Jim Leftwich IMPERFT grit om bye grit ohm bay grit om bye grit ohm bay grit grit bye ohm ohm grit bye bye bye grit om bye imperft volcanist mOrro mirror Ioam osprey lip opt plug Lip flopt hopping rug oiI gas foil grasp Behind the larger Oil-sick snake season, indicator species Inversion, zoo Yak Mouser Trappist umbilical millions Milk rYe hards of hEmp, by yesterday Hereafter twice ruGged eggs waggle danct Bract rookery eFfortLe at mudflats sampler Quickering riverine ground rats Adverbial Death masks batched qibbous giBlets Abrangent foodstuffs tectonic Variables finagled shifters blue mud shrimp & ghost bay shrimp blue herons Feeding their babies Squeaking Grief huncht burble fractal practicalities bubbling basin sandspit Brokering garBanzo truckers glut Behind the 8 ball dodging Grouse & Heron dog guano huts gluts hitched near DIY ditch digging youthlessness Jogging up the Black Hill walKing mYthological Utility There are no straight Lines in nature there Are no nouns in Nature everything itching To become Where it will be drifting, drifting Like driftwood on the Sea like draft Wood in the spindrift once OnLY Awe pie Yap Intuitive Onliness open Ievitations textured lexeme emu lemming cake Bull kELp Who done it twice what quick egg equations softly goating Quaking Ballast Running on empty Signifiers Running Out of Time after Time vatgrown posthuman B-movie scarecrows, finfish agency permeating erudition vein-to-nerve variables nerve Volatility Beaconing goating finfish Headlong funnel webs hewn Wiccan dice HoW many more times whosoever wherewithall Wanderlusting Howbeit kelp forests InterTidal Yesteryears tuNNEl spy glassy spiders on rye too ManY, Jumping by blue JuLy Underwater canyons Kelp unguarded instincts kelp Unhelpful intuitions knit kinks knotty notes A little iLLNEss Never hurt Anyone i don't know how That is going to Play Dog Goad goating Eggs Rockfish rootstock Riparian Shopping cart test Eight eat at it ate The Groucher's Peen bunny ujnder juice Yearg uutteer Yeap Yes Us juxtaposed juxtaposed yes us Juxtaposed yes fuIly yes us Iimitless yes us oUr Iimitless ounce inching utterly coastal sage scrub kelp fishook Gas pump pumping Gas Yes Us warring winnow impoxx impoxx yellowing yarrow frazzled dazzles To accuse a nation, any nation, of the unlawful killing of civilians, the Unlawful killing of civilians, presumes an institution, of some sort, defined, most likely self-defined, as qualified to distinguish between the lawful and the unlawful killing of civilians. It boggles the fucking mind. Let's concoct an institution — immediately, if not sooner — and define it as qualified to outlaw all killing of civilians. As unacknowledged legislators, this kind of action is no less than our duty. It is part of the definition of the word "poet". In the days following the end of WW II, the Chinese economy collapsed and a period of hyperinflation ensued. People went grocery shopping with wheelbarrows full of all but useless bills. ...the coordinator class ...capillary power In the spring of 2022, over 20 trillion American dollars are in circulation, up from 4 trillion at the end of 2019. Approximately 23 percent of adult Americans have a net worth of zero or less. The gods furze Beyonder fizz Blundering fabulosities Veer dry, salt marsh dyad xeric zazen Conic Exteriorized adverbial aXon curriculum everted Cannibalized eXertuon beyond conical eXertuon verbovisual jazz Zeroed verb adverb verb adjacent to grammar after flattened Diligence Estuary, grebe, teasel queued pooling lungfish roosting, dune scrub Termite Earlobe Route tensegrity Glut Tambourine Rutabaga Tungsten wheelbarrow staff curricula Highway To yourself Highway To yourself Just in Time Just in time / your selves Juxtaposed Under the Inner understory / if nOt us, then Who / then when Bean fruit tree grafting Beaming rot rotting riot The Trombone Harlequin reams of Hearing teeming beans sticky monkey flowers Jetty Jesters city grifter Utility spill Kinetic bonnets grinding fragments of sentimental futility is not / grinding fragments of sentimental frust frustration is not a kind of thinking apples baffle cabbage dappled efforts fanning gaggle hemming innings jammed keening lemmings mammoth nunnery oddities peppered quitters running simmered tannins udder vugg wiggles impoxximate yammering fizzle Bean the truth True hearing seaming fuzzier Nozzles by jimmied Tryst Hamming Joust tornado yeastier tamarisk turtle Jacks yortle yortle umami Kidney Intuitively oUtsider jeans pIundering gambols into Unintended unintended erronic Toothpicks writing ritual Yoon Whack Gibberish typhoon sifting Fitness Bitterroot gaegking fastness fasteners gargled trilling Hopscotch too spoon to rose Biblical Balloons Hoisting hefty Tycoons hearty too yarn to Junket Yam to thicket Jimmied Just Ice Yortled iatrogenic moon UseIessly opinions Iurking Polls pulls pills Beans in oPen tuxedo Yibble Iapping leopard lips lolling lunch By my buttered Buttons baffled red Eggs unWound Reality is a Wound go Forth Depotentized gathering corona variations fiilishness aBides the Unbound fleece essential I-Ching gravitating toe rotation Gristle training Training the Rain to inhabit an untranslatable History/ trapeze, InHerited thought from thought Ignite alveoli Morse Fictions ghoulish highlights normalistic Seamount, history Given eaRs waxing gallinaceous Defenestrated SeaGrass bronchioles teddy bear or Pencil cholla gravel is a precious gem Catnip napping Cat Spine Agent 2. Okay? Got it. Flux the Magic Dragon lived By the Sea & Frolicked in Mutagenic Light in a Land Called Barbaralee elested insurrection Juggds plummeting flourish, at Camp Aign, with your Quarterly Report urgently nihilist totem system is how, tokens only, limited to 2 per customer Fort Ogg, hedonist backbeat, median viola / radial egg-mesa turntable dium feedb kwords a day. Comp ack, a day. also disaster, take yourself mask area, safe to read How soon the Omega Wolf How many botanicals How long light-spray How far batteries not included How much headlights concoct the code Of Lists Zeugma secretory Inchworm Iip serv ice, perf ectly iambix onions plus Under Opera House, Yearafter jutter butterfly milestones totipotent YouR OuTeR yaRd aTtack How about How foggy Historic pulses Gift horses beside the highway Extreme Sorts mosaic delta anima gendarme Fish Foreclosed heirlooms looming gabbrous fig Heaven Forfend greenwashing Hellbent goof of Joseph ghosts, ghosts Junk bonds Of Job godforsaken eXemplary golfer's moondust / Liquid Natural Gas / Barometric moonflower Borax moonstone bacteria / nematodes mending alphabetic bioluminescence / hijacked hijinks Kinesis Markets experience local art as javelin hull Lullaby Umbilical & liminal. Onery unol ex unplumed pigeons, jittery. Righteous television, yaule. reveet EveRY Hegemonic hog-farming golf course, Boys will be Trumpettes, godless demonic moonfish. stomach ceiling fleshchord left accept is forced to outside sitting left accept is forced to outside sitting left accept is forced to outside sitting left ac cept is for ced to outs ide sitt ing Do we know why? No. Simply no? Yes. Anything more would only muddy the waters. Do we know what? We know some of what. We act like we know more than we really know, and we openly admit that. It causes problems? Yes. But it also extends life, through intuition, extrapolation, induction, and improvisation. Do we know when? Yes. With large gaps in the timeline. Lies about nostalgia are not permitted. Do we know how? We know contradictions and anomalies. We have a collection of lists. Do we know who? We can, when called upon, round up an acceptable version of the usual suspects. But we don't know why? We only know that stories are worse than puzzles. Hybridization is yes gist Yes pivots us yes Us burst xerocoles MUd pOts optical illusions barren tilting utensils unbeknownst celebratory Tier the Cambrian explosion blue Egg yolk at Last unspoken legible reccomendo red capacity eight fulcrum pace fossiliferous blurted grail, the Tantalus Dilemma Pre-Cambrian petrified cellular microbes Filamentous Microfossils Vishnu's basement The Great Unconformity greywackes self-it of how themselves defying unique probes between plasma eruptions vacuole dice primavera, civil twilight radio sauce, innumerably volatile tide pool tadpole carpool polecat pool shark catnip catfish card shark not this not that not his not hat not is not at grit om bye grit ohm bay grit om bye grit ohm bay grit grit bye ohm ohm grit bye bye bye grit om byeprevious page contents next page
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