sneeze forth porch to Linda

new soap we micromanage
fate baits my arch tomato
sneeze forth porch to Linda
at the Sign O We Accelerating
ditch inch eye wash solo
wristwatch ontological turtle
sneeze forth porch to Linda

needs too gulch to grow 
half soap we micromanage
fate baits my limp tomato
sneeze forth porch to Linda
knees too gulch to glow
at the Moth O Octopus Accelerating
ditch coexists aftermath solo
wristwatch non-behaviorist turtle
sneeze forth porch to Linda
needs too gulch to grow

needs too gulch to grow 
half sightlines we micromanage
storyboard baits my limp tomato
seize front porch from Linda
kneads tooth gulps to swallow
at the Translucent Octopus Ethereal
campus texts spur final heat
humanist sailor anthill all turtles
seize front porch for Linda
creeds tool mulch to grow

feeds loop gulp the snow
half sightlines we decipher
fungal baits my limp tomato
seize Fort Porsche for Linda
sheets dawn Wanda no
at the pathogen droplets equal
viral nests spur spinal meat
crux unflinching turtles
squeeze forked torch for Linda
seeds pool touch to go

audience cause by five
half turnip we defibrillate
nostrum docent my limp tomato
Sheena Deems punk believer
Steve dawns Wanda know
at the milliner droplets equal
salt scepter spinal ballot
aperture lava nozzle
baked my harp to Cleveland
rancid lawnmower former void

timeless cause by five
original turnip we defibrillate
yardsale helicopter shopping
Sheena preens punk believer
stove pawns Wanda know
enough milliner droplets equal
salt scepter catnip ballot
subconscious data fuel
raked my carp to Cleveland
phosphene Tuesday map

timeless mobilized by five
original turnip chips defibrillate
yardsale helicopter helix scale
Sheena dreams punk delivered
clove lawns Wanda crow
enough milliner fuzzy equal
corona salt scepter blanket
machine shard portable soccer
faked F-sharp to Cleveland
arterial pasta shake

timeless mobilized five aura
defibrillate turnip chips
scale helicopter helix
Sheena dreams punk 
delivered clove lawns 
Wanda crow equal
enough milliner fuzzy
blanket salt scepter
soccer shard portable
faked F-sharp to 
Cleveland arterial 
pasta snake

hypnagogic quincunx

three fives = 6
six fives = 3
5 = 6
2 triangles in a square = 5 = 6
= 4 triangles = 3

times mobile five
chips defibrillate turnip
helix scale helicopter
punk Sheena dreams  
lawns delivered clove
equal Wanda crow
fuzzy enough milliner
scepter blanket salt
portable soccer shard
to faked F-sharp
arterial Cleveland  
snake pasta

Pahrump, Nevada

it it ed

ed ed

it it

ed ed ed

ed ed

southern tip of the hour

our mops and chants
bitter than feathers
broken barn noun
ceases letters dance 
their passion

little chicken land road

butterflies once formal
today like anything else
setting upon
the fork of the eight
you can you see
they are 
the magic water
a species of mopping 
ladders stacked against us

On My Ballot

Eros sees
Through the roof and the
Thanatos play dough is
Not really hopping
In his sweatpants
With the grunt mope
And soup
Hi, surprise
You thought there would
Be more
You never know
Big enough to improve

          (10.15.2020 to 10.22.2020)

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