Xe M. Sánchez
Agora quiciabes nun yes a decatate
de qu’un poema
ye un cruce de caleyes cósmicu,
un moyón etéreu
nos mapes interestelares.
Pero imaxina cuántes coses
tuvieren qu’axuntase
y cuántu tiempu tuvo que degolar
pa lleer nesti intre les mios pallabres.
Dizse que los vieyos dioses
ficieren el mundiu,
qu’ellos ficieren l’Universu.
Poro nós enxamás
sedremos como ellos,
porque nós, como munchu,
namái podremos desanicialu
(y nin siquier eso).
Tas camentando que los ovnis
namái son chiplateríes
de xente llocu o xente enfiláu.
Ye verdá qu’enfilaos y llocos
hai a esgaya nesti mundiu,
pero menos qu’ovnis.
Por exemplu, llector,
si recites esti poema cola to voz
esnalando pel aire,
ye tamién un ovni
porque nel fondu,
nun me conoces
y el soníu tamién ye materia.
Maybe now you cannot realize
that a poem
is a cosmic crossroad,
an ethereal landmark
in the interstellar maps.
But imagine how many things
have had to mix
and how many time has had to pass
to read in this moment my words.
It is said that the ancient gods
have made the world,
that they have made the Universe.
That is why we never
will be like them,
because we, at best,
only will able to destroy it
(and not even that).
You are thinking that the UFOs
are only hearsay
from crazy or drunk people.
It’s true that there are a lot
of drunk and crazy people in this world,
but less than UFOs.
For example, reader,
if you recite this poem with your voice
flying through the air,
it also a UFO,
because, ultimately,
you do not know me
and the sound is also matter.
Translated from the Asturian by the author.
Xe M. Sánchez was born in 1970 in Grau (Asturies, Spain). He received his Ph.D in History from the University of Oviedo in 2016, he is anthropologist, and he also studied Tourism and three masters. He has published in Asturian language seven books and several publications in journals and reviews in Asturies, USA, Portugal, France, Sweden, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, India, England, Canada, Reunion Island, China, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Austria, Turkey, Singapore, Germany and Japan.
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