Jim Leftwich Obvius Lee Meets The Thin King (Part One) mafic openness monotone ibex mutuality vulpine velvety coppicing tuxedo recidivists commingled mbira longevity ago wherein cursory use of Gambel Oak and Bigtooth Maple gypsy solvent unexamining supine gall of cloudy udders instincts intuited Octagonal kiosk Iignotubers unusually useless why we wander wondering Whether younger eggs high eyebrow enhancer my windowing winters north by southwest contiguous threshold frequency grocery middens disburdened petronomadic graith snafu scarcity vuggs eyes our mnemonic furthering yellowing who byways if unwholesome zig zagging violences between overstory & beef cattle guard stew not to say twinkling leeks unwinding ubiquitous sage brush boss toothpick wobbling percolates cusp copse rancid retrofittings reverse engineering orbits pixels lynx off-ramps recuperate among undersurfaces coiled biscuits iterated indeterminate mesmerism prismatic emblems dimensional curved mirrors formulate eupsychic elementals underpinning umbrella glue also as it is Gobbling Backstory ex nihilo wildebeest District of Contamination Smaller the Pox cardboard unexamined tao after indigo Doxological beckoning Zero Zaum gulfs teleology As if optional perhaps once upon zoom nozzles oozing zephyr-lobed axles six of six unicycles crumbling cistern cysts concoct visiting entrusts Minim momentous eerily unbent convenes rain shadows also askance wavy worms vanishing by the hour verbatim vintage verbiage variaBle wobblesome Worried worried backlogged reverse Engineered Backsliding graft of Biblical Proportions time wine page rabble bled red red soggy verse near slide rules Raft of Biblical Dis Tortions great Basin grasshoppers & Chinese Hopping Spiders Lotions craft reverse fuel's Gold / Lithium Bathtub / near-sighted Biblical rubble / variable Verbs Jet fuel / eventual horizontal juxtapositions just juice is isthmus is super flower blood moon fluper sower mlood boon bluper mower sood floon muper blower flood soon billions Godzillions of stars How the Piute Ground squirrel who wholly germs Grip Read tumbling Eyes rycose Tormous Yoon Umvulity inabiliteeming Umbiliment I was there probably you too Pie of Paul insinnuius insimmious Oil can Pie oxyGene genetic oxygen Knife Voltage Hammer Junta Firewheeling Event Horizons Juxtaposed hacienda culinary grapefruit doorjamb Gh, Dh Ghhddh saffoon! Grits Teeth Regularly Gone with the Wind-up truly Grunting bag, box, giraffe Bag, kit fox snafu gusting Nimbly checkered Mirrors bring burning Mirrors Burning brooms carBon Headdress mode of CHeeSE grater juvenile javelin juice Cheese Jaunt Header homogenized jingles flaunt Humane Jerky habitual knifeness Hobbled Jumpsuit Knifelike Heading Jackal knack Jointly Hinterlands knob & gulley gulch itch Ouch iTch Ouch itch house, Joust gulch sTep the ReadinG they Experience eXaggErated Fingertips also the opposite in dustlight mindbelt eaching tongue expressionist quotient reversing revisions tabulates ergonomic earmuffs Golgotha fence post differential toggles Gubernatorial requiem gambit withheld Gambit gamboling watering the Grasshoppers It is raining in the Great Basin Desert Memorial Day Weekend 3:26 in the Morning what are we waiting for? Writing the Ritual Food's gold bible For beyonding Beclvons yonderful Normally Bent Moonstone vacuum Meandering the The the The man from The Dump Station in Porlock, Nevada Fragments, sure Like Holderlin or Ted Berrigan like Sappho / Sonnets All the way down I learned about fragments from T. S. Eliot Vacuum Muscles music circular circulates micropoetical calibrations calipers Nor Cough drops nor Cooking the WroNg pOtato demimonde Brazilian Salt Spiders Hickory smoked orbs high-Def Lo-Fi Delicious Hydrogen Fireflies Jalapeno Jello pinto Gneiss gnocchi Kelvin Kilowatts Yankee railroad Waterfall bouncing The Camera Eye yOur mY ---- mOde of roLe Gamebird game ball oUter Limits if Of on In it it if yes, unless dEporkling the REWound aNew A long-reach stapler in The large-scale shadow of Wheelbarrow consciousness Uh rimes Rhymes with Slant / Want Looks like it Tastes and Smells like it Feels / hot Rhymes with Hat and Hut The orange clown rimes With the orange-assed Bonobo who sets himself Up like a bowling Pen or Pan which rhymes with Our Pansemic Phlogiston Manuscripts strewn across The basement floor like Our magickal absurdities And their strange attractors I think I'll sit here on this picnic Table of peeling Wood / And watch the Wind blow goof jiffy jetty far Julie Been Keeping Her kids Rug-Free rug running hours of freedom in the fire / mud mind mind on fire in fire eyebrows jumping yes hair still flapping like a flag in the wind waiting for the whipsnake feel like I owe it to someone We saw a half-American / half-Gadsen flag in a campground on the central coast of California. We saw a Let's Go Brandon flag at the entrance to an RV park near the coast in southwestern Oregon. We saw a Fuck Joe Biden flag in someone's front yard in Austin, Nevada. my day dangles keys to the jetty in the sky rein in the clouds my jetty in the valley / my jetty on the highway under swirling dirt impoccalypse toad jet Ed jettison the unread slips jettisoned Aurignacian flake tools trumpeting edge crush tests junkyard ecesis "defied the tempo of traditional jazz" They think off-key as work / How do you Do the what that you do? I think with my stomach and ruminate With all nine minds. hindwing nested sifting adjourned U-turns "to be denounced" I think it's my stomach in California / desert bagels Bloom near the Bottle Ranch southwest of Barstow / Birdcage evening primrose Blanching street Smart suitcase itself just fine / sure fire Adjustable furniture ointment Finally entwined jaguar jaguar underwing riparian Luddite pear-shaped Swing Set Agharta "defiled the temple of jazz" / soundgourd theory-driven capacitor and resistor music hummingbird trumpet creeper identity dusts finagled inscape improvised Ongoing Structures layered hereafter upon carinate scrapers their verities unsurprised mudslide mind middle difference memories of our blinking pyramids a fizzling kitewatch fine-tunes a baker's dozen biomolecules agricultural nozzles helplessly hushing long news of the megadrought / batch of aces / mercurial suns / clippings from the lake of tears boscage boxcars drizzle scat caskets scummage orphaned oil wells welcome irritations umbilical and subterranean intuitions by ubiquitous odd moods of food doubtless the double E In dovetailed binomial mail bags incipient mitochondrial geometry nevermore roams the range of lawns nor revenge of the parking lot Library of the Goads inin mini niin nifts nucleotides unbent blending meditative expressivity and cultic velocity ifi noon did coming at us from both ends upon the center dim rock shelters iris architectural salvage oxbowed origins in the avant mess hall of mirrors The Long Illuminations Orbs obscured individualized in collective improvisations / circulate "the pencil defense" exists inner contrapposto resting hurricane bodes mud mules duty doubly yorse saint treeless winding cracks feverish evokes the widening electric pronoun interfictions entangled midday hail storm gliding like a pair of Cooper's hawks existential peptides cocoon the summer is in cumin in lhewde sing coo ooooooo cu microperception originations ultrafictionalized x-ray duality slope settlements grizzled aggregations / the you four zinc verb zinc circuit curve zawn vowel zawn circuit zinc zawn curvature exit noun exit zinc circle curved nouns whorl verbatim biopolitical surfictions as if to say youthlessness utilizes enough wrong headedness among the long centuries longtime ago / enough to say as if Believe ThEY nExT ( NeXt) nor Your new hat. mY JulY. mUch obLiGed. Games are Worse than Stories Just a karst / List of walks Oil Like a Iake / A lake oil Open Pours Iips on Purpose Lost a lot of / Lake Over Wool Quick and Darkly wood Darkly quick & Quick Wooden X-rays Sickly Axis Texas x-rays coats Coax dimly sCoot dim and hoax sever on the dime sever on the dime vast SHut Shut Hush First Ghost Fast Gone Ghost thirst Door Host Forced Glue Goo Food Goo glue glue Haiku on shit haiku Of shit haiku that Doesn't count it's Syllables Deep bow American haiku This moRning we were In the snow at Austin Summit on Highway 50 in Nevada Pink Cold Desert Phlox The sound of one Hand clapping hands Day to day week to Hour hour to sun Sun to song Break In two break in two Break break break Break break break Break break break Break break. Rentier Televised Golf club Who owns your memories? Burning Variable Nearness bake rake faalk fake face caake caulk maak make take tape talk talk talk talk state stake steak gate lake naked for Christ's sake snake snake snake snake snake Vintage verbs nozzle bent nuzzling nifty extraneous gall habitual galaxies eXemplary Fuzzeme gold gargles galloping his Fine print Hours sWeat thUnder cue quEue thanks Ed eDited His own Dialectical Hoodoo lip reading riddles are worse than Kiwi kiwi aubergine iNsider knOwledge oil gold alcohol pools drooling Imminent doMaim july mirrorings Mutagenic juNe is no solution Half-Heft Hereford Nifty Feathers, feathering Gritted Books Gritted Readings rebuke retrofittings Zoot sax Bop & bulbous Bat cheese gulley Gulley sneex Sneezing gulls & Gullies gullies Reeks of teeth And Rug / free As a bug / cheese Bug / sleazing In a Tug of Rugs RelenTLessly Hierarchical Jackknifery darK Night Yaffuc yaffuk yaffut Yaffuct Ulterior imbroglio Undisclosed coverage ordinarily aerated laws of scale undiscoverably Oyster shell tarmac piles up On the pelicans Lip swerve bling ice Optimally Plotting Indifferent cOordinates PiRatic houseboating megadrought Preaching Imminent Undoing Until eIapsed one-upmanship Guy Guy False What's With that Guy? BaD FAd ballast fabulous at last Grab bag fAallacy Singingging Gnostic nose hairs Get in line / on time Hiemarmemosis the Grinning Fishnetprevious page contents next page
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