Barnaby Smith


they have—

                    the black market in electric potential
                      the doornail that is not dead
                         primary schools in the middle of the night
                           developed unproductive time
                             private collections lying dormant 
                                perfected the end of melody
                                  radiology in corridors
                                    reported looting
                                    pretended to remember
                                   history in 8-bit
                                 more after these messages
                               Dransfield’s head on a plate
                              judged coast versus coast

The Estate

Barnaby Smith is a poet, critic, journalist and musician living on Darug and Gundungurra land in New South Wales, Australia. Recent work has appeared or will appear in journals such as Blackbox Manifold, Stand, 3AM, Erbacce, Orbis, Marble, Molly Bloom and Blaze Vox, as well as Cordite, Southerly, Australian Poetry Journal, Australian Poetry Anthology, Best Australian Poems, and more. He is an award-winning art and music critic, and records music under the name Brigadoon, having released the album, Itch Factor, in 2020: www.brigadoon.bandcamp.com
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