Marty Hiatt

in the square

in the wreck where children play
screaming in the fountain
and trash and art gallery signage
shimmer with the same light, in
the wreck where we hold
to our sticky underwear and poison,
smack laser lips at graffiti
and move wormlike through
trash that we read exultant
with the skillz they taught us in 16
years of homogeneity class,
in the wreck we stick
to glowing trash clip cables
to yell into rotted wires,
in the wreck we comma
into glowing sticky stains
they CDRW sugar into our
smacked dog faces that the holes
all over everything are just big
enough to nuzzle into we trash the wreck
with our heads down holes all
over everything into somewheres else,
sing bented jingles through smashed
teeth smashed lips, we yell plastic
forks rescue trash held hostage
in the fountain for posterity,
you can yell you can record
your yell you can open a shop with
nothing in it but a PA blaring
your autotuned yell and soon retire you
are a crinkle in the paper
graffiti moulds you gentle
into a silver spiral, writes on your
skins with bottle caps and rotted
murmuring take out, youve
been smeared into a sorta body a body
sorta owned by a married couple
of worms that want only
to play the pianola so much they
are collecting rot to assemble a
pianola, an adhesive pianola, they are
saving up to build an adhesive pianola
factory that increases output by
an order of magnitude every hr.

drugs and bombed elevated railways
for dinner, glowing trash delivered instantly
to the exact hole you dont want yr muzzle
to have to be stuffed into, delivered into your
arse by a naughty smacking slipper, mmmhm,
yeah, mmmhm, thats what i ordered, now sated i
feel so really lovely and so really ready to yell,
im mainly interested in contemporary yelling,
moreso than traditional, the trash is
the trash is radiant the trash is fucking smoking
hot we are the trashs radiating in
the wreck we are so much the trash we have
to yell glowing yells handbag yells married yells
in new hormonies stained spanked yells
that you can adulterate and take in order
to multiply yourself into boxes of poison
speaking poison speaking is poison
speaking radiant out of your arse into the
wreck coz yr smashed face is too stuffed
into one of the closed holes all over
coz they dont deliver the glowing trash
and drugs you want to any other one
but this one, this bolted hole this muzzle
-shaped cupful of grease where the worms
live that own that body the authorities’
database has nicknamed “yours”, at least
for now, theres an expiry on it pegged
to an unknown number of pianola numbers.

in the wreck the dreck is nicknamed
yours you are temp nicknamed dreck
under the massive glowing cool boughs
superintending trash intuited en masse
by monogamous worms practicing pianola
factory making in the wreck, where

      blood yells
                             thru shopfronts

                                  , yells over
towering blood-red hollyhocks

                       , hubs
                 of wise stains and cables

, under looping white civilian tanks.

we are the drugs the glowing trash
would take if it could find our dealer
we are the pills sticky forward-looking
worms bed down with in the gradually
blooming wreck of spirit
where by vibration they track
sick dogs shaved bare into a melody
whose score their prints leave,
darknesses in the otherwise glow,
we are the drugs the drugs made
to sell to the glowing stickiness
of the other drugs

                                 , in the wreck
                we step forth
                                  into the held-out sleeves
                     of our tailor-made dosage;

         by the millions, insects suicide
                     , upon our eyeballs


what we get
what we have
what we have to
what we have got
what we get to have
what we have to get
what we get to have to
what we do
what we have to do
what we get to do
what we do to get
what we get to have to do
what we do to have
what we have to get to do
what we have to have to do
what we have to do to get
what we get to have to have to get
what we have to get to get to have
what we get to have to do to get to do

what we have to get to have to do to get to have to get to do to get to get

what we get to have to get to get to have to do to get to have to have to get to have to do to get to get

we have to get to get, we have to do to do, we have to have to have, we have to have to to have

we get to get to get, we do to do to do, we have to have to have to have to have

we have to get to have to do to get, we have to have to get to have, we have to do to get to have, we have to do to get to get to get to have, we have to get to have to do to get to have, we have to go

where we go

where we go to do, where we go to have, where we go to have to do, where we have to go to do, where we have to go to get,

where we go to have to do to get to have, go to have to do to get to go, where we go to have to get to have to do, where we get to go, where we get to go to do, where we get to go to have to do, where we get to go to have to do to get to have, where we get to have to go, where we get to have to go to have to do to have to have to have to go to have to get to have to do to have to have to have to go

where we get to have to do, where we get to go to have, where we have to go, we have to go to where we have to go to do,

where we have to go to do what we have to go do

we have to go, we have to have, we have to do, we have to, we have to have to

say, what say, what do, what have what go what are, what aim what spire what bed.

what we say
what we have to say
what we say we do
what we do to say
where we go to say
what we go to say
what we say to get
what we say we have
what we say we have to get
what we say we have to have
what we get to say
what we get to have to say
what we have to get to say
what we say we have got to get where we say we go to get to have
where we say we have to go to get to have
where we go to say what we have to have
where we go to say what we have to say

what we have to say to get
what we have to do to get to say

what we get to say we have to do to get
what we have to do to get to say where we have to go to get to have

what we have to have to get to say
what we have to do to get to go where we have to to say what we have to say

what we have to say to get to do what we have to do to get to have what we have to have to get to say

what we have to say to get to go where we have to go to do what we have to do to get to have what we have to have to get to say

what we say we have to do, what we have to do
what we have to say we get to do, what we have to say we get to have,
what we say we have to do to get to have what we have to have
what we say we have to have to get to do what we have to do to get to say
what we say we have to have to get to go where we have to go to get to do what we have to to get to say what we have to go get done

what we get to say we have to say, we say what we have to, we say what we have to say, we say we have to say, we say what we get to say, we say we have to get to say, we say we have to get to say what we have to say, we say we have to go, we say we have to get what, we say we get to have, we say we have to do to have, we say we get to do what we have to do, we say we have to go do what we have to do, we say we have to say what we have to say to get to do, we say what

we say where we have to go to get to do what we have to

we say what we have to say to get to do what we have to do to get to get what we have to get to get to have what we have to have to get munted

what we have to do to get to say what we have to say to get to do what we have to to get what we have to get to get to have what we have to have to get to get munted

what we have to do to get to say what we have to do to get to say what we have to say to get to do what we have to to get to get what we have to get to get to have a do to get to get munted

we get sick
we have to get sick
what we have to do to get sick
what we have to do to get what we have to to get sick

we get munted to get sick

we get munted to have to go get sick

we get munted to go get fucked up to have to get sick

we do have to get fucked up

what we have to have, what we have to do to get fucked up, where we have to go to get fucked up to get to get munted to get sick

what we have to do to get to say where we have to go to get to go where we have to go to do what we have to to get what we have to get to get to have a do to get munted to get sick

we have a do
we have a do to do what we have to to get munted to get fucked up
we have a do to do what we have to
we have to have a do
what we have to do to have a do
we do what we have to to have a do
we have to have a do to get to do what we have to do
we do what we have to to get to have a do to get to have what we have to have to do what we have to do
what we have
what we have to get munted
we have to get munted
what we have to get munted to say what we have to say
what we have to have to get munted to get to say what we have to say
what we get
what we get to get munted
what we have to get to get to get munted
we have to have a do to get munted
what we have to say to have a do to get to get munted to say what we have to say
what we do to get munted
we have what we have to have to get to get munted
we have to have a do to get to have what we have to have to get to get munted
what we have to say to get to go do what we have to do to get to have a do to get to have what we have to have to get to get munted

what we have to say to get munted

what we have to get to have a do to get munted

what we have to do to get to go say what we have to to get to have a do to get munted to get sick

we have a do
we get sick
we get munted to get sick
we have to go get fucked up to get sick
we have what we have to to get fucked up
we get fucked up
we get fucked
we get up
we have to get up
we get up sick
we get up fucked
what we have to do to get up
we do what we have to to get up
we get up fucked up, we get up munted
we get to get up fucked
we have to get fucked up to get up fucked
we get up fucked to get to get fucked up
we have what we have to have to get up
fucked up, we get to get up, we get to have to get up, we get to have to do what we have to to get up

we get up to do, we get up to have, we get up to go, we get up to go do what we have to, we get up to do what we have to do to get to have, we get up to go to say what we have to say, we get to have to get up to do what we have to do to go get what we have to have to get to say what we have to say, we get up fucked to have what we have to have to go get sick to go do, we get up to go do what we have to do to get to say, we get up to do to get to have what we have to have to get to do what we have to, we get to have to get up to go where we have to go to do what we have to to get what we have to get to do, we get to have to get up to do what we have to do to get to do what we do, we have to have what we have to have to get up fucked up, we get to have to get up munted to have to go do what we have to do to get to have what we have to have to have a do to get to have what we have to have to get to get munted to say what we have to say:

whereupontofore unforesmelt cakes of cost that brode pon groish mi-duntay flacksama blast dun, I II sayz! whon croped thund in a whoozi? welln, blog-oh-gog-go thi marsh uv tha lotta em boish flickn crat gobs! crat gobs that lotta em, thundna doon whooz, thundn wooondze!

what the bone, what the plea, whence the fire whence the drone, whoa dragoon, whoa maroon, whoa cocoa, where you goin w groin.

irreperable swamp, irre swampable rep

move forward in stead, like birdsong,,, unpreventable,,, like birdsong

eggs fall to the earth, cover it, & hatch, wetting everything.

Marty Hiatt is a poet and translator from Narrm/Melbourne, living in Berlin. He is the author of Paraphrenia (Materials/Materialien, UK/DE), and the months of, Notes Away, Back to Noise, The Manifold, and Hard-line (self-published with Baulk Press). He is the translator of Nathalie Quintane's Tomatoes (Kenning Editions, 2022), and is currently translating Christophe Tarkos’s Le Signe =. Some poems, tirades, books + translations are available at https://anarchive.mooo.com.
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