Mike Callaghan

to do or say, hand-to-hand combat

a privileged perception sold for so much that it was immpossible to overlook the purified mainstreamed consumptionist conceptual bankruptcy globally understood in a way that exceeds status accidentally cartoonish and recherché

spatio-temporally intrinsic meaning in the content stratum fragmented into constituents of micro expressions of the you-werethere essence of the you have it or you don’t ethos of the naked truth freedom-now mouse trap destruction passage

socializing power ecstasy

eating shitting fucking sleeping masturbating
shame vulnerability

the circular planner watching an endless succession of images derived from the earliest registered jejun experience simply and having to construct meanings rather than just to consume them to consider a subjectivity which can formulate positions more or less freely

                                                                                  tired       edges
                                                                                  busy       top
                                                                                  can’t       bottom

to do or say, hand-to-hand combat

Mike Callaghan’s work focuses on fragmentation, rearrangement and reinterpretation — considering the intimate cycles of identity, self-preservation and mortality — in a moment when frameworks of relationships are at once prominently visible and exhaustively hidden.

His work has appeared in a number of publications, including ZYZZYVA, Der Greif, BlackFlash, Drain, Crooked Teeth, Barzakh, Otoliths and The Shanghai Literary Review.

He earned an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute.
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