

Olchar E. Lindsann


              ô,ceans’welld of teardrops
lo    silt sunk of seaslopped refugee
tribute hunting aztec chopped or burn expulsed iberian
       petty em,pyres     weird,lye carven
heft on continental wings yr scales stacked of fleurbloom cadavers
ô magnet implacable     confliction     of rickety or immianent gods

       blood like doves from stumps in flocks
       launch sunward jets   ;   crinkled scorches
       of crispskin smouke    lick relishly
       arisin    slurpd by clouds     of spirit

       tort,oises    shelld in beachy carnage
              spr’all    pon the strand

       deities retching ennervant gasping
              on scalps of wither-grass

              twin  yon  dirt   mounds
              cain  pon  abel      beachd 

                              Gone For

                            be: Gone!   a-sail for
                            verdant    roasting    cruci-
                     ble – dome of clearest Cryst-
al : emptyrean tongue of nations, fishscale lapis : trans-
late yr-rope’d mind empty with eur hydra’speech unlock
                                   enochian temples
                     bark-huskd , hunchd likeunto
                                   dirt cuppd earen;
                     gone to matriarchal virgin-
       al : teeming crowdy ne-place, ay trans-
plant our spiritseed à freshlet mountain w’holy other
              familial inslet   roanokes of shellhoarde;
              h’ark of coven, ants drag rosy cross-
              ing oer the supracartographic curve
                            gone    over to th’Other’s 
              side-real oven    deaer t’win ores  a-melt
                     growing verdant lion stalks 
              anew as sacred children    sins washed    out in th’
              glistring sound;    gnosticking, trans-
              scend golgothic farms of skulls; trans-
mute    stark woods within    our Prime’val Materia
                     for physick launch yon sylvan pill-
                     grim age, ô slavery in phil-
                     o’Sophia ravaged, let us be gone
                            o croatan    no-place,
                            hybride groom for all
                                   within our fond re-
                                   tort , occulted
                                   in th’deepest wood 

                Primall Dance conFusion

       atavistic merry dance o rings
                            roundever rush
              – green man rushing wild ringly 
trip we rural ribald ribband morris round!
              – glooscap gambols gaïly swirl
              drumfeets grassmat sylvish orbit!
              joyous singing ouroboros 
       ever swifter evers’wifter streams
                     o world dis,solved to streaks :
                     gloochriscapt dances  solved
                     ô deluge with   in us
                     organic sacred gears
                     in deinascentce lockd
              we dizzify dogma unto death!
                     we syncrefeye   dazz’led  
                     in circles fun per fiection
       eyes spun   blindead   to dusty demi,urge
                     in   to unbalanced being
                            pvritmal     impure
                            our new world
                     ,hybred   ecstatic   hub,
                                          to be  
                   Merrymount Revel’ation
               “ad a poem in readiness made which 
                was fixed to the Maypole,  to show 
                the new name conf”
                              – Thomas Morton, The New 
                                   English Canaan (1637)

                         ! full mightlie, ô Hermes
                    prowess-mage of three:
               corpescent rod this totem to thee
          spinning skin-mix colours we in Merrie
               wino rut proximity
               hammerd on equalitie
               tinker-toast in Spirit Free
     aye minervan bacchus horned et randie 
cummeth forthe in fountains spasmed forthe with poesie
               ecstatic race love heresy
in fernal gallop round we sabbat-ring thy jutting-pole, nor nary
tumbles streamers tugged centrifugal in stumble-run in dizzy
     as caduceus tethered at its head full tightlie
          spinneth-squeeze your prikking mast so nicelie
          screw the aire into with shaft-head hornie
               proudful mounts thee world-wise Sophie
               :ô Sophia, daunce and please:
               thus our Masque of Anarchy
               tripping drunk on ecstasie
               thus our lusty alchemie
               shouting out in poetry
          :ô Hermes our Merrie Mount of Heresy!

               “less. He was nailed to a tree, and he 
                became fruit of the knowledge o”
                              – Valentinus?  The Gospel 
                                   of Truth (c.150)
                    ~~!~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MoUrnful Mount’s in/Junction
         ‟he lord of misrule and maintained (as it we
           re) a school of Atheism.”
          – William Bradford, On Plymouth Plantation

         ‟se Revels, so much distasted by these moles.”
          – Thomas Morton, New English Canaan.

bewarey! darkling spirits from treetip spigots flow
                salvage imppulse atavistic, in
                spire horn-topd lofted;
bewary! midsty beast-mobs quite secreted, foliage close infolded
                bumps blood torrents, floats
                runners of the grim woods;
bewary! animystic deities their dance therein whirl windly
                with sophia, short of pneuma, so
                trans, – lation, ported grinning she;
bewary! fier’cely freedomes laughter arcs oer, headless ace
                -phale o’ imppure mirthgod, o
                earth, auncommon treadsury
bewary! peril’us all willd’erness: dagon anarchs merry ring

                      Exile o Grace
     ‟d why do you call me to teach the cour”
                     – Anne Hutchinson

                     t, ruth     encap/i
       solated grâce monopoly
              sangre  segre-  anger
‟ecu,Men, i call     anathema
       -gate clasps     close our wombless god”
       tryall   glorysinged    feminine
       ‟bvanish thee     ,Other     t’read
antimoneyan mongst salvages’ grace”

       ‟cure, the whole world was his path.”
                     – Iroquois legend of Ga-nus-quah.

              t,ruth     sweet from the    pulp it
       flow’rs    pull sing    protean
              see’kin g,p reach for blinding
       blaze of    grâce    subliminate
dagon re-arisen   gloryus sacred hydra –
       ‟bvanish thee     ,Other     tread et
s’peak free, spirit salve,age holy masques of grace”

     ‟eral and unlimited toleration of all relig
       ions, and fo”
                     – Nathaniel Morton on Roger Williams

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