Mark Cunningham

          Burrowing Owl
          (Athene cunicularia hypugaea)

groperine hopla
introduce mobile slag bracket
rift shatterlurch grab bag
garble rag pulse sack
eremorph? solark(r/h)ush
keep gore echo
radiated rutell
avoid void volt
total rev tirade
smear fume ruse
menu defer snout

          Short-eared Owl
          (Asio flammeus flammeus)

lo-cal vol(tag)e fluctuate
no weigh back arcticket
di(e)hedral gliding
in-creasingly spectrail presence
appear beyond normal core
juveniles escaping steam
echoing behavior

          Northern Saw-whet Owl
          (Aegolius acadicus)

cue beckon banding operations
absense not absence
high-fidelity potential cavities

retisend, radiotellem/try
interirrupt: microtone vol(e)tag(e)
fled(g)ling dark
risk indistinct
dots: raw edge visible now
between bouts may raise bumps

secrete migration? no
scree (r/s)aver
DNA pair bonds
every year other. t/rusting

diff/use sk(r)ew. still (h)ear

          Great Horned Owl
          (Bubo virginianus viginianus)

enlarged periferal
binarising interstatdual
inflimflamation annext

syndiscretion smears
vaccuum infraread
les(s/i)ons learned

least v(ar/o)mit
vigorus plurally
som(e) a some b

helix cre(e)pe
aff(ra/e)ct frequench
(g)lean lymphvoidliferate

nightslight laclunae
one leg forward one leg back
tumorow and tumorow colaps

          Brown Wood Owl
          (Strix leptogrammica)

lackish rim vibrating
narrow horizonetal thro/at
unindate messmash biologicall
processpool t/angle lit(ter/terra)
debris(e) g(r)appull (sw)amp
clu/utter itch c. 0.4 kHz
aIm eeerrr v(i/e)ctor indrainee/er
mir(r)e(o)r stub seconds: several

Mark Cunningham's latest book is Future Words, available in print and as a free pdf from if p then q. He has two books out from Otoliths: 80 Beetles and Helicotremors. An 81-piece sequence on extinction appeared in issue 52 of this journal and as a separate print chapbook.
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