

Jim Leftwich

Garbling the Genes


Quintessence Worried
"to worry the quintessence"
finely detuned

syncretic gnocchi
quibbled Garfish Housel
exchequered gurgle Jettisoned
Do at
A Knife if a fork, then a spoon
fuselage LoGiC
pointillist Gnosis
part-time Tenderized theorizing

orchestraTed consciousness
oRchestral orca maneuvers
orange orchid Raven
Fuzzier than thou
know Forth
lust of the Fish
knowledge is a razor

Did bid giddy hidden middens
conjectural quiddity
Pidgin fiddlesticks
sidereal twaddle Golfing
dribbles fizzled buzzards

Verified scribbled
Seaweed symphony
Vacuum conjugation
cut divides PoX of Zig Zag
cut Visibility
disjunct softly Falling

Disjointed & detuned
freQuently Wobblers
rEWind the wind
rEjected Jacksons
tumult turmeric
either Nor tERminal

yortine RuTTage
uutul the Unless

typhoon Yurts

unrepentant sneaker waves
Onionlike, lambaste
In One Ear and / and
In One porcupine
infinite conjunction
intuitively porrect
acrylic outskirts archipelago
omelette undine
unfinished intelligence mirroring
generative artifice
oblique poultry interstices
insistent scent of
incipient unguent occupant

Highlighted Knitting Bean
kith homemade dejected
halibut unbuttoned
bulbous mirrors
Abandoned otherworld
Stamp prayer
garbling the Genes
given hats given 
hearts twinkling
trembles trembling

Olympic Peninsula Summer 2022
Acentric Partitions Enunciate ________________ I dream you Dream we We dream I You dream Dream you I we dream Tempest unto rye unto rhyme Until / In to the eye of Unrest yellow Jelly time is a yellow Ioam jostle with a jolt Temporary pinto eye Pink eye under thyme Eye tooth & all the rest Fallow belly line Rhymes with fallow time Hustles to a halt hotter Highway Veil of Protein Dimples on a Fume sweltering Smothered in sweat for there is no heat unto intentional otters if protein, then if Protein, then if protein Brothers in sweat Sweating Others Don't sweat the de Tails/ the Devil Is in the sweat Sweet feet Sweeping up Around the Ash Can eXactly aVerage Cauliflower Cauliflower, eXactly Cauliflower cauliflower, yes nor verbs verbs more and no more Nor cauliflower as a verb No more volts Coming in at an angle Obliquely cauliflower Caulk & caul & causal Quirks as quick as verbs Awe why Why why Few and Few and Awe why Ewe Highway Biway we wave The sneaker Waves flew Through and Through / Role Away / the dew Such Are the Days Such as the Days are at the dance, so are the salads The sad salads for a Day before their Bedtime Runcible between the Tines Bedside beside the Road Remember Earlier Rituals Bunk beds Embedded in Bunkers right Behind trouble no more Get Thee behind Yourself, Unless oil gIistens Like a Post Office use your Brain open Utility Iights oil wells Undressed yeIlowless light Riots as such eating DIRT eating it Rewind the Vowels Dirty are the days Gunk & grungy gunk dirty Gunk At the dance filled with salads Full of Salad Sand, and sandy Salads sad as such Role In play The Cue Role no Way the Clue Read right of Way the U- Turn now it's Your turn no My turn Role Role Role Role Role That's the way the poemlights dim The first time me but the other times him Say it once / Mean it twice It looks like Fire But it sounds like Ice Time dreams us We think time Dreams think dust Dust is time Time we dreams dust Is think think dreams Us time dust time Time is us We think time Dreams think dust Dust dreams time
Nevada Fall 2022
Ordinary Duststorm Mind I rEMemBEr cObaLt I RemEMbeR LiThiUM I rEmEmbEr coPpEr ______________ Four castle lip sing Reaper salt Finger trophy Find what it's worth For our turn turning Fork cliff shifting Got the wind to linger Got the caulk expressway Gristle slinging Go melt the gris gris Grow yourself a Fool for the Gizzard Be a crow Nor jumping Jumping like a Jeep Long in the teeth Oil Is better than Oatmeal for a Cow Do it on the dot Down with the dawn Deep in the heat of TaXes Curled up with the Cattle Virginia is such a long time Beside the sea Beside the sea Virginia is such a long ways From you to me Got the wind to jump Got the cows to linger Every eye is an ear Right on Target Right on Time You got to Shake up Every shifter I used to be I snake-toothed goat I riot on the tarmac With a lime With a Lemon and a lime I never could be In Tennessee On my hams & my cheese On my own Own now cow I still can't lump Udder neath the moon I glut on the plot I will do better next Time next time Next time Hi I would like to Jump this High For you Then They started talking About poems and Poets and poetry Until the cows Came home It was of course Too much to munch Glut on the cue Tie Their toes In a knot Glut on the glue Bring their toes To a Boil Jump up on the table With your wig hat on Jump Like the bird is blue Jump A little higher Thank you Hi Just like a poem Because the poem Mirror in the poem-room More than a poem Knit like a poem I wanna be your poem Friends of the poem Did I say poem? Abracadabra the Xeric Xeric Double-edged Sweat Sweating Daredevils Rambling Feverish Fevers Febrile Goatsnake Cattle poems Prodding How long How long Jumping Like a Jeep Knowsis Peeping Itches the Younger Reason Got to Find the Double-edged Cow before The clams Come home
Texas Springs Death Valley California Fall 2022
Asemic Oil Painting #176 = 5: A Poem For The Death Millennium ___________________ having bent having bean having beam having bunt having bend having dent having dean having deem half a dunce having tend having send having sent having mean having seen having seem having seam having sense having since poems Occupy everything even themselves I have nowhere else to be history lessens Jump-cut from the waste land of grim & grinning moons unsound Verify messages ground dawn around Mirrored errors massaged or groomed Maneuvering torn Lard of the Rim Terrible, hard, or more Terrible than normal In the Key of J the keY of L Yes, intentionally -- is that a real question Death walks a tightrope Behind us / Waiting for The Chicken With Feathered Feet / Eating gumdrop Soup / No (hu)man is an Egg unto itself / Verily Strutting like a rooster Around the circular Barnyard / Drinking his Weight in acid rain / We Have had it up to here & will not take it anymore Yikes is not a word yam Onion yucca Our electric yikes Our sliced onions put the poem in the Quincer the Quincer Quincer / put it Under the Rug equation Rug equation Rivers reorganize & revert to American Expressionism Eat an egg, or two Fear no fear itself These episodic memories we snore against our ruin Edifies feat Emphatic Feast versatility recast Cashews five Five cashiers Vendors Edify Ecstatic celadon Echoing Diameter Daring Anneal Augmented Aggrandizing Spherical Silver green Slivers Aspirational Decibels Astonish Sidereal dazzle Adjacent chip Seal Doppler Astronomy echoes rhyming knots on the one the word is not my sun Do not Add Diverse Eardrums Either/Or Teachings wither & Emit Emit The Else of Where The Each of Teach Yortle blue Emulsion Yodder Emu Unction unto Eagle Uncle Uncle Emboss Use us utterly Yordle Us indefinitely Ovoid yawning Undone oxygen yet fancy, fancier On the tongue Heaven-facing peppers Having been traduced He put his metaphor in The coven and He beanstalk dawning On the wall like a Spider on a stone On a grunion raft mirror He cakewalk down The hall and he camel Through the eyewall Like a needle in a Hurricane / Oh yeah / Like a needle In a Hurricane
Nevada Fall 2022
Jim Leftwich writes:

Trust the rust to mask the task.
                — Retorico Unentesi

As if remembering a dream muttered to me by a stranger in another life filled with soil and rubble, I see a Class C cruising a scenic byway — roadsigns written backwards as if photographed in a mirror — quantum entanglement, for example, a mind can never empty itself of its intimate elsewheres.

A mind will be nomadic, or not at all.

I have been meaning to write you, I have been meaning to read you, he said, his mind wandering gainfully — like a sidewinder -- down the dusty washboard roads of western Nevada, it is dawning on me now, as if recollected in sporadic bursts of irregular tranquility.

The ingredients rolled and reduced vitamin frolic, whole syrup baking dischord in feral niacin. For here are the nutritious 19 gram steadily delicious whole energy grains pursued by 50 self serving clans of artificial visitors, grinning in the rain and dancing in the street.

Maybe the good life is not beautiful and maybe the beautiful life is not good, who can say with certainty in a onesizefitsall sentence?

Today in the desert it is cloudy with a 90 percent chance of no precipitation.
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